

    The Book of the Dead Man

    Live as if you were already dead. I. About the Dead Man and Vertigo The dead man skipped stones till his arm gave out. He showed up early to the games and stayed late, he played with abandon, he felt the unease in results. His medicine is movement, the dead man alters...
  2. Denise

    "THE VOICE OF SPIRIT IS CALLING" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

    Message from Archangel Michael LM-9-2011 "THE VOICE OF SPIRIT IS CALLING" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, as the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve. As part of...

    Hunting Star Clusters? Orion and Bull Constellations Point the Way

    Two of the very best star clusters for skywatchers are high in our evening sky and toward the south at around 8 p.m. EST (0100 GMT). You can easily locate them by using the famous three-star belt of the constellation Orion, the Mighty Hunter. Two of the very best star clusters for...

    NASA to Announce New Discoveries About Alien Planets

    This artist's illustration shows the Kepler planet-hunting telescope as it jettisons its dust cover, to open its sensitive camera eye on the cosmos. JAN 31, 2010 NASA scheduled the press conference for 1 p.m. EST (1800 GMT) at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. NASA's Kepler spacecraft is...

    Great Hunter Orion Now Looms Large in the Night Sky

    If you look about due south around 9 p.m. your local time this week, you may see a familiar sight dominating our winter skies: the Great Hunter or Celestial Warrior, Orion, the most brilliant of the constellations and visible from every inhabited part of the Earth. This Orion constellation sky...

    The March West

    The Redcoats brought their law to the borderlands and lawlessness with it. From the two, local economies were born, these dead towns that make the maps wrong now, barely a ruin at a crossroads to mark their passing, deserted in the ageless prospect. To drive the trail is to go unremarked on, a...

    Winter Stargazing: Orion and Friends Shine Brightly

    After the Big Dipper, probably the best known grouping of stars in the sky is the constellation Orion. Lying on the celestial equator, Orion is an "equal opportunity" constellation, visible from all parts of the world except for the extreme polar regions. [See a star map of Orion and nearby...

    Get ready for a total eclipse of the Moon

    On the morning of December 21 (or the night of the 20th for those in the western United States), plan to get out your lawn chairs, binoculars, and low-power eyepieces. And, this year, you’d better add a blanket. The first total lunar eclipse in nearly 3 years is on its way. This event will...

    Distant Star Enveloped By Ingredients for Fake Diamonds

    A faraway star sparkles with the largest amount of zirconium — the stuff fake diamonds are made from — ever seen, according to a new study. The star has about 10,000 times more zirconium than our sun, in a form never recorded by astronomers before, researchers said. The strange star also has...
  10. Unhypnotized

    PALENQUE and The 13 MOON MAyan Calendar- Importance

    A brief Info for the those who still don't know the mystic relevance of the Mayan Calendar. History The name Palenque (Palisade) is Spanish and has no relation to the city’s ancient name, which may have been Lakamha (Big Water). Palenque was first occupied around 100 BC, and...
  11. CASPER

    2012 The Mayan Calendar

    2012 The Mayan Calendar What most intrigues scholars is not the beginning dates of the Mayan calendar, but the projected end of all cycles date, known to us as December 21, 2012. The Mayan's studied the stars and developed an extremely advanced calendar. A calendar that most would agree is...
  12. Denise

    So... Who ARE the Galactic Federation of Light Anyway???

    We keep getting information on the comming disclosure so I thought I would ask the question. "The “Galactic Federation of Light” was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from creating galactic wars and conquering different star systems that were dominating...
  13. CASPER

    Active Galaxies Flare and Fade in Fermi Telescope All-Sky Movie

    he gamma-ray sky comes alive in a movie made from data acquired by NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope during its first three months of operations. Gamma rays from sources near and far turn the sky into a hypnotic froth. The sun arcs serenely across the northern sky as active galaxies called...
  14. CASPER

    European Southern Observatory unveils an interactive, 360° panoramic view of the enti

    The first of three images of the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) GigaGalaxy Zoom project — a new 800-million-pixel panorama of the entire sky as seen from ESO's observing sites in Chile — is now available. The project allows stargazers to explore and experience the universe as it is seen...
  15. R

    The stone spheres of Costa Rica

    The stone spheres of Costa Rica Monday, July 6, 2009 In Costa Rica there are hundreds of stone balls that are not equal in terms of size or weight, but all perfectly round. After many balls in the time of colonization by mining or military exercises were damaged or destroyed, the bulbs...
  16. CASPER

    Kepler mission data to go through Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

    The institute's role is to convert the raw science data into files that can be analyzed by Kepler researchers and to store the files every 3 months in an archive. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore is partnering on a historic search for Earth-size planets around other...
  17. CASPER


    Saturn's Rings: As Saturn travels around the Sun, we see its majestic ring system from different angles. These images were taken with the Hubble Space Telescope from the year 1996 (bottom left) to 2000 (top right). Notice how thin the rings are! They are 300,000 km across, and only a kilometer...
  18. CASPER

    You and your loved ones are in acute danger! Race riots and slaughter of americans wi

    On July 4, 1992, at a UFO convention in Arcadia, CA, Mr. Michael Younger, a member of the super-secret COM-12 group and a scientist who worked at Groom Lake, Area 51 in Nevada, stunned the audience of over 200 people with the following incredible information, which, if true, endangers the lives...
  19. R

    What should we expect in 2012?

    What should we expect in 2012? Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Thousands of years ago mankind had achieved a high level of technological development. They understand the laws of nature better than we do. They explored Antarctica and spent the entire world map. They built monuments that we even with...
  20. R

    UFO Sightings go to Long Beach, California (photos)

    UFO Sightings go to Long Beach, California (photos) Thursday, March 19, 2009 Witness statement (unedited): From 6:59 to 7:25 pm on March 17th, 2009, my sons and I saw another UFO in the skies over Long Beach, California. We were in the backyard of our home taking pictures of whatever...