leaked documents

  1. Denise

    Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto

    (NaturalNews) Biotech giant Monsanto has been genetically modifying the world's food supply and subsequently breeding environmental devastation for years, but leaked documents now reveal that Monsanto has also deeply infiltrated the United States government. With leaked reports revealing how...
  2. Unhypnotized

    Obama Follows Bilderberg Consensus In Abandoning Iraq Withdrawal

    Power brokers at 2011 St. Moritz conference agreed US “has no intentions of ever leaving Iraq” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Thursday, July 7, 2011 Last month we reported that the occupation of Iraq would be “prolonged indefinitely” and that a substantial number of U.S. troops...
  3. Unhypnotized

    Exclusive: Sony Forces Employees To Submit To Body Scanners

    Corporation claims devices do not emit any kind of radiation nor do they show naked images, which begs the question why such scanners are not being used in airports Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, July 6, 2011 Sony distribution centers are mandating that employees pass through...
  4. R

    Guantanamo Files: ‘The good and the bad guys’

    Recently British daily Guardian ran a story based on more than 750 leaked US military files containing secret assessments of 779 detainees at the notorious Guantanamo Bay torture camp, entitled the Guantanamo Files. Currently, 172 detainess are still kept inside the camp without trial while the...
  5. Unhypnotized

    Q&A with WikiLeaks to follow US "60 Minutes" interview with Julian Assange

    January 27, 2011 Julian Assange to Appear on "60 Minutes" Sunday Steve Kroft Interviews the Controversial Founder of WikiLeaks (CBS) Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has given a lengthy interview to Steve Kroft for a segment to be broadcast on "60 Minutes" this Sunday...

    Leaks: China knows less about NKorea than thought

    BEIJING – China knows less about and has less influence over its close ally North Korea than is usually presumed and is likely to eventually accept a reunified peninsula under South Korean rule, according to U.S. diplomatic files leaked to the WikiLeaks website. The memos — called cables...
  7. Unhypnotized

    WikiLeaks and 9/11: What if?

    Coleen Rowley and Bogdan Dzakovic LA Times Oct 16, 2010 Frustrated investigators might have chosen to leak information that their superiors bottled up, perhaps averting the terrorism attacks. If WikiLeaks had been around in 2001, could the events of 9/11 have been prevented? The idea is worth...
  8. Unhypnotized

    4th Amendment Violating Mobile X-Ray Scanners Hit The Streets

    As we warned all along, airport tyranny is coming to your door Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Wednesday, August 25, 2010 As we warned at the beginning of the year, X-ray body scanners currently being used and abused in airports across the world are set to hit the streets as American...
  9. Unhypnotized

    We Are Change San Francisco confronts David de Rothschild on Climategate, sustainabil

    Aaron Dykes Infowars.com August 3, 2010 Members of caught up with David de Rothschild, heir to the notorious Rothschild family, and asked him some relevant questions. Heir to a global system of manipulation, lies and enslavement for the average family, David de Rothschild has put his...
  10. Unhypnotized

    Leaked G20 Documents Show Carbon Taxes Still High on Globalist Agenda

    James Corbett The Corbett Report 22 July, 2010 This week The Corbett Report was sent documents purported to be the notes of an attendee of the recent Toronto G20 meeting. The documents, if genuine, show that the recent meeting once again gave the G20 a chance to discuss global government...
  11. Unhypnotized

    ET human bases and wars-insider speaks

    Phil Schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys , US intelligence and military at the Dulce underground base.was found dead January 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. He was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire...
  12. R

    [Info!] Document Reveal Obama's hardline U.S. climate strategy talk

    Confidential Document Reveal Obama's hardline U.S. climate strategy talk Document outlines key messages the Obama administration wants to convey in the run-up to UN climate talks in Mexico in November John Vidal in Bonn guardian.co.uk Article history The document outlines key...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Leaked U.S. Document Calls For “Global Regime” To Tackle Climate Change

    Says critics must be disarmed, all elements of Copenhagen Accord must be operationalised Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com Monday, April 12th, 2010 A confidential U.S. government document obtained by the London Guardian highlights the ongoing agenda to create a structure of global governance in...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Now Mobile Devices Will Scan Your Naked Body On The Streets

    Airport tyranny comes to your door, as predicted Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Friday, January 8, 2009 Naked body scanners are being readied to go mobile and scan you on the street, at football games and any other event where masses of people are congregated, according to a leaked...
  15. Unhypnotized

    TSA Leaks Sensitive Airport Screening Manual

    From Wired Magazine: Quote: Who needs anonymous sources when the government is perfectly capable of leaking its own secrets? Government workers preparing the release of a Transportation Security Administration manual that details airport screening procedures badly bungled their...
  16. R

    "Climate Gate" Professor Phil Jones awarded £ 13 million in research grants

    "Climate Gate" Professor Phil Jones awarded £ 13 million in research grants by Robert Mendick Global Research, December 5, 2009 Telegraph Global Research Editor's Note The announcement of the award came one day after the announcement that Phil Jones was stepping down from the Climate...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Yahoo Threatens Cryptome Over Leaked Surveillance Document

    Kurt Nimmo Infowars December 5, 2009 Yahoo, the internet corporation notorious for helping China implement totalitarian censorship of the web, has instructed its lawyers to go after Cryptome, a site that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying...
  18. Unhypnotized

    The Iraq War ?Inquiry?: ?Revelations?? What revelations?

    William Bowles Creative-i November 27, 2009 “We spent a long time at dinner on IRAQ. It is clear that Bush is grateful for your support and has registered that you are getting flak. I said that you would not budge in your support for regime change but you had to manage a press, a...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Alex Jones on Climategate: Hoax of all time

    Alex Jones TV: Doom & Gloom Climate Fraudsters Exposed Infowars November 23. 2009 On the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, the hacked CRU documents and the victory this represents for the truth and the ongoing effort to defeat the New World Order. The documents reveal how scientists...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Iraq report: Secret plans for war, no plans for peace

    Andrew Gilligan London Telegraph Sunday, Nov 22nd, 2009 In the bitter aftermath of the Iraq invasion, Tony Blair was many times accused of sending British troops to war on a deceit. Today’s leaked documents shed no new light on the most oft-rehearsed of those charges – that he lied about, or...