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    Jewish groups slam ‘Newseum’ for honoring Palestinian journalists killed by Israelis

    On May 13, 2013, Washington-based media museum, Newseum, will honor 84 journalists killed in line of duty in various countries in 2012. The list includes two cameramen, Hussam Salama and Mahmoud Al-Kumi, from Hamas-owned Al-Aqsa TV, who were killed by an Israeli air-strike while driving through...
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    Jewish group forces UN to drop 9/11 Truth Teller

    Under pressure from Israel advocacy group, B’nai B’rith International (BBI), United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Swiss ambassador at the UN Paul Seger have decided to cancel Annie Machon’s address at a June 6 briefing jointly organized by the UN Department of Public Information...
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    British Archives: “Zionists were Terrorists, Nazis and Savages”

    The British National Archives released last week, contains an intelligence report dated April 30, 1948 – two weeks before David Ben Gurion unilaterally declared the establishment of Israel. In the report, Sir Alan Cunningham, the last High Commissionar of the British Mandate authority in...
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    Kerry blames Hizbullah for 1983 US embassy bombing

    “Hey, US wanted to stick their nose into this Lebanon thing, let them pay the price,” Israeli prime minister Begin. On April 18, 2013, US secretary of state John Kerry, who is married to a Jewish billionaire of Heinz food dynasty and grandson of a Jewish couple – took a shot at Israel’s N0.1...
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    The ‘kosher PR’ to improve Israel’s image overseas

    Israel’s ministry of tourism, Jewish Army, Jewish Agency for Israel and World Zionist Organization are notorious for their long histories of using sex in public relation and advertisement to improve Israel’s image overseas and marketing Holocaust. Even though, Israeli and western polls have...
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    Argentina’s President slams Israel Lobby

    Last week, the foreign ministers of Argentina and Iran signed an agreement to establish a joint Truth Commission to investigate the 1994 bombing at the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires and 1992 bombing at Israeli Embassy building. This has infuriated the Zionist regime and the...
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    Israel’s “Prisoner X” was Mossad agent

    Yesterday’s revelation by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the prisoner, known as “Prisoner X”, who committed suicide inside Israel’s maximum security prison near Tel Aviv in December 2010, was Australian Jew by the name Ben Zygier. The news diverted Netanyahu’s attention from...
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    Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!

    Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met Barack Obama and members of his national security team on January 23, 2013 offering abject apologies for the Israeli covert attack on USS Liberty. According to Karl Reich, BNN senior producer, the Jewish groups included ADL, AIPAC and...
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    India threatens Pakistan over Kashmir

    On Tuesday, Indian occupation troops in the disputed Jammu & Kashmir valley killed a Pakistani soldier. It’s the fifth fatality in hostilities between the nuclear armed neighbors since the new year. Two Pakistani and two Indian soldiers were killed earlier this month since a ceasefire between...
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    NY Jewish couple with explosive, are not terrorists!

    In my previous post, I quoted Jewish journalist Alex Joffe with the Jewish Ideas Daily complaining that there was no justice for Jews in United States. Here is an interesting twist to the truth. On January 1, 2013, New York City police reported they found bomb-making material and a “Terrorist...
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    9/11 and Netanyahu

    We all know the holy 9/11 official story of “19 Muslim hijackers who lived in the West and fooled around with local call girls and booze“, defeated mighty American Pentagon and CIA by carrying out historic act of terrorism against innocent American citizens – because they “hate US”. Israeli...
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    Jews take Jesus out of Christmas

    The American Atheist group headed by Zionist Jew, David Silverman, is running anti-Jesus billboard campaign this Christmas season as it did in 2010 and 2011. This year, the group have put up a billboard in New York City’s Time Square that reads, “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!“ On the...
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    Israel urges UNSC to disarm Hizballah

    On December 20, 2012, Israeli envoy at the United Nations, Ron Prosor, sent a letter to the 15-nation UN Security Council (UNSC) to stop Lebanese Islamic Resistance Hizabllah from rearming itself to defend the country during next Israeli attack. He claimed Hizballah with tens of thousands of...
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    Israel: ‘Thou shalt not vote for Hagel’

    “An Obama nomination and Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel would be a major step in breaking the grip of Israel’s myrmidons (Israel-Firsters) in this country,” James M. Wall, journalist and former publisher of Chicago-based The Christian Century magazine. Earlier, I had posted Jews against...
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    Indian Navy Commander: Israeli military is ‘third-rated’

    Last week, the leader of Lebanese Islamic Resistance, Hizballah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, while addressing a youth event in Beirut had stressed that the so-called “powerful” Zionist entity is over, and forever, following the defeat it faced in the last offensive against Gaza. Israeli...
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    Cynthia McKinney detained for visiting Pakistan

    During December 2-9, 2012 – former six-term US Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney and Sara Flounders, co-director of International Action Center, visited Pakistan, in support of efforts to free and repatriate Pakistani citizen Dr. Aafia Siddique. On her return flight from Pakistan, McKinney was...
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    US to build ‘Site 911′ in Israel

    Walter Haskell Pincus 80, the Jewish national security journalist for the Zioconservative daily The Washington Post reported on November 28, 2012 that US Army Corps of Engineers plans to build a five-storey underground facility, named “Site 911″ at an Israeli Airforce base near Tel Aviv. The...
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    Brunon K: Poland’s Zionist Terrorist

    On November 29, 2012, the US-based Jewish intelligence and forecasting agency ‘Stratfor’ published an analysis of the recent failed terrorist attack on Poland’s parliament by professor Brunon Kwiecien (Agricultural University in Krakow). The ‘Stratfor’ was established as a private intelligence...
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    Tzipi Livni: PA bid at UN is a ‘strategic terrorist attack’

    On Friday, Israeli daily The Jerusalem Post published former Zionist foreign minister and daughter of a European Jewish terrorist, Tzipi Livni, in which she called PA victory at the UN General Assembly Thursday, a “strategic terrorist attack”. She predicted that PA’s upgraded non-member...
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    French President: ‘Netanyahu is obsessed with Iran’

    French weekly Le Canard Enchaine reported last week that French Jewish President Francois Hollande had criticized Zionist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “being obsessed with Iran” and using memorial service at Toulhouse for political gains. “Netanyahu came to France to campaign (for his...