
  1. 100th Monkey

    Hologram of Tupac to go on tour - No kidding!

    If they can resurrect dead rappers in order to go on tour again, they can resurrect dead savrious such a Jesus? Turns out that being alive isn't actually necessary for performing at a live music tour. After Tupac's unbelievable/creepy/magical appearance at the Coachella Festival on Sunday...
  2. Denise

    13 Freaky Facts About Friday the 13th

    Does Friday the 13th freak you out? If so, hold on to your rabbit's foot extra tight, because there are three of these supposedly unlucky dates in 2012, and today (April 13) is one of them. 1. This year is a special one for Friday the 13ths: There are three of...
  3. Denise

    Quotes By Jiddu Krishnamurti

    I really like this guy's quotes, so electrifying:
  4. R

    Zionists attend pro-Palestine Christian conference

    The Bethlehem Bible College held its second international ‘Christ at the Checkpoint‘ conference in Bethlehem from March 5-9, 2012. The conference provided a forum for local and international Christians to examine the current situation in the Holy Land in light of biblical texts and principles...
  5. White Rabbit

    Lucifer means Light Bringer in Latin, and Jesus not an emissary for War God

    "The Gospel of Judas, Barbelo and Long-Kept Secrets" Revelations from this ancient, supressed Gospel indicate Jesus was NOT an Emissary of the old War God of the Old Testament. He is the opponent.
  6. maggador

    Jesus: How the Vatican destroyed his teachings & created false religion Christianity

    This is a brief and short little historical overview over the Life of Jesus, events that took place during and after his lifetime, how the Vatican used him to push forth a false religion of lies and deceit, and where we are today Jesus was a common guy as anyone else, he just happened to be...
  7. Truth Vibrations

    DAVID ICKE : Low Vibrational Conciousness - Avoid It!!

    "With Alex Jones Reptilian Demons are a lower level energy being, therefore thet are only attracted to lower level humans or humans that have a lower or dark/negative vibration. A humans vibration is based on his or her energy/soul power and conciousness. Someone might think they are on a...
  8. R

    Israel: ‘Death to Christian’ painted on churches

    On Sunday evening, Christians visiting the Baptist House church in central Jerusalem were greeted with anti-Christian graffiti painted in Hebrew on the outside wall. The graffiti, when translated in English, means “We will (Jesus) crucify you” and “Death to Christians” – and crude insults...
  9. R

    Jewish Senator: ‘Ayatullah Boroujerdi for 2012 Nobel Peace Prize’

    Last week, I saw love pouring from anti-Muslim Zionist Jews for Iranian people. First, Israeli President Shimon Peres sent a fake peace message to Iranian nation, asking it to rise against its popular President Ahmadinejad. Then came a letter from an unelected Canadian Jewish Senator, Linda...
  10. R

    Sen. Hatch: ‘Obama is no Moses’

    Last Thursday morning, at the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama claimed that if his Lord Christ have been alive – he may have supported Obama’s plan to raise taxes on the 1% American fatcats. “For me as a christian, it also coincides with Jesus teaching that ‘for onto whom much is given...
  11. 100th Monkey

    Pope Said Freemasonry is Satanism

    "Until Freemasons took over the Papacy, many Catholic popes condemned the cult as a mortal threat. In 1902, Leo XIII said the aim of Freemasonry is "to exercise an occult overlordship upon society; [its] sole raison d'etre is to wage war against God and His church." Modern history and the New...
  12. R

    Synagogue tries to blackmail Mel Gibson

    A Southern California Synagogue has sent a letter to controversial film-maker Mel Gibson – asking him for $1.6 million donation, suggesting it will white-wash his sins against Jews. The president of Congregation Beth Shalom in Corona had appealed to Mel Gibson for help to prevent the synagogue...
  13. R

    Israel: ‘Jews are not welcome in Egypt’

    Recently, Obama have sent several of his Zionists staffers to court Muslim Brotherhood. They have met MB leaders and told them the US $1.3 billion annual aid depends on maintaining Egypt-Israel peace treaty when MB comes in power in future. The latest one is deputy secretary of state, William...
  14. Denise

    Truth Transmissions ~ Mind vs.The Brain ~ Galactic-Free-Press ~ January 7, 2012

    ~THE REAL INFORMATION~Reeducating Humanity~ ~Truth Transmissions~1~7~11 ~Very Valuable Information to assist in Humanity's True Awakening~ ~The programmed ego mind aka unconsciousness and the Brain = Full Consciousness~ The mind and the Brain are not the same thing FAR FROM...
  15. R

    Fox poll: ‘Who killed Jesus?’

    Fox Latin America has removed its poll from Zionist propaganda organ, Facebook, after complaints from Simon Weisenthal Center in Buenos Aires. Fox Spokeswoman Guadalupe Lucero has apologized saying the poll was removed immediately and measures have been taken to prevent such incidents in the...
  16. Filthpig

    I wonder if someone can help me here...

    Hi, It's been a while since I've posted on here, but something happened to me last night, that I really cannot explain and I'm wondering if anyone here can shed any light or even point me in the right direction.. This wasn't DREAM, nor I could call it a FUTURE VISION, this really happened in...
  17. Denise

    Santa Clause, the Magic Mushroom Have you ever wondered why on Christmas we cut down/carry evergreen trees inside our houses, decorate them with fancy ornaments, and place presents underneath them? "So, why do people bring Pine trees...
  18. R

    Pat Robertson: ‘Anti-Christian bigotary is okey’

    On the latest episode of The 700 Club, Islamophobe Rev. Pat Robertson, called the Saturday Night Live‘s light-hearted skit on Jesus and football quarterback Tim Tebow, “an anti-Christian bigotary that’s disgusting”. However, since it involves Tim Tebow, who had converted to Judaism, such...
  19. R

    Top ‘anti-Israel’ slurs – 2011

    The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre, one of the leading creators of anit-Semitism, anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hoaxes – has released its annual top ten slurs of 2011. I was surprised to learn that US-Israel double agent, Mahmoud Abbas, beat both Iranian President Dr. Ahmadinejad and...
  20. 100th Monkey

    Beyond Belief - Jesus trained and died in India, he emphasized meditation and taught reincarnation

    From the author: Jesus trained in India, taught meditation and reincarnation and died in India. This film provides a compelling case for this viewpoint using historical and anecdotal evidence to support these claims but the centerpiece to the argument made in Beyond Belief is the Gospel of...