

    NASA to try to free stuck Mars rover Spirit

    LOS ANGELES – For NASA's stuck Mars rover, the Spirit may be willing, but the wheels could prove too weak. The space agency on Thursday outlined a rescue plan to try to free the rover Spirit, which has been bogged in a sand trap on the red planet for half a year. The risky operation is expected...

    Moon crash works - there is water there

    WASHINGTON – Scientists who crashed two spacecraft into a crater on the moon said on Friday they found water in the dust they kicked up, just as they had hoped. The barely visible plume knocked into the air by NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite or LCROSS mission last month...

    Splash! NASA moon strikes found significant water

    LOS ANGELES – It turns out there's lots of water on the moon — at least near the lunar south pole. The discovery announced Friday comes from an analysis of data from a spacecraft NASA intentionally crashed into the moon last month. "Indeed, yes, we found water. And we didn't find just a little...
  4. Unhypnotized

    300 Seat Airliner Crash Test will Prove Official 9/11 Story False

    Hawk Friday, Nov 13th, 2009 We learned today that Channel 4 plans to smash a 300 seat passenger jet into the desert*filled with data collection*sensors and video cameras*as a scientific experiment as reported in the Guardian. “Two pilots will parachute from the 300-seat...

    Mars Rover Spirit Has Amnesia Again

    NASA's Mars rover Spirit is suffering a new bout of amnesia, one that comes after months of being stuck in deep Martian sand. The 6-year-old rover's latest memory lapse occurred Oct. 24 and came more than six months after a series of four other amnesia events earlier this year. During the...

    NASA moon crash data 'exciting'

    "We are blown away by the data returned," said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator and project scientist for the experiment, dubbed LCROSS, for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite. "The team is working hard on the analysis, and the data appear to be of very high quality," he...

    NASA Attacks the Moon

    Has a hyperactive five-year-old taken over as the director of NASA? It sure seems like it. On Friday morning, an unmanned spacecraft launched in June will crash into the moon's surface. On purpose. Anyone not named Michael Bay is likely to ask why. Here's the answer: NASA wants to know if the...

    MESSENGER's latest images of Mercury

    A bright spot in the latest imaging Humans have now had three views of the bright area shown near the top center of this image. The first view was as a mere tiny bright spot seen in telescopic images of Mercury obtained from Earth by astronomer Ronald Dantowitz. The second view was obtained by...
  9. Unhypnotized

    The great global warming scam (ctd)

    Melanie Phillips Spectator Monday, Oct 5th, 2009 Yet another scientific scandal has come to light which knocks another whopping crater in the already shattered theory of anthropogenic global warming. Eight peer-reviewed studies, which for years have played a significant supporting role behind...
  10. CASPER

    Ocean / Emotion

    2. I could tell you how for a long time I thought my memory was paralyzed: twenty years passed outside France and what have I left of it? - Take a good look, said my father, take a good look, we're going through the Suez Canal! I was seven years old, we were standing on the bridge of...
  11. CASPER

    Quantcast New Photos: Earth from the Moon

    This image of Earth from lunar orbit was acquired by NASA 's Moon Mineralogy Mapper aboard India's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL/Brown The blue marble never loses its appeal. Two spacecraft have beamed back new pictures of Earth from their vantage point at the moon, which offers a...
  12. CASPER

    Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): NASA's mission to map the lunar surface

    Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): NASA's mission to map the lunar surface Keep up with Astronomy magazine's coverage of this important mission. Here you'll find the latest headlines and blogs about the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite...
  13. CASPER

    New Moon Map Reveals Shrouded Craters

    This is the highest resolution topography map to date of the moon's south pole. It details a region approximately 311 miles by 249 miles (500 km by 400 km). NASA scientists developed it using data from the Goldstone Radar in California's Mojave Desert. Credit: NASA/JPL...
  14. CASPER

    Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter launches successfully

    The spacecraft's instruments will help scientists compile high-resolution, three-dimensional maps of the Moon's surface. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) launched at 5:32 p.m. EDT Thursday, June 18, aboard an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The...
  15. R

    Boy hit by meteorite

    Boy hit by meteorite Fri Jun 12, 2009 Essen -- Gerrit Blank (14) is hit by a falling meteorite. The rock had a speed of nearly 50,000 km / pu. Blank was on the way to school when he lichtbal saw come out of the sky. A red hot stone, not larger than a pea, schampte against his hand. Then...
  16. R

    Tunguska fireball of a chemical was possible comet Saturday, March 28, 2009

    Tunguska fireball of a chemical was possible comet Saturday, March 28, 2009 On June 30, 1908 there were over a populated part of Russia known as Tunguska is that a huge explosion site. The event is probably one of the longest in sustaining mysteries of our planet. What would be an...
  17. New UFO Hunter

    NASA photo shows humanoid on Mars

    Is it Bigfoot? A Tusken Raider from the first "Star Wars" movie? Or just a rock? British newspapers went crazy Wednesday morning about an image from Mars that appears to show a humanoid figure descending a shallow hillside. The "alien" is actually a blurry detail in a huge panoramic...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    Chunk of ground missing?

    Anomalous ground holes appear in the Russian province 08/03/2004 18:27 Ufologists suppose, aliens land on Earth to take ground samples One morning shepherd Pyotr Malinkin took his cows out to the pasture as usual. Having gone five kilometers into the field the man was shocked to find a huge...