north atlantic treaty org

  1. R

    Kofi Annan: ‘No regime change in Syria’

    At the end of Saturday conference of foreign ministers from nine governments (the US, Britain, France, Russia, China, Turkey, Iraq, Kuwait and Qatar) plus Ban Ki-moon (UN) and Nabil El-Araby (AL) in Geneva, Kofi Annan, the UN Special ‘peace-maker’ for Syria – announced that the participants have...
  2. R

    Erdogan: Another Zionist Bully

    Listening to Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent rants against Syria’s shooting-down a Turkish military plane inside Syrian airspace – convinced me that he must have learned his bullying tactics from his friends among the Zionist regime in the occupied Palestine. Erdogan called...
  3. R

    Putin: ‘Israel will regret attacking Iran’

    During his recent visit to the Zionist entity, the newly elected Russian President Vladimir Putin told Israeli president Peres and prime minister Netanyahu that the Zionist regime will regret it if it launches a military strike on Islamic Republic (alone or with the US support). While discussing...
  4. R

    Iranian VP: ‘Zionist control international drug trade’

    Speaking at a UN-sponsored conference commemorating the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Tehran – Iran’s first vice-president Mohammad Reza Rahimi, said that Zionists control international narcotics business which they use to destroy human societies across the...
  5. R

    Taliban praise India for not acting as US lapdog

    To great surprise to New Delhi, Pakistan-supported anti-US Afghan Taliban leaders have praised India for resisting US-NATO call for greater involvement in Afghanistan. There had been no assurance for the Americans, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters on Sunday. “It shows that...
  6. R

    Erdogan: ‘Israel can regain our love; only if..!’

    On Tuesday, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave an interview to Israeli newspapers Yediot Ahronot and Maariv on the sidelines of a reception in the gardens of the Dolmabahçe Palace during the World Economic’s Forum (WEF) summit in Istanbul. Erdogan told the Israeli reporters that...
  7. R

    Israel’s Proxy Wars against Pakistan

    Pakistan has long been on Israeli radar due to Pakistanis hatred for the establishment of Israel in Palestine. Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, had a vision for the destruction of the new Muslim-majority nation, strategically located between Iran, Afghanistan, India and China –...
  8. R

    Turkey seeks life for 4 Israeli generals

    On Wednesday, ahead of second anniversary of Israeli attack on Gaza flotilla, Turkish press reported that İstanbul Specially Authorized Prosecutor Mehmet Akif Ekinci seeks life imprisonment for four Israeli top commanders, involved in a 2010 Israeli attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left...
  9. R

    US-NATO hides its endgame at Chicago

    The US-NATO and its 27 ‘willing partners’ met in Chicago on May 20-21. The Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emnuel, Obama’s former Zionist Jew White House Chief of Staff, who had turned Chicago into a seige city ahead of NATO smmit – boasted for holding the event without troubles. According to The Update...
  10. 100th Monkey

    Thousands protest in Chicago before and during NATO summit May 20 & 21

    Protest march Live in Chicago right now and for the next 2 days... you can watch archives and live at this link!!! TWITTER.COM/LukeWeAreChange YOUTUBE.COM/WeAreChange FACEBOOK.COM/LukeWeAreChange We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization...
  11. Denise

    Ben Fulford - May 15- Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes

    Major purge of US puppets in Japan continuing behind the scenes, Nato terrorist state group being cut off, May 14, 2012 The top US criminal corporate government representative in Japan, Edward Nye, will no longer be welcome in Asia following the release of new information about his links to...
  12. R

    Obama’s secret midnight visit to Kabul

    Last night, the President of world’ sole Super-power, Barack Obama. sneaked into Kabul under the darkness of night and left the country ahed of dawn. Though, it was meant to be a deliberate Hollywood-style election stunt on the first anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s fake assassination in...
  13. Denise

    Kettler: ETs/EDs Raid Bremerhaven, Germany

    John Kettler reports: ETs/EDs Raid Bremerhaven, Germany Last Week; “Disappear” Dolphin Sub, Nuke & Crew While Under Comprehensive NATO & Intelligence Agency Surveillance!
  14. 100th Monkey

    Was Chernobyl Revenge for Russian Woodpecker????

    Because of all the information on Fukushima this kind of fits right in: by Zen Gardner Knowing what we know now about Mossad’s stuxnet virus capabilities and the outright sabotage of the Fukushima reactors, amongst others, we need to revisit Chernobyl. I ran across this connection when...
  15. R

    Iran busts major Israeli terrorist network

    On Tuesday, Islamic Republic’s intelligence ministry announced that it has busted a major Israeli network of terrorism and sabotage being operated from neighboring Azerbaijan. The statement claimed arrest of several terrorists trained in anti-Iran foreign countries and seizer of a large amount...
  16. R

    Moscow: ‘Israel cannot defeat Iran’

    Russian Defense Ministry sources say that Israel does not have military assets to defeat Iran and further believe that US military action will be necessary. On December 16, 2011 – Former British Foreign Secretary David Owen, wrote in daily Mirror that US military defeat in Iraq has made Iran...
  17. Truth Vibrations

    [Must Watch!] Vladimir Putin Exposes The Illuminati / NWO, Naming the UN, NATO, EU and USA

    Dec 22, 2011 Vladimir Putin Speech at the Munich Press Conference in Germany! Notice that there are Certain countries that did not show this on the News? Also notice that there are certain countries that don't want Putin to become the president again and that's why are showing propaganda...
  18. R

    Kofi Annan to hold Syrian talks in Iran

    The Geneva office of the joint UN-Arab League mediator Kofi Annan has announced that he will be visiting Tehran on April 11 to seek Tehran’s help to convince Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to make more concessions acceptable to the West and its Arab puppet regimes. Iran is a key regional...
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    Khamenei: ‘Iran will defend Syria’

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei, told visiting Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Islamic Republic is vehemently opposed to any initiative the US introduces in regard to the situation in Syria. He also told his visitor that Iran will defend Syria for its resistance to...
  20. White Rabbit

    Syrian Girl Speaks Out Against Angelina Jolie & Al-Qaeda..!

    Mar 27, 2012 ...and This on her new film (In the Land of Blood and Honey) Angelina Jolie: The Leni Riefenstahl of Her Generation March 27, 2012 Angelina Jolie’s directorial debut consists of a “romance” that serves as pro-war propaganda for the global elite. In the...