
  1. R

    The call for ‘Arab Rage’ protests in Israel is ‘anti-Semitic’

    Under pressure from the Zionist entity and the US Israel Lobby, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Jewish-owned Facebook – launched in February 2004, has a 100% Jewish founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg. Following in the steps of Arab mass protests going on in several countries against their...

    Somali terror suspect to ask US judge for release

    MINNEAPOLIS – A Somali man who has been in U.S. custody for more than two years on terror charges is expected to request his release pending sentencing. Kamal Said Hassan pleaded guilty to providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization and other charges. He will appear in...
  3. R

    Know your terrorists

  4. J

    This video is about proof of 'UFO's' what do you make of it?

    I keep leaving out the link...oh well...http://www.cutepiggy.com/full_disclosure_project.html
  5. R

    Obama: ‘Can I speak to Nasrallah, please!’

    David Ignatius, the Zionist Jew columinst who as Moderator did not allow Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to finish his response to Israel’s President Shimon Peres’ rant at the World Economic Forum (2009) in Davos (Switzerland) – in his Opinion-Post in the Washington Post (March 17...
  6. R

    Fogel: ‘thou shalt not demand your wages’

    Israel’s racist FM Avigdor Lieberman, while visiting the Fogel’s house in the illegal Jewish settlement of Itamar build on a land stolen from the native Palestinians, said: “This is a house of death reminiscent of the Kishinev pogrom. The State of Israel must show the world that anyone who...

    WikiLeaks, released on Monday emails of Hacker group releases B of A employee correspondence

    CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) – Anonymous, a hacker group sympathetic to WikiLeaks, released on Monday emails that it obtained from someone who said he is a former Bank of America Corp employee. In the emails dating from November 2010, people that appear to be employees of a Balboa...
  8. R

    US: ‘Lying for war is kosher’

    On February 23, 2011 – RollingStone magazine published an investigating report by Michael Hasting, claiming that US military command in Afghanistan had been using ‘Brainwash Psy-Ops’ on US Senators and Congressmen by providing these warmongering Israel-Firsters the ammunition to get more money...
  9. Unhypnotized

    7/7 inquests: ambulances were ‘held back’

    London Telegraph March 1, 2011 Only half the ambulances available were sent to help victims of the 7/7 bombings, the inquest into the attacks heard today. London Ambulance Service (LAS) also held back crews stationed near the scenes of the atrocities, meaning the injured had to be treated by...
  10. Unhypnotized

    7/7 Was An Inside Job

    If you ignore the mainstream media lies about the 7/7 London bombings, which took place in summer 2005, and simply look at the evidence; it is as blatant as the nose on your face that these attacks were carried out by intelligence agencies and not by islamic terrorists born in Leeds. There are...
  11. Unhypnotized

    UK Morgue Prepared In Advance Of London 7/7 Bombing!

    UK Morgue Prepped Day Before 7/7 Bombings...Monday, 28 February 2011 3:00 It is quite startling to realise that a special room had been set up to receive the dead of the July 7th bombings in a temporary morgue built on army land, the contract for which (see [1] below) arrived on the...
  12. R

    West: ‘Best time to occupy Libyan oilfields’

    Libyan President with all his anti-West and anti-Israel rhetoric was tolerable as long as he kept an uninterrupted oil supply to the West. However, the current anti-government protests and political turmoil in Libya has lead an increase in worldwide oil prices. Libya is a major exporter of oil...
  13. CASPER

    [Bombshell!] Saudi charged in U.S. bomb plot, Bush possible target

    A 20-year-old Saudi student has been arrested in Texas in a bomb plot that may have targeted former President George W. Bush and nuclear plants, U.S. authorities said on Thursday. Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, who was admitted into the United States in 2008 on a student visa and was attending college...
  14. CASPER

    FBI violated 1st Amendment rights of Muslims, suit alleges

    The federal suit alleges that the agency used a paid informant to gather information on members of several Southern California mosques based solely on religion. Legal experts say the plaintiffs face an uphill battle. An FBI operation violated the 1st Amendment rights of hundreds of Muslims by...
  15. Unhypnotized

    How MI5 blundered over photo of two 7/7 bombers

    UK Daily Mail Feb 22, 2011 A crucial photograph of the July 7 ringleader was cut in half by an MI5 officer more than a year before the attacks in London, it was revealed yesterday. Key parts of secret surveillance pictures of Mohammed Sidique Khan and fellow bomber Shehzad Tanweer were...
  16. R

    Qaradawi: ‘The Sunni Khomeini’

    Egyptian-born Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi (born 1926), who was called “a leading progressive Muslim like the reformist Pope John XXIII” by London Mayor Ken Livingstone during his visit to the city in 2004 – returned from Qatar to Cairo on Friday, February 18, 2011. In his first Friday Khutba...
  17. CASPER

    Al-Qaida figure believed killed in US drone strike

    DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan – An Iraqi al-Qaida operative was believed to be one of 15 militants killed in two U.S. missile strikes in Pakistan's tribal belt along the Afghan border Monday, Pakistani intelligence officials said. The officials said the man, identified as Abu Zaid al-Iraqi...
  18. R

    The Jewish Taliban

    Oded Orbach 52, an Israeli-born American Jewish citizen, was arrested in Bucharest (Romania) on February 10, 2011. He is charged with conspiracy to provide material support and resources to Taliban, as well conspiracy to acquire and transfer anti-aircraft missiles. He faces the possibility of...
  19. Truth Vibrations

    FBI: Communication technology outpacing wiretap ability

    http://cnn.com/video/?/video/tech/2011/02/17/meserve.new.technology.cnn -- Rapid advances in communications are eroding police departments' abilities to conduct wiretaps, and Congress needs to take steps to ensure that new telephone, computer and wireless systems are designed to allow lawful...
  20. CASPER

    Japan ends Antarctic whaling season early

    TOKYO – Japan canceled the rest of its whale hunting season in Antarctic waters Friday citing repeated harassment by Sea Shepherd activists at sea, after netting only a fifth of its targeted catch of 850 whales. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which Japanese officials have derided as a...