nuclear power

  1. Denise

    Germany to Shovel Climate Fund Dollars into Coal Plants

    'Less than a month after the failed Bonn UN climate confab, Germany has announced a most audacious energy policy: in order to shutter nuclear plants (but not completely scuttle their economy), the German government will direct climate fund cash to building coal and natural gas plants. You...
  2. R

    Mossad behind Mumbai blasts?

    Judging by Israeli Mossad’s past record in pulling false-flag operations in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan – it would not be a ‘conspiracy theory’ to conclude that it also carried the latest bombing in Mumbai with the full cooperation of CIA and Indian RAW. It’s reported that the three bomb...
  3. Rumas

    UK Families Face £1,000 Bill for Green Energy: Huge Annual Levy to Appease the Climate Lobby

    'Families face punishing increases in energy bills of up to £1,000 a year to fund a switch to green energy and build new nuclear power stations. Energy Secretary Chris Huhne yesterday outlined a new regime that will encourage firms to build thousands of wind turbines, tidal power stations and...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Important steps to help protect yourself against harmful radiation

    Jonathan Benson Natural News July 9, 2011 Damaging radiation comes from many everyday sources besides just damaged nuclear power reactors. Mobile phones and their signal towers, wireless cards and their network routers, airplanes, microwaves, and many other devices all emit radiation, and...
  5. Lady of Light

    Chris Huhne: Climate change threatens UK security

    The Energy Secretary predicted that UK will be “exposed to the shocking and alarming” consequences of a warmer world. Unchecked, climate change poses “a systemic threat” to the international order, he said. Mr Huhne made the prediction in a speech to the Royal United Services Institute, a...
  6. Unhypnotized

    Tepco Shuts Down Cooling System At Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant After Sparks Detected

    Zero Hedge Thursday, July 7, 2011 The cooling system at Fukushima’s Daiichi sister plant was closed earlier today after Tepco announced that “sparks were detected”. According to TEPCO this is no cause for alarm and the situation will be restored back to normal shortly. According to yet other...
  7. Rumas

    Chris Huhne: Climate Change Threatens UK Security

    'The Energy Secretary predicted that UK will be “exposed to the shocking and alarming” consequences of a warmer world. Unchecked, climate change poses “a systemic threat” to the international order, he said. Mr Huhne made the prediction in a speech to the Royal United Services Institute...
  8. Unhypnotized

    45 per cent of Fukushima children had thyroid exposure to radiation

    DPA July 5, 2011 About 45 per cent of children in Fukushima prefecture experienced thyroid exposure to radiation after the nuclear power there was damaged in March, officials said Tuesday. But the results were not high enough to require further examination, the Nuclear Safety Commission said...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Ron Paul Goes After The TSA

    Congressman to re-introduce American Traveler Dignity Act this week Steve Watson July 4, 2011 In the wake of last week’s demise of the effort on behalf of Texas lawmakers to criminalize TSA transgressions, Congressman Ron Paul has taken up the cause, once again proving he...
  10. Rumas

    ABC News Says They Made An Error In Reporting Fort Calhoun Evacuation, Demands Story Be Scrubbed From Internet

    'ABC says they made an error in reporting that an evacuation zone was issued around the Fort Calhoun Nuclear power plant and have since redacted the story and they have now issued a take-down order demanding that all references to the story be removed from the internet.'Read more: ABC News Says...
  11. Lady of Light

    Thorium Revolt: Mineral to replace uranium as nuclear power source?

    An obscure metal that could energise our world... It's called thorium, it's eco-friendly, and there's lots of it. Many scientists say it could even replace uranium as a nuclear power source. But despite its potential, the metal is yet to gain a foothold in the market. RT's Laura Emmett explains...
  12. Lady of Light

    7-7 WARNING RECEIVED: Elenin - 7/7 Warning Video

    I recently found the below video footage and also article / data that follows it worth it to read. 7-7 WARNING RECEIVED: " Hi guys: Here is the deal: The ELE Timeline says we must arrive at our bugout cavern locations during the month of August, because the solar maximum threat for storms is...
  13. Lady of Light

    White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With ...

    ... Only 10 Fairewinds' chief engineer Arnie Gundersen emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles. Reducing US evacuation zones to only 10 miles during a nuclear power accident compromises public safety.
  14. New UFO Hunter

    Ufo Over Fukushima In German TV News

    UFO sighting videotaped over Fukushima nuclear power plant by German news channel Note: The original footage is from a German TV program "Tagesschau". The clip was also used in a report on the Japanese NHK channel.
  15. R

    How real is Iran’s nuclear threat to Israel?

    In an article in The New Yorker (June 6, 2011), entitled Iran And The Bomb, the Pulitzer prize winner Jewish investigative reporter, Semour Myron Hersh (born 1937) has refuted US-Israeli fear-mongering rants concerning Iran’s nuclear program. “The two most recent National Intelligence Estimates...
  16. Unhypnotized

    TEPCO to Cover Damaged Fukushima Reactors with Useless Polyester Tents

    'In a demonstration of the company's shocking ignorance concerning the nature of radioactive particles, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that it is going to place large polyester domes -- yes, you read that right -- around the damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Japanese call for end to nuclear power

    Thousands of Japanese people have taken to the streets in Tokyo, calling for a change in the government's energy policy and an end to nuclear power. On Saturday, thousands of demonstrators rallied in Tokyo, carrying banners that read "Nuclear is old!" and "We want a shift in energy policy!"...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Second Japanese Nuclear Plant Suffers Radioactive Leak

    Xinhuanet Monday, May 2, 2011 TOKYO, May 2 (Xinhua) — Radioactive leakage from fuel rods at a nuclear power plant in the city of Tsuruga in Fukui prefecture on Honshu island of Japan are believed to be the cause of a surge in the density of toxic substances detected in coolant water, the...
  19. Unhypnotized


    Leuren Moret is a Nuclear Power whistleblower who is telling all who will listen about the dangers of Nuclear Power. Like playing with fire... mankind has not learned as can be seen in the engineering mistakes made in building the Fukushima Plant in Japan. Nuclear radiation is very dangerous and...
  20. R

    Israel: ‘Is US too weak to attack Iran?’

    Peter Hartcher is an Australian Jewish journalist, author and Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald. Recently he visited Israel as guest of Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce. From Tel Aviv he wrote his latest column, entitled Israel worried by ‘weakening’ US. In it he quotes Israel’s Deputy...