
  1. Denise

    Sophia Stewart [Mother of the Matrix] on Veritas Radio | The Third Eye: Where It All

    Sophie Stewart..." Without the Terminator you can never understand the Matrix ! And without the Matrix you can never understand where the Terminator is going" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S y n o p s i s From ..Mel.... According...
  2. R

    Omar Sharif Jr: ‘I’m Jewish, gay and Egyptian’

    The elder grandson of legendary Egyptian actor Omar Sharif – American model/actor Omer Sharif Jr. (born 1983 in Montreal) in an article in gay publication, The Advocate, published on March 16, 2012 has claimed that not only he is gay but also born to a Jewish mother – making him fully Jewish...
  3. Denise

    The Song "Brainwashed" by George Harrison

    The lyrics to this video have quite a bit of truths. What was George Harrison trying to tell us? Brainwashed Lyrics: Brainwashed in our childhood Brainwashed by the school Brainwashed by our teachers And brainwashed by all their rules Brainwashed by our leaders By our Kings and Queens...
  4. Denise

    Crystal Clark on Offplanet Radio | Sacred Science, April 25, 2012

    offplanetradio.com, thesolsociety.com "My personal goal, as well as the goal of millions of others at this time, is to help humanity realize its full potential in meaningful ways that not only expand awareness of theother choices that genuinely uphold, regenerate, and recreate life (of which...
  5. R

    Iraqi PM concludes his landmark visit to Iran

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki concluded his two-day visit to Iran on Tuesday. During his visit he met with Iran’s President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s Spiritual Leader Ayatullah Ali Khameni. The members of al-Maliki delegation held talks with Iranian officials to enhance the...
  6. 100th Monkey

    $1,030,000,000,000,000,000,000 -- Bean Counter ALERT

    http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/...at-global.html Can you say: "WOW!" "White Spiritual Boy" = Wall Street Bankers
  7. Lady of Light

    [Channeled] Sungazing: Determining Whether Or Not It Is The Right Choice For You

    Lady Of Light Unhypnotize.com April 23rd 2012 To Gaze, Or Not To Gaze You have probably heard for your entire life these words: “Don’t look directly at the sun, you’ll hurt your eyes!” If not those words, something very similar, no doubt. This has been said for many years without...
  8. Denise

    Mind Control Through the Digital TV- Here Is Your Proof !

    Digital TV: Mind Control by the Sound of Silence A. True Ott, PhD, ND | Educate Yourself.org 71,924 views December 15, 2008 Editor’s Note This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum...
  9. Denise

    Collapse of the Astral Realms

    By Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone April 14, 2012 Collapse of the Astral Realms by ZS Livingstone (April 14, 2012) Work by The Aetheric Resistance, Franz Erdl, Martina, Tim Hicks and many others is aiding in the clean up of the lower astral realms. The lowest four steps of the fourth dimension...
  10. Denise

    Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

    By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing...
  11. Denise

    Mesage of hope and encouragement : Adam Yellow Bird & Drunvalo Melchizedek Sedona

    This is a new interview with Drunvalo. About the indigenous people their wisdom and message. Video info: The Mamos (Arhuaco's highly trained ritual priests) feel it is the time to teach and share among different cultures, the spiritual knowledge that leads to a new consciousness. From the...
  12. Denise

    How Much Are You Willing To Know - March, 2012-Lisa Renee

    Lisa Renée latest article enjoy. Wednesday, 07 March 2012 17:58 March 2012 by Lisa Renee Dear Family, Those of us that have been clarifying our new identity as we move into the next stage of our emergence into the world, are starting to sense that we are being pushed through our limits, to...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    The Anunaki remnants are still on Earth

    by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.) April 2004 from XeeATwelve Website The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki - not whether they exist - nor whether they have been to Earth - as the evidence of them being here is so overwhelming that non-acceptance of Anunnaki presence on Earth is only for...
  14. Truth Vibrations

    Magadeth's Dave Mustaine Unchained

    March 10, 2012 Promo for an Exclusive Infowars interview with Dave Mustaine, co-founder of Metallica and founder of Megadeth two of the most trailblazing metal bands in music history. Alex Jones sits down with Dave who reveals never before heard insights into Metallica, Megadeth, life on the...
  15. R

    Zionists attend pro-Palestine Christian conference

    The Bethlehem Bible College held its second international ‘Christ at the Checkpoint‘ conference in Bethlehem from March 5-9, 2012. The conference provided a forum for local and international Christians to examine the current situation in the Holy Land in light of biblical texts and principles...
  16. Denise

    Matthew message March 1, 2012

    Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces' success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this...
  17. Denise

    Invocation Third Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ Transfiguration ~ Anrita Melchizedek

    My note: This is a DNA activation. Your body is a temple. As above, so below. There are higher beings that match every part of our body. Here is an invocation that opens up the gateways leading into the Fifth Dimension of ourselves and beyond. When you are ready to get out of duality and...
  18. New UFO Hunter

    The Vril Society, Aliens and the Coming Master Race

    In Germany at the turn of the century and particularly after WW I many secret societies developed. One of these groups was the Vril Society. In 1917 four members of the Vril society met in a cafe in Vienna. There was one woman and three men. The woman was a 'spiritual medium'. They met under a...
  19. Denise

    Duncan O'Finioan Interview - Ground your Soul whilst in the 'Rabbit Hole'..!

    New Interview With Randy Maugans February 26, 2012 at 2:18 pm (Interviews) From Duncans Blog... We did an interview with Randy Maugans of Off Planet Radio last night. For those of you who were waiting to hear about Crowley and the survival training and much, much more … this is an...
  20. Denise

    Sheldan Nidle ~ "Our Labors of Hercules" To Be Rewarded ~ February 28, 2012

    4 Kan, 17 Zac, 8 Manik 

 Dratzo! We return! The ultimatums, and the pressures resulting from them, have forced the resignations of many in the lower levels of the dark cabal. This marks the beginning of the denouement which will bring out into the open all that we have been working toward and...