middle east

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    Israel wants Egypt to return $300m bribe money

    Iraqi-born Brig.Gen. (ret.) Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a member of Israel’s Labor Party, has called on the Egyptian military junta to return $300 million the Zionist entity paid as bribe to former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. He claims that money was paid to rewrite Egyptian educational materials...
  2. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ Great and Tumultuous Change ~ December 27, 2011

    6 Imix, 14 Mol, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! The process that began in earnest nine months ago continues to progress toward its inevitable resolution, and our Earth allies are close to obtaining the final funding orders for Count St. Germaine's World Trust. As you know, the fund closes annually...
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    Israel with Armenian genocide stuck in throat

    Yesterday, Israeli Knesset committee members faced their Nuremberg Trail. They’re discussing MK Zahava Gal-On’s call that Israel should recognize Armenian genocide to punish its former bed-mate Turkey. Knesset speaker, Reuven Rivlin (Likud) has put his moral Jewish weight behind the call by...
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    Did Mossad carry Friday Damascus bombing?

    Lebanese Islamic Resistance has claimed Washington and Israel were behind the deadly twin car-bombing targeting security sites in Damascus on Friday. The latest anti-Muslim terrorism left over 55 people dead. ”US specializes in targeting the innocent, killing and terrorizing them to force them...
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    GOP: ‘Condi Rice for first Black VP’

    Early this month, the only Black GOP presidential hopeful, Herman Cain, suspended his campaign facing allegations of infidelity and sexual harrassment. In March, in order to gain some extra points with the pro-Israel GOP caucus, Cain told Christian Today: “Based upon the little knowledge that I...
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    Lobby: ‘Obama pretty bad for Israel’

    On Monday, Obama administration took a slap from the rest of 14 UN Security Council members for refusing to slam the Zionist regime for its plan to establish 1,000 new Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. This was to silence the pro-Israel hawks’ criticism of Barack Obama for...
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    McCain: ‘Kim Jong II has gone to Hell’

    The pro-Israel US political and religious leaders are never shy of showing their mental sickness and their Judeo-Christian hatred toward their imaginary US-Israel enemies. The death of North Korean leader, Kim Jong II 69, gave some of these Israel-Firsters another opportunity to show their...
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    Poll: 65% Israeli Jews want non-nuclear Israel and Iran

    On December 1, 2011 – The Zionist Jewish think tank Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings Institute released its 2011 Public Opinion Poll of Jewish and Arab Citizens of Israel which as a great surprise for Hillary Clinton – shows that 65% of Israeli Jews prefer both Israel and Iran to...
  9. Denise

    Benjamin Fulford 12 Dec 2011

    The fascist cabal known as the Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the...
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    Richard Falk chased by pro-Israel UN Watch

    On November 10, 2011 – the UN Watch website blasted Richard Falk for posting a hilarious poem in reponse to Israel-Firster Alan Dershowitz’s slanderous article in Zeoconservative mouthpiece, New Republic. Alan Dershowitz had criticized both Richard Falk and John J. Mearsheimer for endorsing...
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    Do Jews live with ‘animal fear in Muslim states’?

    On December 2, 2011 – Russian Pravda published an article by Yuri Sosinsky-Semikhat, entitled Animal fear of Jews in Arab states, which looks like a page from Israeli ‘Hasbara Handbook’. Interestingly, Yuri believes that every Muslim nation-state where Jews live – becomes an “Arab states”, such...
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    UK Lobby: ‘Ken Livingstone is anti-Semite’

    British Jewish organizations are furious over Ken Livingstone for calling British Education Secretary, Michael Gove, “an Islamophobe“. Former London Mayor and current mayrol candidate, Ken Livingstone, in a recent exclusive interview he gave to Sophie Hobson of , ‘London Loves Business’, called...
  13. Denise

    SaLuSa ~ A Wonderful Time Approaches ~ November 25, 2011

    For those of you who follow what is happening in the world, you cannot have failed to notice that our predictions as to the outcome are becoming your reality. The massive banking and financial problems are clearly heading for a crash, and there is no way to prevent it. You are living in a...
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    Sharon was right: ‘Israel does control US’

    “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and American know it,” Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio. After returning from their recent pilgrimage to Israel – five...
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    Nuclear arms race and nuke-free Muslim East

    “Iran regards utilizing nuclear weapons as forbidden in Islam and it’s incumbent on everyone to safeguard humanity from such weapons,” Ayatullah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader Islamic Republic of Iran. The British American Security Information Council (BASIC) has claimed that in the coming...
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    KSU professor Pino shouts: ‘Death to Israel’

    Kent State University (KSU) history professor Julio Cesar Pino has irked the Jewish Lobby once again by shouting ‘Death to Israel’ last week. The incident happened during KSU campus meeting addressed by a former Israeli diplomat Ishmael Khaldi at San Francisco Israeli consulate. Ishmael Khaldi...
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    Lobby: ‘Islamists to govern Tunisia’

    On June 29, 1994, Martin Kramer, editor of Middle East Quarterly and visiting fellow at Jewish think tank WINEP – wrote in ‘Policywatch’ against allowing Rachid Ghannouchi to visit the University of South Florida (USF) on a lecture tour. He had claim that Ghannouchi “urged violence against US...
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    Nasrallah: ‘Tel Aviv will be first target in next war’

    On Friday, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizbullah, warned the Zionist regime that if it dared to attack Lebanon – Hizbullah’s first rocket barrage will target Tel Aviv. The warning came during an interview Nasrallah gave to Arab newspaper Al-Akhbar on...
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    Hizbullah in Moscow

    On Wednesday, a three-member Hizbullah parliamentarian delegation arrived in Moscow on the invitation of Konstantin Kosachyov, the head of the Russian parliament’s lower house’s international affairs committee. Hizbullah delegation is lead by MP Mohammad Raad and includes MP Hassan Fadlallah and...
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    Hillary Clinton: ‘US wants Qaddafi dead’

    On Tuesday, Israel-Firster Hillry Clinton declared in Tripoli: “We hope he (Qaddafi) can be captured or killed soon so that you don’t have to fear him any longer. I am proud to stand here on the soil of free Libya. The United State was proud to stand for you in your fight for freedom and we will...