
  1. Unhypnotized

    MUST SEE: Global Warming-What The Gov Isn't Telling You

    This Video was made in early 2008. information in this developing crisis. Video 1 hr. 14 mins. 5 secs: YouTube links: [video=youtube;P0Il4VYNDSA]
  2. Rumas

    Alleged Time Traveler or Photo shop?

    This is a 1940s photo going around the internet of a supposed man out of time. The man in question is the person middle right with plastic sun glasses and what looks like a t-shirt and a hoodie. The picture is obviously form a time when plastic sun glasses were not being manufactured. So how did...
  3. Unhypnotized

    U.S. Troops Apologize For Wikileaks Massacre Video

    Two veterans of company shown in “Collateral Murder” footage say “video only begins to depict the suffering we have created” Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, April 20, 2010 Two soldiers who were in the same company as the culprits featured in the infamous Wikileaks “Collateral...
  4. day

    Michael Tellinger discusses new evidence about the Annunaki in Africa

    Publisher and producer Michael Tellinger discussed his study of ancient ruins at the southern tip of Africa, which he believes were associated with a vanished civilization that ET visitors, the Annunaki, brought together over 200,000 years ago, when they came here to mine gold. The ruins, which...
  5. Unhypnotized

    TIME Magazine Lists Flouride as “Environmental Toxin”

    SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!! April 15, 2010 Flouride -a known toxin- *is currently in toothpaste and our water supply SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!! Mark Matheny A report from*lists among other household Items – Flouride- as an “Environmental Toxin”. The article starts out, saying: Chemicals in...
  6. R

    ADHD Is Not a Disease

    ADHD Is Not a Disease By Jon Herring 03/10/2010 “Hey, Phillip… do you mind if I sit here and eat with you?” I asked. “Sure, whatever…” “How’s school going? Are you doing well?” “Not really. I just want it to be summer.” “Yeah, I remember how that used to feel,” I told him. Phillip is...
  7. R

    Croatian girl wakes up from a coma speaking fluent German

    Croatian girl wakes up from a coma speaking fluent German BY Caitlin O'Connell DAILY NEWS WRITER Wednesday, April 14th 2010 lthough a Croatian teen had only just started studying German at school, the 13-year-old has been able to communicate fluently in German since waking up from a 24-hour...
  8. R

    Nibiru updates march 2009

    Nibiru updates march 2009 In the late 19th century, it is said that ancient tablets were discovered in what is now modern day Iraq. Once deciphered it is claimed, they tell the story of an alien civilization which came to earth from the planet Nibiru. Supposedly This planet passes through our...
  9. Unhypnotized

    Did Global Elite Kill Polish President Kaczynski?

    Kurt Nimmo April 12, 2010 Damian Thompson, writing for the Daily Telegraph, says there will be plenty of conspiracy theories floating around cyberspace in response to the death of Polish president Lech Kaczynski and a large number of Polish VIPs in a plane crash last week. *...
  10. R

    Disc Shaped UFO - Wurzburg, Germany - 3/8/09

    Disc Shaped UFO - Wurzburg, Germany - 3/8/09 Wurzburg, Germany, March 8, 2009 Last Sunday I had a rather strange encounter with a disturbing object in the sky above Wurzburg, Germany. I was walking along the railroad lines along the river Main to scout new fishing locations. It was...
  11. Unhypnotized

    Obama will enforce PREVENTIVE ?? measures

    with the definition of a TERRORIST being... "a right-wing extremist" (characteristics found here... on page 4) Obama has decided to rewrite policy to prepare for pre-crime deterrence...
  12. Unhypnotized

    Dollar/Euro chart modified

    HI All, I always have this chart below open from Dollar vs Euro. And they have modified it -0.0100 to the Euro for the last week Hmm I noticed this after I refresh the page today. First it was closed 1.5006 to 1 Euro Now it is 1.4907 to...
  13. Rumas (UHF) Site and Forum Guidelines / Rules

    1) Use you free speech rights! Don't be afraid to speak your mind! 2) Please refrain from using abusive, vulgar, attacking and/or antagonistic messages or trolling. 3) Please refrain from posting anything PORNOGRAPHIC, EXCESSIVELY VIOLENT, ILLEGAL, ABUSIVE or HATEFUL. 4) Don't spam/abuse any...
  14. R

    YOUTUBE - FUBAR - BIGTIME! (Phasing the YOU out of YouTube)

    -YOUTUBE - FUBAR - BIGTIME! (Phasing the YOU out of YouTube) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOW TO SPREAD THIS VIDEO: * Remember to rate, fave and comment on this vid. * Click on SEND VIDEO (below the video) and send to all of your contacts on YouTube. * Re-post this video...
  15. CASPER

    Elizabeth Sloughter's Heart

    She labeled the sketch beef stake, seeing that she had depicted what looked too like a crooked heart. N B, when seared on the gridiron, it must be turned perpetually. A slash of ink across the page split the picture, marking the best way to slice the meat off the rump. Cutting top to bottom— a...