
  1. Boiling Frog

    100's of thousands of South Koreans in massive strike/protest over election fraud and scandals

    Did the USA sell them their old voting machines? Source: PHOTOS: 100,000 South Koreans Protest Election Scandal, Labor Clampdown · Global Voices
  2. White Rabbit

    US Senator Warns of South Carolina Nuke Strike

    Don't worry its not the terrorist doing it... Published on Sep 5, 2013
  3. R

    BBC: ‘Israel is not an apartheid state!’

    UK’s so-called “Crown Corporation”, the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Jewish Governor, Baroness Ruth Deech, has called for an apology from internationally-famed violinist Nigel Kennedy for calling Israel “an apartheid state”. She said Kennedy’s remarks were “offensive and untrue”. She also...
  4. R

    Rabbi Kaplan: Nelson Mandela hated Jews

    You can’t expect a Zionist Jew to like a person who refuses to support the Zionist entity blindly. The Jewish weekly FORWARD has recently published several asrticles accusing Nelson Mandela for harboring anti-Jewish, anti-Israel activities. These Zionist writers, as usual, never acknowledged...
  5. Truth Vibrations

    Benajmin Fulford, June 17, 2013

    The hunt is on for M1, the secret guy printing fraudulent Euros and dollars for the Sabbatean Mafia The battle for control of the Western financial system, and thus to a large extent the future of the world, is now hinging on hunting down and arresting an individual going by the code name M1...
  6. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford April 8, 2013

    Sabbatean mafia plans to stage nuclear terror, blame North Korea. The Sabbatean mafia that illegally seized control in the West is planning to stage nuclear terror attacks and blame them on North Korea, intelligence agency sources say. Google chief Eric Schmidt and basketball start Dennis...
  7. 100th Monkey

    Mystery 'beast' washes up on Wales coast - Montauk monster

    This looks a lot like the Montauk monster. It's the mystery beast of South Wales and it has washed up on a beach on the Pembrokeshire coast. The creature which appears to have the face of a horse, the body of a pig and the claws of a bear was spotted by local Peter Bailey as he walked his...
  8. White Rabbit

    'New AIDS of the Americas' strikes in U.S. backyard and unleashed upon americans?

    'New AIDS of the Americas' strikes in U.S. backyard ​ Chagas disease may be the "AIDS of the Americas," according to an editorial in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, a periodical to which you're now happy you don't subscribe. The South American parasite enlarges the heart or intestines in...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Sighting Seen over Seoul, South Korea on Sept 2011, TV NEWS Video.

    Date of sighting: September 2011 Location of sighting: Seoul, South Korea (Translation): According to Yonhap News, on the 6th of September, 2011 when 24 people in downtown Seoul witnessed a UFO in the sky. South Korea's UFO research experts have said that it looks like the shape of a lid...
  10. New UFO Hunter

    Disc Shaped UFO Sighting in New Jersey, June 17th, 2011

    Video comments by YouTuber x17guy on Jun 18, 2011: 6/17/11 - 1:31pm - I work in South Kearny, NJ and at about 1:30pm I went out on the porh at work to see the on coming Thunder Storm.. I was talking to a co-worker when big flash of lightening struck.. We were watching the sky for more...
  11. R

    [Video] VLF beams from Maine triggering quakes in south east Maine May2/2011

    VLF beams from Maine triggering quakes in south east Maine May 2/2011 YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
  12. Unhypnotized

    North Korea Nears Completion of Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb

    JOOHEE CHO ABC News Wednesday, March 9, 2011 North Korea appears to be protesting the joint U.S. and South Korean military maneuvers by jamming Global Positioning Devices in the south, which is a nuisance for cell phone and computers users — but is a hint of the looming menace for the...
  13. CASPER

    North Korea threatens to attack South Korea, US

    SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea threatened Sunday to attack South Korea and the United States, as the allies prepared to start annual joint military drills — maneuvers Pyongyang says are a rehearsal for an invasion. The North has routinely issued such war rhetoric against South Korea and the...
  14. CASPER

    Strong earthquake strikes south of Fiji

    SUVA, Fiji – A strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake has struck in waters south of Fiji. There are no immediate reports of injuries or damage and no tsunami warning has been issued. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake struck on Monday 549 miles (883 kilometers) south of the capital Suva, at a...
  15. CASPER

    South Sudan votes for independence by a landslide

    South Sudan voted overwhelmingly to declare independence in final results of a referendum announced on Monday, opening the door to Africa's newest state and a fresh period of uncertainty for the fractured region. Hundreds of south Sudanese danced, screamed and waved flags as the announcement...
  16. Unhypnotized

    Australia Floods: Crisis Moves South to Victoria

    01-17-2011 05:33 AM 'Residents of the town of Horsham, which lies 190 miles northwest of Melbourne and is home to 14,000 people, were rushing to protect their homes with sandbags as the swollen Wimmera River threatened 500 properties. The river is expected to peak overnight at more than 13ft...
  17. CASPER

    Two Koreas and U.S. militaries lower alert: report

    35 mins ago SEOUL – South Korean and U.S. forces have downgraded their defensive alert against the North based on intelligence that Pyongyang has relaxed the standby status of military units on the west coast, a news report said on Friday. The North Korean units, including artillery bases...
  18. Truth Vibrations

    Should South Africa join BRIC elite?

    – First Indonesia, now South Africa making the argument that it’s an emerging economy worthy of the BRIC acronym. South Africa’s leader has reportedly been invited to the next BRIC summit, coming up in April, in Beijing. China is apparently in favor, and Russia too, with both countries touting...
  19. Unhypnotized

    Huge Building Burns in South Korea – Does Not Collapse

    Flashback: Fire Consumes WTC 7-Size Skyscraper, Building Does Not Collapse Oct 2, 2010 A massive fire broke out on Friday in a 38-floor apartment and office building in South Korea’s southern port city of Busan. No deaths were reported. The fire official could not say how many people...
  20. Unhypnotized

    North Korea denies it sank South’s navy ship

    Miyoung Kim Reuters April 17, 2010 North Korea on Saturday denied that it sank a South Korean naval vessel near their disputed sea border late last month. There has been growing speculation in the South that the ship had been hit by a North Korean torpedo, killing 46 sailors and raising...