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    Israel captures Gaza-bound Zionist ‘Estelle’ vessel

    Today, Israeli troops intercepted and took control of Gaza-bound Finnish-flagged vessel ‘Estelle’ carrying 16 human rights activists from several western countries including a former Israeli pilot and former Canadian MP Jim Manly. Interestingly, the leader of this ‘provocation’ against the...
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    Amb. Stevens haunts Muslim-haters from grave

    While ignoring the anti-Islam ‘billboard war’ across the United States by the Israeli-poodles – I noticed a news item in the Think Progress Org. published on October 12, 2012, saying that a Florida chapter of the pro-gay Log Cabin Republicans had published an attack ad against the Obama...
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    Dagan gets liver transplant from Iran ally Belarus

    On October 16, President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, announced that former Mossad chief Meir Dagan’s recent liver transplant by a Belarus medical team was successful. He also said that Dagan decided to come to Belarus for his treatment as Israel, the US, Germany, France, Sweden and other...
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    Obama and the Fourth Reich

    I'm offering my non-fiction book "Obama and the Fourth Reich. And other discourses" free via coupon on Smashwords from Oct. 17 through Oct. 21. Two years ago there was a dispute over a property in Jerusalem between the family of a Nazi war criminal, a Muslim, whose Waffen SS troops murdered an...
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    John Adams, Qur’an and the Muslim World

    Muslim trading communities existed in Americana before Christopher Columbus found the continent by accident in early 16th century. Muslims came from Africa and Muslim Spain. The American Constitution that framed the USA, was drafted in September 1787. Muslim Morocco was the first nation to...
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    Whose interests US guards in the Middle East?

    Peter Van Buren (a US foreign service official for years) in his latest artical published in the Tom Dispatch on October 11, 2012 raised a good question about America’s bloody wars in the Middle East. The question was: “What we want from the Middle East?” Then Peter wrap the obvious answer under...
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    Iraq shows its independence from the US

    On October 9, 2012, Moscow confirmed to signing more than $4.2 billion (Dh15.42 billion) in arms deals with Baghdad during the second half of the year to make it the nation’s largest weapons supplier after the US. The deal includes 28 training jets, 30 Mi-28 attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1...
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    The Zionist Jewish war on Islam

    “The Jews achieved their Golden Age in Muslim-ruled Spain (711-1492),” Dr. Bernard Lewis, the Jewish Orientalist. The pro-Israel Jewish groups and individuals are spending tens of millions of dollars each year to stir hatred toward Muslims in the US, Canada and Europe. A 2011 investigation...
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    Church leaders blast US for Israel Aid

    On Monday, the leaders of the Lutheran, Methodist, UCC Churches, and the National Council of Churches sent a letter to Congress members, calling for an investigation into Israel’s continue violation of the US Foreign Assistance Act and the US Arms Export Control Act, which makes the Zionist...
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    Libyans dump ‘Made-in-USA’ Prime Minister

    On October 6, 2012, the NATO-installed Libyan parliament dumped newly elected prime minister Mustafa Abushagur by 125 to 44 votes (reported by the Los Angeles Times on October 7, 2012). Mustafa A.G. Abushagur (born 1951), an anti-Qaddafi academic has lived in the United States since 1775. He is...
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    Philip Giraldi: ‘Why I dislike Israel’

    In February 2011, American Jewish philosopher, Noam Chomsky told Amy Goodman at the Bemocracy Now! that Washington’s foreign policy in the Arab world is fueling hatred toward the United States. Naturally, he was not expected to acknowlege the fact that Washington’s foreign policy and “red line”...
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    Canadian Jewish woman in Israel Army’s Jail

    Canadian Muslim teenager, Omer Khadr, was tortured for ten years in US jail and Ottawa did not come to his rescue. Last month, an Israeli-born Canadian Jewish woman, Yana Gurlik 30, was arrested by Israel Occupation Force (IOF) agents in Israel for dodging military draft when she left Israel for...
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    Turkey plays al-Qaeda for Zionism

    US-Israel-Turkey financed terrorist group Free Syrian Army (FSA) carried the false flage bombing operation at the Turkish border town of Akcakale on Wednesday. Turkish artillery hit targets inside Syria, killing several Syrian soldiers. FSA also abducted 48 Iranian Shia pilgrims and has...
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    Obama, Iran and Israel Lobby

    “Peace is obtained neither by Law nor Force but by compassion towards others and self-sacrifice,” Dr. Ahmadinejad, President of Islamic Republic of Iran. On October 3, in his speech at the Norfolk Forum, former US defense secretary Robert Gates warned that a US-Israel attack on Iran would have...
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    Americans against drone war in Pakistan

    Over 3000 American scholars, writers, film-makers, anti-war activists and civlians have signed a petition calling for a stop to the US drone war inside Pakistan which was delivered to the US embassy in Islamabad the otherday by US-based ‘Women for Peace (CODEPINK)‘ organization. The signatories...
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    Hizbullah: ‘Next war in occupied Galilee’

    On July 5, 2012, Brigadier-General Harzi Halevy, commander of the IDF’s Galilee Division, had boasted that next war with Hizbullah will be different. “The next war, will see the IDF strike with full force. We will have to go inside (Lebanon) and wreak havoc – not as punishment, but because that...
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    Henry Siegman: ‘The end of Israel is near’

    German-born Professor Henry Siegman 82 (University of London) is a journalist, writer and author specializing in the international policy towards the Zionist entity. He is also an ordained Rabbi and former head of the powerful American Jewish Congress (1978-1994). Siegman had been supporter of...
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    Toronto Palestine Film Festival 2012

    Toronto is currently holding its fifth annual Palestine Film Festival (September 29 – October 7, 2012). The festival opened with the Canadian premiere of the award winning documentary, ‘The War Around Us’, directed by Abdallah Omeish. Set in the winter of 2008, when the first Israeli bombs...
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    Netanyahu does ‘heil Hitler’ salute

    Abraham Foxman, the head of the New York-based Israeli lobby group ADL, has heavily criticized the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters for publishing a photo of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a pose that looks like ‘heil Hitler’, the Nazi salute. Foxman told the Jewish Daily Caller...
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    Israel-US fear Iran-Argentina bilateral talks

    Argentina’s Jewish foreign minister Hector Timerman held bilateral talks with his Iranian counter-part Ali Akbar Salehi at the United Nations headquarters in New York on the next day of Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s landmark address at the UNGA. The Jewish press has reported that both...