
My Aspartame Experiment BY


Thursday, August 19, 2010

So large that they often used as a pillow




Introduction by author Carol Guilford

"Each of these studies even with a few hundred animals, there are no more than a dozen needed a specific injury that would cause the active substance to link it to the active substance such as aspartame or with related chemicals .

Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist in a letter to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, dated October 30, 1986.

When Victoria Innes-Brown contacted me about explosive recorded information concerning aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet) the controversial artificial sweetener chemicals, I did not know what to expect. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence of the dangers of aspartame for health (tires have been recalled for less) it is still present in more than 6,000 food, beverage and medical products.

Who had imagined that an ordinary person would do a study of aspartame with 108 rats for 2 years and 8 months.

The deceased Dr. Adrian Gross explained that rodent experiments are the way to find out what a particular substance occurs in humans.

Look at the pictures of Victoria from her animals an amount of aspartame were administered in less than a Diet Coke a day, until they are themselves die. It is important that the control group, no aspartame were administered, no visible resulted in . (1)

The artificial sweetener aspartame was approved by the FDA in 1981. By 1990, the FDA had a list of 92 symptoms reported by 10,000 consumers, a list released for publication by the Law on freedom of information. (2)

Personally, I have thousands of cases read from aspartame victims, message sent to the support group for aspartame victims at Yahoo, March Victoria photos, the first that ever were released from any study also gave a meaning to the assumption: "A picture is worth a thousand words ".

The following is the bold justification as to why she did her research, she used the protocol and the remarkable pictures of the rats. Victoria told -

I wanted visible proof

I did my aspartame research because my family was addicted to diet soda. After researching the effects of aspartame, I strongly believe that the artificial sweetener, one day she got sick and could even kill.

What affected me most in my research on the aspartame molecule, the Bressler Report (3).
Dr. Jerome Bressler, MD, led a special unit to confirm the accuracy of a study by GD Searle, the pharmaceutical company that owned the patent on the sweetener

The team of Dr. Bressler did the Searle audit between April 25, 1977 to August 4, 1977 and the study PT # 988S73, a 115-week oral cancer study in rats.. The study in rats was most likely done by Searle to examine the side effects of the crystalline phenylalanine, that 50% of the chemical composition of aspartame breakdown product in the SC-19192, diketopiperazine (DKP).

The team of Dr. Bressler found irregularities in Searle's experiment - missing raw data, errors and discrepancies in available data, excluding animals and animals whose tumors were removed were returned to the study.

It is clear that Searle carcinogenicity of DKP and had wrongly suggested the FDA had to incriminating information hidden.

One of the unreported tissues of the Searle studies measured 5.0 X 4.5 X 2.5 cm. A significantly large tumor that was visible to the naked eye and are not to be missed.

I was convinced that I would see tumors and possibly other harmful effects to my family and friends to convince not to use aspartame.

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