

    Catalina Sky Survey discovers possible extinct comet

    An asteroid discovered more than 100 years ago may not be an asteroid at all, but an extinct comet that is coming back to life, according to new observations. The night of December 11, Steve Larson with the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) at the University of Arizona was searching for potentially...

    Nature's coming attraction: Geminid meteor shower

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Stay tuned for nature's coming attraction. Early next week, the Geminid meteor shower will make its annual appearance, just in time for Christmas. Astronomers consider it the best meteor shower of the year, with more than 100 meteors streaking through the night sky every...

    Search for Life on Mars a Top Priority for Robot Probes, Scientists Say

    The first and only attempts to search for life on Mars were the Viking missions launched in 1975. Now scientists are suggesting the next decade of robotic probes sent to the Red Planet should make the search for life the highest priority. After the Viking missions, the general consensus was...

    Why Dec 21 2012?

    Here is an idea worth considering: Thousands of years ago humankind had attained a high-level of technological achievement. They understood laws of nature that are still unknown to us today. They explored Antarctica and mapped the entire globe. They made monuments that we would have difficulty...
  5. Rumas

    [Inspiring] JFK Quotes

    John F. Kennedy Quotes A child miseducated is a child lost. John F. Kennedy A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. John F. Kennedy A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Human race 'will be extinct within 100 years', claims leading scientist

    Human race 'will be extinct within 100 years', claims leading scientist http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...explosion.html By Niall Firth Last updated at 1:59 AM on 19th June 2010 Professor Frank Fenner has warned that the human race can not survive As the scientist who helped eradicate...
  7. New UFO Hunter

    The Demise of Ufology

    ET phoned home while driving. The Demise of Ufology. Written Friday, June 04, 2010 by Mr. Rutkowski at Ufology Research I caused a bit of a stir several months ago when I called UFO case investigation a lost art. I'll go further this time: ufology looks like it's near death. The bad news...
  8. Unhypnotized

    David Wilcock - Bosnian Pyramid & New Physics December 2010

    New info from David Wilcock. This part I of an 8 part video. Guest host Rob Simone (email) welcomed David Wilcock for his analysis of the Bosnian Pyramid (video clips) and other ancient monuments, as well as his new physics theory of how they were built by "altering" matter. There is a...
  9. day

    Alternative History - Could the Pyramids of Egypt have been an ancient weapon?

    Joseph Farrell's book is the first of a three book series about this subject website Giza Death Star Evidence of the use of weapons of mass destruction in ancient times is one of the secrets of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The chapters of this revelatory book include: • An Archaeology of Mass...
  10. Rumas

    Known Types of Aliens and Races

    AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians) A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with...
  11. R

    WorldShift: The Quest for a Quantum Leap in Human Affairs

    WorldShift The Quest for a Quantum Leap in Human Affairs by Ervin Laszlo What is the Question? Had he lived today, Hamlet would say with more conviction than ever: to be or not to be, that is the question. But it is not the skull of an individual that Hamlet would ponder, but the living...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Deadly flu spreads across Ukraine

    Zero Hedge November 17, 2009 Deadly flu continues to spread across Ukraine, criminal World Health Organization lies to the public, MSM maintains radio silence. There are many aspects to this story. It is impossible to know where to begin — let alone cover all the pertinent facts in...
  13. Rumas

    Other Website and useful links

    This list is a bit old, so some of the links might be down. I didn't have time to check each one individually.. http://www.rense.com/ Jeff Rense - World's Most Revealing News Service (The leading eclectic news clipping service including original sources, and over 15,000 searchable articles) *...
  14. CASPER

    Huge Fossilized Dung Reveals a Hidden Ancient Ecosystem

    The world might be knee-deep in cow patties and other animal waste today were it not for dung beetles. Dung beetles roll the waste of large animals into tiny balls that they bury underground to snack on later. Burying the dung fertilizes the soil and reduces disease, but the benefits don't stop...
  15. CASPER

    Myanmar fossil may shed light on evolution

    BANGKOK, Thailand – Fossils recently discovered in Myanmar could prove that the common ancestors of humans, monkeys and apes evolved from primates in Asia, rather than Africa, researchers contend in a study released Wednesday. However, other scientists said that the finding, while significant...
  16. R

    Free conspiracy videos giveaway!!!!!

    NEW UPDATE JUNE 6, 2009 Hi every one we are now taking orders for free copy's of: 1-Obama Deception 2-End Game 3-Terror Storm 4-Capitalist Conspiracy(just added May 5/09) 5-Bohemian Grove(May 5)Alex Jones 6-Martial Law(May 5)Alex Jones 7-Loose change 2nd Edition (May 6) Jason Bermas 8-(NEW)June...
  17. R

    What should we expect in 2012?

    What should we expect in 2012? Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Thousands of years ago mankind had achieved a high level of technological development. They understand the laws of nature better than we do. They explored Antarctica and spent the entire world map. They built monuments that we even with...
  18. R

    Tunguska fireball of a chemical was possible comet Saturday, March 28, 2009

    Tunguska fireball of a chemical was possible comet Saturday, March 28, 2009 On June 30, 1908 there were over a populated part of Russia known as Tunguska is that a huge explosion site. The event is probably one of the longest in sustaining mysteries of our planet. What would be an...
  19. R

    Jurassic Park a step closer?

    Jurassic Park a step closer? Thursday, March 12, 2009 Resurrecting the Planet's Extinct Species-Can It Be Done? Scientists at the Universities of Melbourne and Texas have successfully resurrected a gene from the extinct Tasmanian Tiger. This certainly is not Jurassic Park - more like a...
  20. R

    Eminent Threats on Humanity

    The Illuminati News Fearmongers Never Quit by Jack Dini, Hawaii Reporter, Feb 10, 2009 Category: Eminent Threats on Humanity Dr. Paul Ehrlich S ince the 1960s Western Society has been in the grip of a remarkable and very dangerous psychological phenomenon. Again...