
  1. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] A Random Assortment of Important Messages (25 Messages) – Lady of Light – July 31, 2012

    Lady of Light July 31, 2012 I have been gathering random channeled bits of information for the past 6 months. These pieces of information, at this time, cannot be elaborated on as no further information is coming in on any of these subjects. So this leads me to present the...
  2. 2

    [Idea!] H.A.A.R.P. Theory of mine" Possible?

    I've been thinking about the weird weather we've been having, the drloughts in the midwest, the severe weather, and now apparently the "greening" of Greenland re: the ice sheet melting. Anyway what if H.A.A.R. P can really control the weather. What if they are trying to convince the...
  3. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Taking The Fear Away: December 21st 2012 – It’s Not The End Of The World – Lady of Light, July 3 2012

    Lady of Light July 3rd, 2012 With the 2012 ‘end-date’ looming, it is important to talk about what’s going on. For the last couple of days, I have been bombarded with messages that I am being told to share NOW. Today (July 3rd, 2012) is the strongest push to get the ‘right’...
  4. R

    Iranian VP: ‘Zionist control international drug trade’

    Speaking at a UN-sponsored conference commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Tehran – Iran’s first vice-president Mohammad Reza Rahimi, said that Zionists control international narcotics business which they use to destroy human societies across the...
  5. C

    Cyclic quads

    Ignorance is sad. :( I'm betting that not A SINGLE ONE OF YOU knows what a cyclic quadrilateral is without googling it. That is terrible. Stop believing in false conspiracies, and learn about the beauty of the universe. All these are equivalent: ABCD is cyclic <ABC+<CDA=180 <BCD+<DAB=180...
  6. 2

    Hello Everyone

    I ran across this website from a new found friend on another website, unfortunately I don't know if she uses the same name on this site so, I couldn't use her as a referral. So, I liked what I saw and decided to join. One can never have enough sites,like this when seeking and communicating the...
  7. Amaterasu

    A Planetary Solution: The End of Entropy

    Because this addresses so many topics here - Economy / Currency, Technology / Science, Freeman-On-The-Land / Sovereign, HAARP / Ionospheric weapons, Illuminati / Secret Societies / Cults, Eye Openers, and a few others - I figured NWO rather covers them all. And so, without ado, The End of...
  8. Truth Vibrations

    Hitler's Escape - Coast to Coast AM 13.5.2012 - with author Peter Levenda

    Yet another Hitler Conspiracy: Peter Levenda is a well known author of books on the Nazi's, Manson, and Freemasonry. We talk about the secret space program, Nazi involvement with NASA. Sinister Forces, the Manson murders. We also discuss "coincidence" and synchronicity. Also the assassination...
  9. 100th Monkey

    Fulford Interviewee Mr. Romanov Offers Bounty on NWO Heads!

    And outgoing in English by a descendant of the Romanov dynasty Illumina tee. Mr. Alexander Romanov is information about the "Illuminati" involved. Is very interesting. (English) Is a digest of only the portion of the testimony portion of the English...
  10. Truth Vibrations

    Official Bankster Dictionary -- Smart Humor

    US Federal Reserve = European controlled private bank. Central Bank = Counterfeiting Ring Leader Nobel Prize Winning Economists = Banking Shill Propaganda Puppets, by and large, awarded with Ivy League tenure, that a 3rd-grader well schooled in monetary truths can generally discredit...
  11. 100th Monkey

    [Must Read!] The HIP HOP / RAP Music Conspiracy

    An early HIP-HOP/RAP record exec tells how the industry was infiltrated in the early years.. The reason- SO THEY COULD KEEP THE PRISONS FULL!!! Read this.. We love a good conspiracy theory. But even the ones that ring true can’t always be trusted. But then again, our entire global history...
  12. Denise

    MMS on Trial - Grand Jury to Determine the Fate of Daniel Smith (and MMS)

    Project Green life and MMS are on trial by the FDA. Stating that MMS and Sodium Chlorite are drugs subject to regulation by the FDA. "- MMS on Trial - Grand Jury to Determine the Fate of Daniel Smith (and MMS)" More here... Please take a stand to help save MMS and Daniel Smith from the FDA...
  13. Denise

    President Obama's lawyer confesses Obama's birth certificate is phony!

    This is from Beat Obama PAC It’s official. The man sitting in the highest public office in America is an outlaw and has no legitimate claim to the White House. Any member of the House of Representatives or the United States Senate who says that Barack Obama is a legitimate office-holder...
  14. Denise

    Mind Control Through the Digital TV- Here Is Your Proof !

    Digital TV: Mind Control by the Sound of Silence A. True Ott, PhD, ND | Educate 71,924 views December 15, 2008 Editor’s Note This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum...
  15. Truth Vibrations

    John Lear is 'Back' on C2C - 9-11 Conspiracies & Lunar Civilizations..!

    Date: 03-31-12 Host: John B. Wells Guests: John Lear Retired airline captain and former CIA pilot, John Lear, joined host John B. Wells for a discussion on 9-11 conspiracies and lunar civilizations. Dr. Joseph Resnick, who owns mineral rights on the Moon, popped on during the final half...
  16. R

    SPLC’s top 10 Islamophobes

    The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has published its intelligence Report exposing the ten top Islam haters in America. They all have one thing in common – they’re ‘Israel-Firsters’. The list includes Bill French, Brigitte Gabriel (Lebanon’s maid of darkness), P. David Gaubatz (a Zionist...
  17. Denise

    [Must Read!] Model and Reality TV star "Tila Tequila" EXPOSES the Illuminati's control of the Entertainment industry!

    Actress and model Tila Tequila exposes the illuminati on her website, here are some of the posts for everybody read. Her entire website was actually taken down. Her posts were removed never to be seen again, until now! Here is the text from Tila Tequila post before there were removed: The...
  18. New UFO Hunter


    Over the past 50 years, billions of dollars have been spent visiting our nearest neighbor in space, the moon. It's the only extraterrestrial body humans have ever walked on. Besides the United States and Russia, Japan, China, India and the European Space Agency have all sent robotic spacecraft...
  19. R

    Who killed the ‘Proud Jew’ Andrew Breitbart?

    “You cannot be objective when it comes to right and wrong. And Israel is the right. So, I’m a biased journalist, and I’m having a great time doing that,” Andrew Breitbart speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition event in 2001. On March 1, the Jewish daily Forward in its editorial proclaimed...
  20. Denise

    Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviews 'Whistelblower' Stew Webb

    1st March, 2012