
  1. D

    Purpose Of Clouverse: Conspiracy Investigation

    Detroit, Michigan — Clouverse is a group-oriented, forum-based social network for collaborative discussions on conspiracy theories. Group-oriented, in that Clouverse focuses on the community solving the major conspiracies underlining the world. Members, called investigators, collaborate on...
  2. D

    Major Conspiracies Linked Together Through Subtle “Clous”

    Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan — Can a conspiracy lead to more conspiracies? Researchers conjoin a resounding yes. Studies relate once a person believes in a conspiracy, a belief in more follows. Yet, this correlate associates independent on belief. Often dependent upon circumstances, such simple...
  3. tonybinca

    Hi Everybody

    I have been a truther and so-called "conspiracy theorist" since even before 9/11, which just cemented my certainty of major conspiracies occurring throughout history. I'm a husband and a father and want to see my kids grow up in a world where the truth is valued and the systemic liars are just...
  4. Lady of Light

    The Problem With Conspiracy People

    "The problem with conspiracy people is that they think 100% of everything is a conspiracy which only makes the problems of this world worse. Yes, there are conspiracies going on, and we should be aware, but when you believe that everything is a conspiracy, you become paranoid; and when you are...
  5. ianchris948

    [Confirmed!] United States Press Secretary's Conspiracy to Commit Murder

    Earlier this year I joined this community and brought an unsolved mystery to the forum regarding the mysterious death of a Los Angeles film producer named Michael R. Goss. Last month I recognized someone I knew giving a press conference at the White House and after I confronted that individual...
  6. R

    Ottawa: ‘Iran has Al-Qaeda ties’

    Islamophobe Stephen Harper government never misses an opportunity to make its points with Tel Aviv by bashing Muslims and Iran. Canadian author and blogger Greg Felton has called Stephen Harper an Israeli “proconsul”. On March 19, 2013, Felton claimed that Stephen Harper’s majority victory in...
  7. P

    The New Girl

    Hello, I am new here. I stumbled across this forum and thought it was pretty cool. I love conspiracy theories and debunking rumours of world catastrophes such as doomsday theories. I don't believe in doomsday prophecies, I feel like they are the smoke covering the screen, or the government...
  8. ianchris948

    "Organized Stalking" - How to recognize the Perpetrators hired to attack "Targeted Individuals"

    The Perpetrators Who would want this job? What is a Perpetrator? A Perpetrator is anyone who has been trained to harass, torture, maim, and kill a Target, either by direct means, or by covert means including, electronic, biological, or "accidental" means. Career perps make a good living...
  9. R

    Lord Ahmed suspended for blaming Jewish Lobby

    British opposition Labour Party has suspended its Muslim peer, Pakistani-born Lord Nazir Ahmed on the charges that he named Jewish group for conspiring behind the imprisonment he received in 2007 over a fatal motorway crash. Lord Nazir Ahmed, in a recent interview with a Pakistan TV channel...
  10. R

    Hugo Chavez leaves ‘Free World’ orphan

    “For my brother Chavez, that Olympic champion of new socialist ideas,” wrote former Cuban revolutionary President Fidel Castro to Chavez in the dedication of a book given to him in Havana in 2006. Yesterday, hundreds of millions of victims of western colonial powers around the world, mourned...
  11. R

    Oscars goes ‘anti-Semitic’

    First, I must confess that I did not watch this year’s Oscars Award ceremony on Sunday – like the last year or the year before. In fact I have never watched it because it has nothing to do with the real life. So why am I writing on this topic? Well, you can blame my curiosity watching how the...
  12. ianchris948

    Modern Day Prophecy and Tangible Intangibility

    Deuteronomy 20:1 When you go into war against your enemies and see horses and and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt will be with you My entire life the universe has always seemed to respond to me...
  13. R

    Turkey’s SCO membership upsets Jewish lobby

    On January 25, 2013, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Ankara may say goodbye to its wish to join European Union (EU) and join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). “SCO is much better – much more powerful. Pakistan wants in. India wants in as well,”, said...
  14. R

    Hagel and the nonexistent ‘Friends of Hamas’

    Zionist logic: “Since former Sen. Chuck Hagel refused to bid for Israel, he must be receiving money from Hamas or Iran!”. That’s the logic which drove Ben Shapiro, Jewish Breitbart News’ editor-at-large, to post a lie on February 7, 2013, titled ‘Secret Hagel Donor?: White house Spox Ducks...
  15. R

    Jewish Lobby: ‘Iran has nukes’!

    The Jewish media is not in the habits of practicing journalistic ethics when it comes to reporting about the Islamic Republic. The latest example is an article by Lee Smith published in Jewish Tablet Magazine, on february 14, 2013. In the article, the Jewish journalist claims that since “North...
  16. ianchris948

    [Idea!] YouTube, Alex Jones, Disinformation and Propaganda

    I'm not sure if this is the correct forum but I would like to share an observation. I have noticed a number of "conspiracy theory" documentary-type videos on YouTube, some of which appear to me as fake.The thought crossed my mind that YouTube might be pushing this content in order to spark some...
  17. V

    Hello everybody!

    My username is Vermeiren and I am new to this site. I listen to Alex Jones as often as I can. I am learniing about nutrition and how the global elites have been poisoning our water supply. I also watch conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura as often as I can. I don't have cable so I do it...
  18. ianchris948

    [Must Watch!] This is no conspiracy theory

    This is the final clip to a video I put together. Youtube removed the final edit. I am not allowed to post links yet but the Youtube link ends with " ad9ZVqMBd2E "
  19. ianchris948

    [Must See!] B*tch please! I am Ale-Ale-Alejandro! Yes, that one. So you've heard of me?

    My name is Alejandro and this isn't the first forum community I have joined. I always manage to get myself kicked out and banned for life so please feel free to place your bets at how long I’ll last here. Sometimes I get kicked out for saying I wrote a book. No one ever likes that, I still...
  20. R

    Iran-Armenia: ‘The Unkosher Alliance’

    Last week Iran received significant numbers of visitors from Israel Hasbara Committee. It began with the claim that Tehran is avoiding to meet P5+1 regarding US-Israel fears that Iran is in the process of acquiring a nuclear bomb to ‘wipe Israel off map’; followed up by the claim of a huge...