
  1. Animal microchips linked to causing cancer

    Ethan A. Huff Natural News Oct 20, 2010 Many veterinarians recommend them, and most animal shelters require them. Identification microchips injected into the necks of cats and dogs are touted as useful in recovering lost pets because the devices store owner and medical information. But are...
  2. Study Proves Aspartame Causes Lung And Liver Cancer

    10-19-2010 03:04 AM 'While the new study is breaking, the history of aspartame being a carcinogen has always been known. Aspartame was known to cause cancer from the beginning. On August 1, 1985 FDA toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress that at least one of Searle's studies "has...
  3. Merck Sued Over 'HomeAgain' Pet Chip Cancer

    10-14-2010 03:13 AM 'Pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. has been served with a lawsuit over claims its HomeAgain® pet microchip induced cancer in a cat. Animal rights attorney Steven Wise seeks "reasonable compensatory damages" for a malignant tumor "likely" induced by a HomeAgain® ID chip...
  4. Corn syrup producers to change name to ‘corn sugar’ as awareness over health concerns

    Activist Post Sept 15, 2010 Bad press over health concerns has affected sales for the corn syrup industry and as a result the Associated Press reported today that corn syrup producers want to “sweeten up its image with a new name: corn sugar.” *The article explained: The bid to rename the...
  5. Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of Verichip?

    Bob Boyce, who has invented a super-efficient electrolysis method, as well as a self-looping electrical circuit capable of charging batteries, discovered a microchip implant in his shoulder when having a tumor removed from that spot, which metastasized. It turns out the chip was made by...
  6. Aspartame Awareness Weekend - What You Can Do

    09-02-2010 05:03 AM 'For 30 years, aspartame (AminoSweet, Equal, NutraSweet, Spoonful, Canderel, E951, Benevia, etc.) has caused sickness and death in 100 countries. * In the beginning, the FDA tried to get G. D. Searle indicted for submitting fraudulent studies that did everything from...
  7. R

    [Attention] My Aspartame Experiment BY VICTORIA TOURINNES

    My Aspartame Experiment BY VICTORIA TOURINNES Thursday, August 19, 2010 A FEMALE RAT DEVELOPED A BREAST TUMORS So large that they often used as a pillow BY VICTORIA TOURINNES-BROWN, MA Introduction by author Carol Guilford "Each of these studies even with a few hundred animals...
  8. Evidence mounts on links between cell phones and brain tumors

    David Gutierrez Natural News June 21, 2010 A growing body of evidence, dating back to the 1960s, suggests that brain tumors may be only one of the many health problems produced by our new wireless society will produce. Cell-phone technology “could lead to a health crisis similar to those...
  9. Study: Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer

    AOL News May 24, 2010 Almost half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives, according to an evaluation of those products released today. AOL News also has...
  10. £45 shops ‘bribe’ for cervical cancer jab for teenage girls

    UK Daily Mail Monday, February 15th, 2010 Teenage girls are being rewarded with shopping vouchers for having the cervical cancer jab. Girls aged 16 to 18 are being given £45 of vouchers if they complete an inoculation course against the HPV virus, the sexually transmitted infection that causes...
  11. Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a natural sweetener

    Aspartame Re Branded AminoSweet In response to growing awareness about the dangers of artificial sweeteners, what does the manufacturer of one of the world's most notable artificial sweeteners do? Why, rename it of course and begin marketing it as natural. This is precisely the strategy of...
  12. Energy healing of a cancer tumour

    Amazing footage of energy healers 'zapping' cancer cells in a patient with bladder cancer .
  13. Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer, Scientists Warn

    David Gutierrez Natural News Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 A report issued by the International Electromagnetic Field Collaborative and endorsed by 43 scientists from 13 countries has reviewed the evidence linking cell phone use to brain tumors, and refuting the methodology of a forthcoming...
  14. Verichip is now called PositiveID! Roll up your sleeve for the implantable human micr

    Greg Nikolettos Op Ed News Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010 As sure as the sun rises, so Verichip keeps spawning and shape shifting to gain market acceptance as people from across the globe unite and reject the IBM seed-funded, Raytheon-manufactured Human Implantable microchip company. To...
  15. BBC Hypes X-Ray Body Scanners

    No World System Tuesday, January 12, 2010 BBC promotes conventional x-ray technology to be used on only ’suspicious’ travelers at Newcastle Airport. These X-ray scanners send a high-energy beam of particles called photons that pass through the subject to digitally create the x-ray...
  16. Body Scanner Waves Tear Apart DNA

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thursday, January 7th, 2010 A new model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather. Great things are expected of terahertz waves, the radiation that fills the slot in the...
  17. Full-Body Scanners Increase Cancer Risk

    NoWorldSystem December 6, 2010 There are two types of scanners we will have to endure at the airport; the millimeter-wave scanner and the ‘backscatter’ X-ray scanner. Both emit ‘high-energy’ radiation and are dangerous. Body scanners have revolutionized the practice of medicine and has...
  18. Aspartame alert: Diet soda destroys kidney function

    E. Huff NaturalNews Thursday, Dec 17th, 2009 Scientists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have revealed results from a study outlining some of the effects of artificial sweeteners on the body. Conducted on a group of 3,000 women, the results indicated that those who drank two or more...
  19. Mammograms cause breast cancer, groundbreaking new research declares

    Well.. I'd like to say I'm surprised. But unfortunately this is just business as usual. Continue reading here: http://www.naturalnews.com/027641_ma...st_cancer.html
  20. Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of Verichip?

    Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of Verichip? http://pesn.com/2009/11/28/9501591_B...r_by_Verichip/ Bob Boyce, who has invented a super-efficient electrolysis method, as well as a self-looping electrical circuit capable of charging batteries, discovered a microchip implant in his shoulder...