
  1. Unhypnotized

    Alex Jones Mega-Rant Unleashed: ‘Winning’; You Don’t Dictate Reality; I’m King of Reality, not Conspiracy

    TheAlexJonesChannel May 4, 2011 This rant is all about reality vs. illusion. As Alex Jones recently told the Washington Post, he’s not the King of Conspiracy; he’s the King of Reality. This is all too obvious as Alex puts the hoax surrounding Bin Laden’s death into perspective, and puts a few...
  2. R

    Polygamy and West’s ‘demographic decline’

    In the so-called ‘civilized’ western world, the solutions to women’s abuse among their societies through sex-slavery under different names, family breakdown, nudity, pornography, adultery, etc. – are tagged on the ‘old-fashioned’ Islamic teachings, which are considered incompatible with...
  3. R

    Obama's Muslim uprisings remark insults Passover

    For the third year in a row, Barack Obama and his wife, hosted a Passover seder at the White House April 18 night for a small group of Jewish and non-Jewish staff and family. Earlier Monday, Obama called Benji Netanyahu to wish him and the Jewish citizens of the Zionist entity a happy Passover...
  4. R

    America’s child sex slaves

    We all know how Washington is obsessed with human rights violations in foreign countries, especially the Muslim world. So much so, that State Deparment issues its own annual human rights report – because it believes that United Nations Human Right Council is baised toward Washington and its...
  5. Unhypnotized

    If Courage Could Come - Charlie Veitch

    All you need is balls All you need is balls All you need is balls, balls Balls are all you need. (Legal disclaimer: If you are female, please note that the usage of the term "balls™" means courage, not the hanging testicular appendages) ORWELL WOULD BE PROUD: 'No Fly-Zone' means 'BOMB THE...
  6. Denise

    Contact: We ask you to remain calm (14-3)

    Dear Ones we must mention the massive earthquake in Japan, that followed an earlier one in New Zealand. When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether through...
  7. Unhypnotized

    People Of Earth: Prepare For Economic Disaster

    The Economic Collapse March 5, 2011 It is not just the United States that is headed for an economic collapse.* The truth is that the entire world is heading for a massive economic meltdown and the people of earth need to be warned about the coming economic disaster that is going to sweep the...
  8. Unhypnotized

    If Martin Luther King, Jr. Were Alive Today, He Would Call For A New 9/11 Investigation

    The Excavator March 3, 2011 “There comes a time when silence becomes betrayal,” said Martin Luther King Jr in speech, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam.” The speech is a revelation of the moral power of truth. If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today he would not hesitate in...
  9. R

    Sudan’s break-up: Bringing Nile water to Israel

    Two decades ago, when a military coup by a group of National Salvation Revolutionaries, lead by Brigadier General Omar Hassan Al- Basher (a pro-Islamic Front Party, NIF in his youth) took over the power in Khatoum by ending pro-West regime of Mohammed Jaafar al-Nimeiri – Israeli leaders had felt...
  10. R

    Jewish Slave Trade

    "Between 1870 and 1939 Jews played a conspicuous role in white slavery, as the prostitution of that era was called. Not only was this partricipation conspicuous, but it was, for the Jews, historically unprecedented, geographically widespread, and ** in an age of pandemic anti-Semitism ** fraught...
  11. CASPER

    Swanky Paris salon spruces up down-at-heel women

    PARIS – In her exclusive salon in an off-street courtyard in Paris' upmarket St Germain district, hairdresser Lucia Iraci spends her days coiffing the city's glitterati, including actors, models and musicians. Yet once a month she opens her doors to a more downtrodden clientele, offering free...
  12. Unhypnotized

    David Icke - Vinnie Paz: Debt Slave

    David-Icke-Vinnie-Paz-Debt-Slave Get the information the over lords don't want you to know about at the missing piece. Information that will make you think and may even shock you into re-learning all the BS you thought was the truth. Slavery was not abolished, it just took on a different more...
  13. Unhypnotized

    30 Little Known FACTS about AMERICA

    Quoted from Duncan O'Finioan's blog ( -------- 30 Little Known FACTS about AMERICA 1. The IRS is NOT a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. Diversified Metal Products v IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.I. Public Law...
  14. R

    The West, War and Islam

    by Ernst ZÜNDEL If the typical Islamic person could perceive what the typical Westerner thinks about him - his traditions, culture and religion - he would be amused, shocked or perhaps even frightened. To the Western mind, the Islamic world is inscrutably bemusing - an exotic enigma, part fairy...
  15. R

    Meir: Iran’s next Spiritual Leader

    Meir Javedanfar is an Iranian-born Israeli Jew who is Israel’s “expert” on Iran-Israel affairs. He is Chief Analyst at Tel-Aviv-based ‘Middle East Economic and Political Analysis Company’. Earlier he had worked as “In-house Israeli affairs expert” for BBC Persian and the Spanish Embassy in...
  16. Truth Vibrations

    One year later, Haiti's symbolic sites are sadly unchanged -- In some places in the Haitian capital, it's difficult to imagine a year has passed since a massive earthquake wrought unfathomable destruction and misery. The evidence still lies in heaps of rubble and in the words of...
  17. Unhypnotized

    Planned-Opolis: Elitist Agenda For Eco-Enslavement

    Chilling future scenario funded by banks & oil companies depicts authoritarian cities where only the wealthy will be allowed to eat meat, drive cars and choose their own career – all in the name of preventing non-existent global warming Paul Joseph Watson Prison Thursday, January...
  18. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History December 22

    356th day of 2010 - 9 remaining Wednesday, December 22, 2010 CHIPMUNK DAY The Chipmunks were at the #1 position on the music charts on this day in 1958 as Alvin, Simon, and Theodore sang with David Seville. The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late), the novelty tune that topped the charts for...
  19. buttman302

    [FYI] This Day In History December 18

    352nd day of 2010 - 13 remaining Saturday, December 18, 2010 PINUP GIRL DAY Frances Dean, the pinup girl? That name doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as Betty Grable, Hollywood’s most universally-known star and archetypal pinup girl of the 1940s. She was really named Ruth Elizabeth Grable...
  20. R

    The New World Order - Coming Soon to a City Near You!

    The New World Order - Coming Soon to a City Near You!