
  1. D

    A Hollow Earth Question?

    It is said that there is some type of opening around the northern pole area in which one would be able to travel into the hollow earth. Is that area, in the north pole, the only way to get in or are there other openings around the world?
  2. R

    Astronauts photographed volcano eruption

    Astronauts photographed volcano eruption Friday, June 26, 2009 On June 12 cracks a volcano on one of the Koerillen islands. Friday after briefly flew the ISS astronauts of space over there and shot a beautiful and dramatic photo of the event. Volcanologists have never had such a summary of...
  3. J

    Could the earth be weighed to prove it is hollow?

    What procedure could be used to weigh the earth? If we can cat scan it can we weigh it? Does it's weight increase with constant expansion?
  4. R

    What is really behind Obama’s look at climate engineering?

    April 9th, 2009 in Breaking News, Weather Control What is really behind Obama’s look at climate engineering? Obama to Look at Climate Engineering - WSJ.com. WASHINGTON — The president’s new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing...
  5. R

    Birth Place of Zeus found?

    Birth Place of Zeus found? Saturday, March 21, 2009 By Heather Whipps The Greek god of thunder and lightning had Earthly beginnings, and scientists think they finally know where. Ancient Greeks worshipped the first omni potent Zeus at a remote Altar on Mount Lykaion, a team of Greek and...
  6. R

    8,000 flee Colombia volcano

    February 15th, 2009 in Breaking News 8,000 flee Colombia volcano. PASTO (Colombia) - GALERAS volcano in southern Colombia, near the border with Ecuador, began erupting late Saturday, and some 8,000 residents were ordered to evacuate, the Colombian Institute of Geology and Mines said. A...
  7. R

    New or old is planet in our solar system?

    New or old is planet in our solar system? Niburu is currently perhaps the most discussed topic in the world of science, astronomers and world government. Professor Zecharia Sitchin is widely regarded as the greatest historian of all time. "the earth cronicles" His books "the earth cronicles"...
  8. R

    Targeted Populations

    Targeted Populations Bill introduced to Congress refers to damage of target populations with mind control, climate, weather or tectonic system exotic weapons THOMAS (Library of Congress) Through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic...
  9. R

    Targeted Populations

    Targeted Populations Bill introduced to Congress refers to damage of target populations with mind control, climate, weather or tectonic system exotic weapons THOMAS (Library of Congress) Through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic...
  10. Rumas

    Nasa reveals life on Mars January 15 2009

    ALIEN bugs are responsible for strong plumes of methane gas detected on Mars, it was claimed tonight.
  11. Unhypnotized

    NASA’s historic discovery of methane on Mars

    January 15, 2009 ALIEN microbes living just below the Martian soil are responsible for a haze of methane around the Red Planet, Nasa scientists believe. The gas, belched in vast quantities in our world by cows, was detected by orbiting spacecraft and from Earth using giant telescopes. Nasa...
  12. Rumas

    The CO2 and Global Warming Conspiracy

    If global warming is caused by CO2 in the atmosphere then does CO2 also cause increased sun activity too? Put another way, rising Earth temperatures and increasing CO2 may be "effects" and our own sun the "cause". FUNFACTS about CARBON DIOXIDE Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enter earth's...
  13. Rumas

    Michael St.Clair on Coast To Coast January 5 2009

    Description: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: Part 10: Part 11: Part 12:
  14. Rumas

    Earthquakes at Yellowstone park

    Yellowstone erupting would be a great event to depopulate the earth and gain more control over us. Who would ever suspect the government stimulating a volcano eruption to put the earth under a giant cloud of ash? Are they that desperate? Continue reading here: Yellowstone Earthquakes Raise...
  15. Rumas

    Jordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life

    Description: This Documentary goes through Jordan Maxwell's life, influences, and research from the perspective of a former fan of Maxwell' s who after "doing his homework" found that Maxwell often is totally making it up, and doesn't even try back up a majority of the things he says. At the...
  16. R

    Is our earth really hollow?

    Since so much has been written and discussed on this allegedly “Far-Out”topic, I feel it is worth examining the concept of a Hollow Earth a little further, if for no other reason than to satisfy the curiosity of any readers who may find this idea of interest. That it is an interesting...
  17. N

    Do anyone know about Hollow Earth?

    I need some reasons why The Hollow Earth Theory is pseudoscience (not real).Easy Points!!!! :D
  18. A

    Do you believe the Earth is hollow?

    Do you think there are subterranean civilizations currently living under the surface of the Earth. What do you think?