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    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009

    Missing space rocks indicate planetary migration Monday, March 2, 2009 Scientists from the University of Arizona have encountered a strange case of missing asteroids. The asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, contains millions of rocky objects. Simulations predict a lot...
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    Do Astronomers Believe in Extraterrestrial Life? Thursday, February 26, 2009

    Do Astronomers Believe in Extraterrestrial Life? Thursday, February 26, 2009 The scoop: Believing that intelligent extra terrestrial life - better known as alien life - exists is one thing. Believing that they have visited Earth in our short time on the planet is another. Astron Omer...
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    The Mayan Calendar Awakening of the Global Consciousness: Part one

    The Mayan Calendar - Acceleration of Time and the Awakening of the Global Consciousness -- Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Report of an interview with Barbara Hand Clow on Coast to Coast Radio, December 2007. The famous Mayan calendar stone in Coba. This is the stone that caused all the...
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    Year of the Light Part 1:

    Year of the Light Monday, February 23, 2009 The universe will also be a journey to the source first. In the history on your planet you experienced only a single exhalation of the universe resulting in shape and learn of its potential. Now you will start reversing the process, you discard the...
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    Comet lulin is increasingly Brighter Saturday, February 21, 2009

    THE GREEN COMET COMETH: From remote Portal, Arizona, astro photographer Jack Newton reports: "Lulin Comet has brightened considerably and is now an easy naked eye object in dark, country skies." He photographed it using a Meade 14 "Hyper Star and sends this 16-minute exposure: Lulin vivid...
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    Global 'fireballs' may be caused by impending comet

    Global 'fireballs' may be caused by impending comet Wednesday, February 18, 2009 In recent weeks across the world 'fireballs' in the sky observed. A fireball was seen in the Netherlands and Sweden filmed. According to the Russian space expert Igor Lisov are meteorites, possibly in 2007 by...
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    Europe or Titan? The node will soon by minced Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    Europe or Titan? The node will soon by minced Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Two scientific teams have filed their final proposal for either a mission to Jupiter, Europa and Ganymede or a mission to Saturn, Titan and Enceladus. 9 and 10 March ESA and NASA should take a decision. What is the...
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    Billions of Earths in the Universe '

    Billions of Earths in the Universe ' Tuesday, February 17, 2009 There would be billions of Earth-like planets in the universe can be. According to Dr Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institute of Science is the mogeiljk that these worlds are inhabited by simple forms of life. He made his statements...
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    New or old is planet in our solar system?

    New or old is planet in our solar system? Niburu is currently perhaps the most discussed topic in the world of science, astronomers and world government. Professor Zecharia Sitchin is widely regarded as the greatest historian of all time. "the earth cronicles" His books "the earth cronicles"...
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    Smallest planet outside solar system found

    Smallest planet outside solar system found Last updated: Tuesday, February 3 , 2009 The European space probe Corot has hitherto smallest rocky planet found outside our solar system. The amazing object is less than twice as large as the Earth revolves in orbit around a star zonachtige. The...
  11. Unhypnotized

    NASA Scientists Ask: Is Life Possibile on Saturn’s Moon, Enceladus?

    2008-12-20 NASA scientists are exploring the possibility that microbial life exist inside Enceladus, where no sunlight reaches, photosynthesis is impossible and no oxygen is available. Until the two Voyager spacecraft passed near Enceladus, the sixth-largest moon of Saturn, in the early 1980s...
  12. Rumas

    How to put love and healing in your water 528 Hz

    528 Hz is the DNA Repair Frequency: 528 Hz is the miracle frequency for healing and DNA repair. It’s the sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Not only hearing but even objects exposed to this frequency can help to open your heart...