Nibiru updates march 2009


Nibiru updates march 2009

In the late 19th century, it is said that ancient tablets were discovered in what is now modern day Iraq. Once deciphered it is claimed, they tell the story of an alien civilization which came to earth from the planet Nibiru. Supposedly This planet passes through our solar system once every 3600 years, and is associated with a low mass dark star known as a brown dwarf. Conveniently for the proponents of Nibiru and the so called Annunaki beings that are inhabiting it , This planet can only be detected at this time from the south pole, here on you tube videos, or in any one of hundreds of books , audio tapes , or digital video discs on the subject that are widely available for purchase at all fine book retailers near you. It is claimed that When Nibiru arrives in the inner solar system earth will experience, solar storms, meteor bombardment, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes , tsunami ,earthquakes, and a physical shifting of the location of the north and south poles, causing a world wide flood of biblical proportions. It is being claimed that between now and 2012 this planet and the extra terrestrials which inhabit it will return. But on the bright side there is no reason to panic , for the orbit of Nibiru or as some refer to it as planet x , is rather unpredictable. This planet constantly changes it’s approaching speed , and it's current location , depending on how close it's estimated date of arrival is currently being claimed to be. Previously reported to be visible to mankind , in the spring of 2003 , it is now being scheduled by doomsayers to make its appearance , on march 15th 2009 , or perhaps sometime in may of 2009 , although this time frame is flexible and is subject to change. This is not because the theory of knee beer you is faulty , it is simply because the ann new nah key beings of knee beer you must be delaying their arrival , just to play head games with the people of earth. Also it is being said that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of time as the year 2012 , although it probably is not clear from looking at this stone disc at first. One may think from first glance that the prehistoric Mayan peoples simply drank a little too much brew , smoked a wee bit too much sticky ganja bud , or downed a few too many psychedelic mushrooms. but there can be no doubt as to the truth of 2012 being our date with extinction , because there is a commercial industry marketing it as such , so therefore , obviously , it must be true. There are many conspiracy theories , concerning how governments of the world , are attempting to hide the fact of the approaching apocalypse , from the people of earth , as a way to create a new world order , after the ensuing devastation and destruction , and once 90 percent of all life of earth is destroyed. today is march 8th 2009. it is being claimed that within one week from now , on march 15th 2009 the world will visually see in the skies , the harbinger of our impending doom. Although this may be difficult to see , because there are also conspiracy theories claiming that world governments are now , Conveniently , using chemicals in the atmosphere , in order to obscure the appearance of knee beer you , from the population of the world. in what is being called Chem trails. So in summary , knee beer you may or may not arrive to destroy the earth on December 12th 2012 , or be visible in the sky in 2009 , and even if it was the powers that be may be attempting to find a way to keep the world oblivious , to it's existence , if or when , marduk , worm wood , the winged planet , the dark star , knee beer you , or whatever you would like to refer to the destroyer as , finally appears , that is , if ever it does.

Nibiru update march 8 2009 (nibiru is never near you) - AOL Video
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Here is what I think is proof of Nibiru

Calculations for Nibiru

There’s been a lot of information and disinformation about the the celestial body know as Nibiru, the destroyer, wormwood, planetX, or a number of other names that it goes by. Of course ancient carvings on rock walls and the like only goes to add more evidence that this celestial body did visit us in the past. I’m not going to talk about it’s history you can Google that if you want. I’m going to present what I think is proof positive that Nibiru is out there and is right on schedule to swing around the sun around the 21st of December 2012. I first want to present a picture that was taken in 2007 by someone using the South Pole telescope, who posted it on Youtube which was soon taken down.

nibiru wit coridinates.jpg

This is the picture that allegedly was taken. Nibiru with the coordinates : 5h 53m 27s-6 10′ 58. Now a very interesting thing happens if you plug these coordinates into Google sky. You will find when you hit search that you will come to a dark area. When you get there and slowly zoom out you will see that the area has been blocked out in the shape of a rectangle. This is the only place in Google sky where it was done. This begs the question why would they black out this picture? As with most cases there is always a work around and someone later found Nibiru on the world wide telescope using these coordinates: 06 08 55 22 27′ 24. The picture was exactly the same, a red object with the moons in the same place. After finding it on the world wide telescope people then used the same coordinate to find it on Google sky and although it had moved a bit they found it there at these coordinates: 06 08 55 22 47 14. You can check out these coordinates for yourself if you have Google Earth or The World Wide Telescope. Free downloads. From where it was first found in the above picture in Orion’s belt it has moved all the way over to Gemini.

After finding Nibiru I did some calculations to try and determine it’s distance and size and here is how I went about it.


Fig.1 above is the geometric schematic showing the necessary parameters to solve for d (distance ). The simple equation is :

d=R/tan Ø

In order to solve d, R ( the diameter of the object) must be known. There are ways to figure this out using triangulation where you get a measurement from one point on the earth and another from as far a distance from the first as possible. Then by using trigonometry you can calculate the size of object by knowing it’s distance. What I did in order to calculate the size of Nibiru was to take a measurement using the ruler on Google sky and measure the distance in km of Nibiru at a certain Ra and Dec and then at approximately the same Ra and Dec measure nearby Venus. Since the size of Venus is already known I simply took an approximation of the size of Nibiru. The size of Venus at about 8h and 25m was .25 km. While Nibiru was 1.01km, thus making Nibiru four times as large as Venus which is about the same size of the earth, making Nibiru about four times the size of earth or the size of Neptune. This diameter measures approx. 48,416 km or 4x the diameter of Venus which is 12,104 km. In order to solve for Ø I used the finder in world wide telescope to get the distance in arcsecs by traversing the diameter of the object then taking the difference in the readings. I converted this to degrees.

Now that I have R to work with I can proceed to solve for d(distance).

d=48,416 km/tanØ

Ø=.02 degrees


d=138,701,564.0 km=.927 au
As far as calculating the speed of Nibiru I’ll save that for later if it’s possible. I heard that it was traveling at 35,000 mph if true that would be about right for a Dec 21 encounter.

138,701,564 km = 86185156.2 miles/35,000 mph= 102.6 days

That means it would be here by Nov. 15 2012 again not sure of the speed but that is close enough.

I haven’t been able to actually come up with an accurate idea of where Nibiru is in relation to the solar system and other planet only that is indeed close. If anyone cares to add to this post I’d appreciate some more information concerning the where about of Nibiru.