fossil fuels

  1. woodfoe

    Nikola Tesla's Radiant Or Free Energy, So Why Are We Still On Fossil Fuels?

    I know it's an hour and a half video, but you'll never learn anything by sound bites. :uncomfortableness:
  2. Denise

    Nanotrees Harvest the Sun's Energy to Turn Water Into Hydrogen Fuel

    Now this is interesting: ScienceDaily (Mar. 7, 2012) — University of California, San Diego electrical engineers are building a forest of tiny nanowire trees in order to cleanly capture solar energy without using fossil fuels and harvest it for hydrogen fuel generation. Reporting in the...
  3. Denise

    Global Warming Zealots Get Slammed by NASA Scientists

    This came in my e-mail so I just want to share with everybody, fairly interesting information. April 13, 2012 Global Warming Zealots Get Slammed by NASA Scientists by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media 49 former NASA scientists and astronauts sent a letter to NASA Administrator Charles...
  4. Denise

    10 outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the future

    Wednesday, November 23, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) What corporate-driven "science" has in mind for the future of humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that's been portrayed by the mainstream media. To hear the corporate-run media tell it, science...
  5. Denise

    Sanat Kumara: The Galactic Process Received through Mercedes Kirkel on 10/ 10/ 20

    Sanat Kumara: The Galactic Process Received through Mercedes Kirkel on October 10, 2011 =============================================== The Increasing Speed of the Evolution of Consciousness The different cycles that you have been going through have each been an exponential increase in speed...
  6. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ Focus on Your Love and Light ~ October 28, 2011

    As you are fond of saying "things are hotting up" and the signs are there for all to see. The old paradigm is breaking up before your very eyes, and those still trying to maintain it are in fear of the consequences. People power is showing up all over the world, and growing stronger all of the...
  7. Denise

    Al Gore Stop Eating Meat or Cut Back To Save the Earth, Pass the Steak Sauce Please

    I bet anyone out there that right after Al Gore said we should stop eating meat to stop global warming; he went home and had a New York Strip Steak for dinner. This same person tells us we should stop using so much electricity in our homes while his big mansions use many Kilowatts to power a...

    [Info!] ADB warns of bumpy road into 'Asian century'

    Asia could be as wealthy as Europe by mid-century, but only if it tackles key challenges from inequality and corruption to climate change, an Asian Development Bank study said Tuesday. On current trends, Asia will make up half the world's economic output by 2050, and another three billion...
  9. Rumas

    UK Families Face £1,000 Bill for Green Energy: Huge Annual Levy to Appease the Climate Lobby

    'Families face punishing increases in energy bills of up to £1,000 a year to fund a switch to green energy and build new nuclear power stations. Energy Secretary Chris Huhne yesterday outlined a new regime that will encourage firms to build thousands of wind turbines, tidal power stations and...
  10. Unhypnotized

    The Truth About Greenhouse Gases

    William Happer First Things May 23, 2011 The object of the Author in the following pages has been to collect the most remarkable instances of those moral epidemics which have been excited, sometimes by one cause and sometimes by another, and to show how easily the masses have been led astray...
  11. Denise

    Messages from Matthew : (23) - April 2011

    1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We begin by calling upon our friend and colleague Hatonn to address the most pressing concern in many thoughts: Can Japan’s nuclear facility’s situation be safely resolved; what long-term environmental damage will result...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Report: Bilderberg Wants Gas Prices at $7 a Gallon

    Kurt Nimmo Prison Friday, April 22, 2011 In a follow-up to his American Free Press article, veteran newspaper reporter and Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker told Alex Jones today that the globalists fully intend to launch a ground invasion of Libya and also jack up the price of gas to $7...
  13. M

    What do people make of this?

    A former Canadian defense minister says be believes advanced technology from extraterrestrial civilizations offers the best hope to "save our planet" from the perils of climate change.Paul Hellyer, 83, is calling for a public disclosure of alien technology obtained during alleged UFO crashes --...
  14. CASPER

    Mass. company making diesel with sun, water, CO2

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – A Massachusetts biotechnology company says it can produce the fuel that runs Jaguars and jet engines using the same ingredients that make grass grow. Joule Unlimited has invented a genetically-engineered organism that it says simply secretes diesel fuel or ethanol wherever it...
  15. CASPER

    Energy budget calls for cuts in several programs

    The Obama administration will propose significantly cutting fossil fuel research and closing two facilities, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Friday. "Fiscal responsibility demands shared sacrifice — it means cutting programs we would not cut in better fiscal times," he wrote in a blog post...
  16. CASPER

    Greenpeace urges west Africa to protect fish stocks

    DAKAR (AFP) – Conservation organisation Greenpeace on Friday urged west African countries to combat illegal fishing and over-fishing in their waters, in a statement released at the World Social Forum in Senegal. "We must tirelessly engage with authorities to ensure that the problems of illegal...
  17. CASPER

    'Radical' clean energy shift could save 4 tln euros: WWF

    GENEVA – The environmental group WWF argued on Thursday that a radical, near total elimination of oil and shift to clean energy within 40 years would generate four trillion euros ($5.4 trillion) in savings a year. "The Energy Report" produced by WWF and consultancy Ecofys seeks to make the case...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Ban Ki-moon gives up fight against climate change

    the reference frame Jan 28, 2011 In November 2009, the ClimateGate erupted and many of us were convinced that the establishment of climate fear would quickly collapse. I was imagining that it would be as fast as the Velvet Revolution that began exactly 20 years earlier. So many climate...
  19. Unhypnotized

    What’s in your future kitchen? Food fabrication technology prints out your meals in seconds

    Mike Adams Natural News Jan 26, 2011 In the not-so-distant future, instead of buying manufactured food items at the store, you may instead just “print” them right in your own kitchen. The technology is called “food fabrication,” and it allows you to fabricate foods right in your own kitchen...
  20. Unhypnotized

    NASA Targets Children with ‘Climate Kids’ Website

    CLIMATEQUOTES.COM Jan 24, 2011 The climate is changing as it always has. Most climate scientists are unable to conceive of any natural cause for this change, and they claim that human emissions of CO2 are the cause. The evidence of increasing temperature is abundant, the evidence that human...