
  1. The Truth About Hair and why Indians would keep their hair long

    This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Vietnam War . Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue...
  2. "THE VOICE OF SPIRIT IS CALLING" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

    Message from Archangel Michael LM-9-2011 "THE VOICE OF SPIRIT IS CALLING" Transmitted Through Ronna Herman Beloved masters, as the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve. As part of...
  3. Universal Beginnings, The Cosmic Genesis - Archangel Metatron via Tyberonn

    Universal Beginnings The Cosmic Genesis Archangel Metatron Channel (with Alton Kamadon as Enoch ) via James Tyberonn Greetings ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I embrace you with love, unconditional love. Masters, we welcome into our midst the beloved Alton Kamadon, as the...
  4. Introduction to Night Five ~ Entering the Universal Underworld ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    Source: Introduction to Night Five ~ Entering the Universal Underworld From August 18th to September 4th, we enter into Night Five of the Universal Underworld, embraced in the Cosmic Ray of Interstellar Service, and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light and Interstellar...
  5. The Non-Comply Dance - Dance for the World

    David Icke says: If you riot and protest with anger, resentment and hostility you are giving them exactly what they want. Let us give them exactly what they don't want, what they are terrified of - unleashed collective human energetic power. Awakening the World - Every Heart Makes A Difference...
  6. Important steps to help protect yourself against harmful radiation

    Jonathan Benson Natural News July 9, 2011 Damaging radiation comes from many everyday sources besides just damaged nuclear power reactors. Mobile phones and their signal towers, wireless cards and their network routers, airplanes, microwaves, and many other devices all emit radiation, and...
  7. 7-7 WARNING RECEIVED: Elenin - 7/7 Warning Video

    I recently found the below video footage and also article / data that follows it worth it to read. 7-7 WARNING RECEIVED: " Hi guys: Here is the deal: The ELE Timeline says we must arrive at our bugout cavern locations during the month of August, because the solar maximum threat for storms is...
  8. EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity | Randy Maugans interviews James Horak

    EMVs, ETs and the Future of Humanity | Randy Maugans interviews James Horak Source: offplanetradio.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.com, ringmakersofsaturn.com Researcher, contactee, enemy of the NWO, and expounder of the "EMVs - Designers of the Solar System"... James Horak joins us for an off...
  9. Archangel Michael: A Light Epidemic Is Sweeping the Earth

    Beloved masters, there is a Light epidemic whereby every person on Earth is being bombarded by the refined frequencies of God Light; however, each person can only absorb and integrate the frequencies of Light that their physical vessels can accommodate. You must be able to metabolize...
  10. Benjamin Solari Parravicini, Aliens and Quartz Men

    Benjamín Solari Parravicini (1898–1974), born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 8, was an artist. He was professor at the Liceo de España, manager of the Department of Arts at the Banco Municipal of Buenos Aires and director of the Exhibition Gallery of the Municipality of Buenos Aires...
  11. Time of transition. Clear your space.

    ESU "JESUS" SANANDA Good morning, my scribe. Thank you for sitting this day. There is great desire coming forth from many for understanding of who they are and why they have chosen this path at this time. I am Esu Immanuel "Jesus" Sananda come in the Radiant Golden-White Light of Creator...
  12. Nikola Tesla - the missing secret

    Tesla is often described as the most important scientist and inventor of the modern age, a man who "shed light over the face of Earth". A video series of 5 videos. Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла) (10 July 1856 7 January 1943) was an inventor and a mechanical and electrical...
  13. Messages from Matthew : (23) - April 2011

    1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We begin by calling upon our friend and colleague Hatonn to address the most pressing concern in many thoughts: Can Japan’s nuclear facility’s situation be safely resolved; what long-term environmental damage will result...
  14. 2012 - A Message of Hope (VIDEO 25 min)

    A phenomenal movie on the power of consciousness regarding essentially everything from matter to influencing events, including accounts relating to these astounding experiments with meditating individuals helping to lessen levels of criminal activity in large cities. “Every thought in the human...
  15. F

    What happens to time when you travel at lightspeed?

    Is that how time travel is possible?
  16. Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"?

    For those of you unfamiliar with the HAARP program, I quote the following from their website: "HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and...
  17. R

    Islamic Republic Beyond Israeli Hasbara

    “The most important thing that I can convey about Iran in general – my most memorable reaction in retrospect – is this simple concept: Americans need to ignore anything and everything they hear about modern-day Iran, its leader, its culture, and its people from the mass media in America,”...
  18. North Korea Nears Completion of Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb

    JOOHEE CHO ABC News Wednesday, March 9, 2011 North Korea appears to be protesting the joint U.S. and South Korean military maneuvers by jamming Global Positioning Devices in the south, which is a nuisance for cell phone and computers users — but is a hint of the looming menace for the...
  19. Clifford E. Carnicom - Chemtrails.

    Clifford E. Carnicom, an acknowledged expert on the global covert spraying of aerosols into the atmosphere (also known as "Chemtrails"), stated in a March 1, 2011 exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the covert aerosol-spraying program had transformed the Earth's...
  20. Space weather: The implications for planet Earth and humankind

    Space Weather – implications for Planet Earth and Humankind According to Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division: "Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way that's new to human history. I believe we're on the threshold of a new era and the changes of our DNA...