
  1. White Rabbit

    Secrets of the Titantc ~ On the 100 Year Anniversary

    Titanic discoverer says ship’s wreckage site being destroyed by tourists; how he plans to save it... The man who first discovered the Titanic wreckage says tourists visiting the site are destroying the remains of the ship's hull. "They are loving the Titanic to death," oceanographer Robert...
  2. K

    [Warning!] A Warning to the Leaders; A Message to All

    A warning to the leaders, a message to all. Hide you heartless weaklings. Cower when the chaos that you have created, begins. Like a child playing with a firecracker, what they once held in the palm of their hand under full control, will render much more of an explosive result, insomuch as...
  3. New UFO Hunter

    Life': Newly discovered planet is just like Earth and could contain liquid water

    "Scientists have discovered a planet which could have the most Earth-like environment ever found - raising a 'very compelling case' for life there. Gliese 581g, located around 123trillion miles away, orbits a star at a distance that places it squarely in the habitable - or Goldilocks - zone...
  4. Unhypnotized

    Titan Flyby (T-74)

    18 Feb 2011 - Titan Flyby (T-74) - Feb. 18, 2011 This is a post-dusk, upstream, high altitude 'blind' flyby that will be useful to characterize the background magnetic field in which Titan sits. More...

    Skywatchers Spot Secret U.S. Spy Satellite in Orbit

    The secret NROL-49 spy satellite blasts off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California atop a huge Delta 4-Heavy rocket in this photo taken at 1:10 p.m. PST on Jan. 20, 2011. The clandestine cargo carried into polar orbit Thursday aboard the first California-launched Delta 4-Heavy rocket...
  6. Truth Vibrations

    23-story rocket launches spy satellite

    http://cnn.com/video/?/video/us/2011/01/20/sot.delta.rocket.launch.UNITEDLAUNCH -- The largest rocket ever launched from the West Coast went into space Thursday afternoon carrying a secret "national security" satellite, Vandenberg Air Force Base in California announced. The 23-story tall Delta...

    Private Companies Taking Over Orbital Space Business from NASA

    NASA has never been an exclamation-point outfit. The folks who work there may do extraordinary things, but they tend to talk about them in the dry and uninflected tones of the engineers they are. So it was something of a departure last week when, after an unmanned version of what may well be...

    Cassini reveals oxygen atmosphere of Saturn's moon Rhea

    The Cassini-Huygens mission has discovered a tenuous atmosphere infused with oxygen and carbon dioxide at Saturn’s moon Rhea – the first time a spacecraft has captured direct evidence of an oxygen atmosphere at a world other than Earth. The NASA-led international mission made the discovery...
  9. New UFO Hunter

    NASA puts Alien Believers in a Spin with announcement of 'Astrobiology finding'

    NASA says it has something to share, Alien believers get very, very excited! TRUE believers are in a spin after a tantalising press release from NASA that says it has news to share about the search for alien life. The space agency this week announced a media conference to "discuss an...
  10. CASPER

    NASA Resurrects Cassini Spacecraft In Time for Saturn Moon Flyby

    NASA reawakened the Cassini spacecraft today (Nov. 24) from a forced hibernation while in orbit around Saturn, after three weeks of stalled science work due to a computer glitch. All of the probe's science instruments have been reactivated and the spacecraft is in good health, just in time to...
  11. CASPER

    30-Year Saturn Odyssey: From NASA's Voyagers to Cassini Today

    It's been 30 years since NASA's two Voyager spacecraft first visited Saturn, but the legacy of the discovery created by the probes still lingers at the ringed planet today. Voyager 1 made its closest flyby of Saturn 30 years ago today (Nov. 12) and its sister craft, Voyager 2, followed suit...
  12. CASPER

    Venus and Saturn Now Grace the Predawn Sky

    Venus and Saturn, two bright planetary gems of the sky, had been hiding from skywatchers in recent months, but they have returned with flair just ahead of the rising sun. In the complicated dance of the planets, both planets appear from Earth to have moved west of the sun and both are now...
  13. Unhypnotized

    Alien life on Titan?

    Titan: Nasa scientists discover evidence 'that alien life exists on Saturn's moon' Evidence that life exists on Titan, one of Saturn’s biggest moons, appears tohave been uncovered by Nasa scientists. Researchers at the space agency believe they have discovered vital clues that...
  14. Unhypnotized

    Obama?s Budget Has One Small, Missing Piece?. For $6.3 Trillion Dollars

    Tyler Durden Zero Hedge Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010 Today, to much fanfare, the administration released its ridiculous $3+ trillion budget (we say + because at that size the one thing certain is that the budget will certainly never hit the target and while we wish it would be lower, we are...
  15. CASPER

    Sunlight Glints off Liquid Lake on Titan

    A flash of sunlight reflecting off a hydrocarbon lake on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan has been spotted by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, confirming the presence of liquid on a part of the surface of the hazy satellite with many lake-shaped basins. The image taken by Cassini is the first that...
  16. CASPER

    Glint of sunlight confirms liquid in northern lake district of Titan

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft has captured the first flash of sunlight reflected off a lake on Saturn's moon Titan, confirming the presence of liquid on the part of the moon dotted with many large, lake-shaped basins. Cassini scientists had been looking for the glint, also known as a specular...
  17. Unhypnotized

    NASA reveals first-ever photo of liquid on another world

    Thom Patterson CNN Sunday, Dec 20th, 2009 NASA scientists revealed Friday a first-of-its-kind image from space showing reflecting sunlight from a lake on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. It’s the first visual “smoking gun” evidence of liquid on the northern hemisphere of the moon, scientists...
  18. Unhypnotized

    Alex Jones Exclusive: Megadeth?s Dave Mustaine Talks About His Awakening to The NWO

    Infowars December 11, 2009 Rock icon Dave Mustaine, frontman for heavy metal titans Megadeth, talks with Alex Jones about his own personal awakening to the new world order, his recent conversion to Christianity after formerly dabbling with occultism, and how is he now using his music, namely...
  19. R

    Kids TV hijacked by the government to promote influenza vaccination

    Kids TV hijacked by the government to promote influenza vaccination October 23, 2009 A desperate brainwashing campaign to skeptical parents to force their children to give the dangerous H1N1 vaccine accelerates. The federal government has spent $16 million U.S. dollars on a PR campaign...
  20. Unhypnotized

    Government Hijacks Kids TV To Propagandize For Swine Flu Shots

    Desperate brainwashing campaign to coerce suspicious parents into giving their children dangerous H1N1 vaccine accelerates Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Thursday, October 22, 2009 The federal government has accelerated its $16 million dollar PR campaign to brainwash and coerce...