
  1. longhorn

    One by one, homes in Calif. subdivision sinking

    One by one, homes in Calif. subdivision sinking May 11, 2013 9:36 PM EDT By TRACIE CONE Associated Press (EXCERPT) LAKEPORT, Calif. (AP) - Scott and Robin Spivey had a sinking feeling that something was wrong with their home when cracks began snaking across their walls in March. The cracks...
  2. 2

    [Update!] Update from Dec 13th:Yellowstone, Sinkhole Jarred By 7.5 Alaskan Earthquake

    Yellowstone, Sinkhole Jarred By 7.5 Alaskan Earthquake | Earthquakes I remember hearing awhile back that there's a theory amongst some vulcanologists theorize that the volcanoes are connected to each other. Perhaps this proves it. But where do the sinkholes fit in?
  3. 2

    [Must Read!] Red Alert issued for Chilean volcano: Copahue

    red-alert-issued-for-chilean-volcano-photos What is a stratovolcano? At first I didn't know what kind of volcano this was, until I looked up stratovolcano.. and they are well the most infamous one was Krakatoa. From extremescience.com From Infowars.com Upon looking further it does...
  4. 2

    [Must Read!] 7,000 Earthquakes in 30 days, Shades of the movie???

    Over 7000 Earthquakes In Past 30 Days And 66 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now | 2012 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ While I don't think we're going to have a 2012 ,like the movie, at least I hope not. Still one has to wonder about the volcanoes and earthqukes going on, and the...
  5. 2

    [Attention] La Palma Awakening?410 Quakes in 120 Hours and Climbing in Canaries

    410 Quakes in 120 Hours and Climbing in Canaries Most everyone when they think of a big earthquake/volcanoe event usually thinks of either 2 things, San Andreas fault/and Yellowstone caldera. I have a tendancy to think of those myself, and then I come across something like this and think of El...
  6. 2

    [ALERT!] Alert Memo : Evacuation Looks Imminent !

    This caught my eye, this morning when I was looking for the real news, but just now got the chance to post it. Is this the real reason the government has bought $140 million dollars worth of food from farmers? That was just mentioned on MSM this morning. (supposed to go to food distribution...
  7. New UFO Hunter

    Rotating UFO Orb Over Tuscaloosa, Alabama on Video March 2012

    Date of sighting: March 18, 2012 Location of sighting: Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA This is a really intriguing video of a diamond UFO with twin rings rotating around it. Yes...if you look closely you will see the diamond shape. This thing keeps going and going until it finally disappears into the...
  8. 100th Monkey

    Machine dated at 400 million years found in Russia!

    RUSSIA. In the remote Kamchatka peninsula (map below), 200 km from Tigil, University of St. Petersburg archaeologists discovered a strange fossil. The authenticity of the find has been certified. According archaeologist Yuri Golubev, occurs that, in this case the discovery surprised scientists...
  9. Denise

    HUGE explosion on Sakurajima Volcano in Japan..!

    Feb 18, 2012 Sakurjima volcano in Japan erupts...BIG time..!
  10. New UFO Hunter

    UFO Orb Hovers Over Mexico Volcano Caught On TV Camera (VIDEO) Alien Base Entrance Di

    Date of sighting: February 2012 Location of sighting: Popocatepeti volcano, Mexico Eye witness states This is very exciting news and look at the massive size of that UFO! HuI have been watching the Popocatepeti volcano cam for about a year and a half and have reported two UFO sightings I...
  11. Denise

    Life spotted on Venus

    The Indo-Asian News Service reported Saturday that a Russian scientist has published what he claims is evidence of life on Venus, Earth’s nearest neighbor in the direction of the sun. Leonid Ksanfomaliti, an astronomer based at the Space Research Institute of Russia’s Academy of Sciences...
  12. New UFO Hunter

    Cloaked UFO Mothership Over Mountain Sits For many hours, Jan 2012 VIDEO!!!

    Date of sighting: January 2012 Location of sighting: Mt. Cook National Park, New Zealand Uploaders says I love this video, it captures the UFO mothership just sitting there while the wind is blowing at high speed, notice all the other clouds around it blowing away, but not this...
  13. New UFO Hunter

    V-Shape UFO Formation Over Iceland Volcano 18/04/10

    It this real?
  14. Boiling Frog

    (Red Ice Radio) Frank O'Collins - The Roman Cult (Law) & The Khazars

    November 24, 2011 Frank O'Collins Great Great Grandfather was an ex-Attorney General of Australia... Some excellent insights as to where the origins of 'Law & Theology' began... http://www.redicecreations.com/radio...RIR-111124.php http://www.ucadia.com/...
  15. syra

    Mud Volcano Indonesia

    this is old news but don't forget this thing hasn't stopped erupting.
  16. Denise

    Soul Transitions Vibe Report ~ Live in Love ~ Nancy Leilah Ward ~ October 7, 2011

    Live in Love This simple message is being sent deep into the hearts of those who wish to receive and stay in the high vibrational frequencies. To hold the vibration, you bring yourself into the vibration of love. Live in Love. This practice transforms the habitual energies of fear and...
  17. Denise

    Soul Transitions Vibe Report October 2011

    Soul Transitions Vibe Report October 2011 by Nancy Leilah Ward October 7, 2011 ==================================== Live in Love This simple message is being sent deep into the hearts of those who wish to receive and stay in the high vibrational frequencies. To hold the vibration, you bring...
  18. Denise

    Earthquake swarm after officials confirm eruption at Iceland volcano Katla

    by ClickGreen staff. Published Wed 05 Oct 2011 Iceland's massive volcano Katla appears on the brink of a major eruption just days after officials confirmed they had detected the start of eruptions over the summer. Measuring devices this morning have picked up a large earthquake swarm, usually...
  19. Denise

    The Masters of Light: Weather October 2011 by Ruth Ryden

    Masters, what will you tell us about world conditions and atmospheric anomalies? Masters: October brings a natural change of the seasons, but the seasons will be almost violently different in many parts of the world. Let’s start with the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. This month will see periods...
  20. R

    U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects

    U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects By Chisa Fujioka NAGOYA, Japan | Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:55am EDT (Reuters) - The United Nations should impose a moratorium on "geo-engineering" projects such as artificial volcanoes and vast cloud-seeding schemes to fight climate change...