
  1. M

    A fresh Start

    Thank you, Lady of Light, for welcoming me to this blog. I'm here mainly to read and find out what others are thinking and saying. Although I have read widely, and variously, I am none the wiser, and as far as I can ascertain this applies to many others as well [I must admit that the winking...
  2. R

    ‘Piss Christ’ photograph is back

    “The Talmud, which consists of rabbinical interpretations of the law, treats Christ and Christians with contempt. Unlike the Qur’an, which regards Christ as a great prophet, the Talmud contains very offensive precepts and statements directed specifically against Christianity. For example, in...
  3. R

    France: No Jewish Skullcaps, please!

    Yesterday, Le Pen 44, leader of National Front, in an interview with pro-Israel French daily Le Monde, called for a ban on wearing Jewish skullcaps (Kippah) in “shops, on public transport and on the streets”. She based her logic on the French law that bans religious head-cover (Hijab) for...
  4. R

    Jesus’ Gospels keep popping up!

    Professor Karen L. King (Harvard Divinty School) has claimed that she had found an unreported secret of Jesus’ life; he had a wife? She has identified a scrap of papyrus that she says was written in Coptic in the fourth century claiming Jesus had a wife. Interestingly, though Dr. King showed the...
  5. R

    Nasrallah, USrael movie and the ‘West’s Islamists’

    On the weekend, Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanese Islamic political and resistance group, called for a week-long protests against the US-Israel anti-Islam movie that has caused mass anti-USrael protests all over the Muslim world. Over 100,000 Muslims and Christian marchers showed up...
  6. R

    Lobby: ‘Jewish presence in Congress to Shrink’

    Jewish groups in the US and Israel have been complaining for decades that Jewish population around the world is shrinking each year due to born-Jews leaving their religion and the low birth rate (less than 1%) among the Jewish families. I dealt with that topic a few years ago. Read here. I just...
  7. Truth Vibrations

    10 Of The Most Startling Edgar Cayce Predictions

    Many people are wondering how the predictions of Edgar Cayce are related to 2012. The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 and as we near this historic date, many of Cayce's predictions are coming to fruition. Edgar Cayce, also known as the Sleeping Prophet, correctly predicted the stock...
  8. R

    Agatha Christie: ‘The Jew hating British novelist’

    The pro-Israel British Zionist groups say that Britain’s best-selling novelist of all times, Agatha Christie (died 1976) – like famous English poet William Shakespeare (died 1616) portrayed Jews in negative sense; something reserves for Muslims and Blacks in the West. I have read both...
  9. R

    San Francisco’s MTA ad: ‘Support Israel. Defeat jihad’

    San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA) has a policy against political ads on its buses, but not on this recent one put by Pamela Geller’s pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative group. The ad reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the...
  10. 2

    [Attention] 104 Hour Tsunami Warning Close: Celebrity Psychic Mitchell Coombes; 9.5, 9.6, 9.4, 9.4 Earthquakes To Come ‘Within The Same Hour’?

    I have heard of this guy, it's said he predicted the Japanese earthquake. Hope he is wrong about this one, all though, one should have an open mind, and take these predictions/prophecies with a grain of salt, if possible. I think they intend to try to warn people to be prepared and not to...
  11. B

    Filipino verus Masonry

    The Filipino has values that have been treasured and passed on for many generations already. These values are believed to be beneficial as it fulfill some of the basic needs of people. List of Filipino values which are traditional -“Paggalang” – In English it means being respectful or giving...
  12. L

    Most beautiful month in the year

    Most beautiful month in the year Each year, Islamic and Arab nation well And Muslims all over the world to the health and happiness allah says in the Holy Qur'an 185. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the...
  13. R

    Weinstein: ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to Israel’

    Dr. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned Israeli attorney-general Yehuda Weinstein for recently claiming that Islam’s third most sacred site, Al-Aqsa Mosque in Al-Quds (East Jerusalem) is part of Israeli territory. He called on...
  14. R

    International Holy Qur’an recitation competitions

    Both Iran and Malaysia held international Qur’an competitions within the last three weeks ahead of the arrival of Islamic month of Ramazan (the month of fasting), begining on July 21, subject to sighting of Moon. Kuala Lumpur concluded its 54th international Qur’an competition on July 13...
  15. R

    Obama, Netanyahu and the ‘Ray Gun’

    Eli Valley is a New York-based Jewish cartoonist and writer. In his latest cartoon, entitled ‘The Hater in the Sky’, (see the cartoon here), depicts Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu raping and eating American president Barack Obama’s limbs as he forces him to implement his demands which...
  16. R

    Pastor Jones: ‘Obama Dead in 2012′

    The US secret service is investigating Holy Qur’an burning fame pastor Terry Jones’ Dove World Outreach Center for hanging a dummy of Barack Obama. Interestingly, when Andrew B. Alder, publisher-editor of Jewish daily, Atlanta Jewish Times, suggested in January 2012, that Israeli Mossad should...
  17. L

    Actual reality

    The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you ... 1 - Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him told us about many signs for the imminence of day of resurrection as he said: (one of these signs is that money will increase and trade will...
  18. R

    US-Israel war against Ethiopian Muslims

    “Imperialist powers have always labeled as terrorists the people who fight for their right. Irishmen were terrorists until they signed an agreement. Abbas was a terrorist. Now, he is a friend,” Mohamed Hassan, former Ethiopian diplomat in Washington, Beijing and Brussels. “Israel sees Islam as...
  19. R

    Iran: ‘Do barking dogs always bite?’

    On July 2, Iranian lawmakers asked Ahmadinejad’s government to close the Strait of Hormuz for oil tankers heading for countries supporting USrael sanctions against the Islamic Republic. In response, the Israeli Hasbara organ, New York Times (July 3, 2012) posted a new propaganda piece saying...
  20. R

    Israel supports Egyptian military junta

    Today, tens of thousands of Egytians have filled Cairo’s Tahrir Square to protest against the military junta’s (SCAF) hijacking of people’s will by seizing sweeping powers – by disolving the recently elected national assembly dominated by Islamists (75%) and claiming all legislative powers...