A Call-Out to All Wiccans, Witches, and Pagans

And to those good souls on the Unhypnotize Forum.... if you are inclined, I would appreciate any form of good wishes, spells or whatever you might choose to call them to be sent to the Resolute. I have a feeling that she is going to need all the positive help than all of us can muster because we are bound for stormy weather.

The "Resolutes" home port site is thomastownsendbrown.com Just remember Dads full name. Thanks everybody. Linda Brown
I'm finally back from the wedding up in Lyons. It was beautiful. The token site, less than beautiful. I've had an uneasy feeling lately. The protection spell I have on the site is low level. It won't deter someone bent on chaos.

It appears that cosmic token expired on the 23rd, and if it was not renewed and was bought by someone else, then this could be what happened. Rumas is still looking into it. The Privacy Policy in the link is the standard that would be there for any site.
You'll have to talk to your Admin to be sure, but he may have renewed it late and it will take a day or so to come back. I can't be 100% sure on that, but that's what it looks like from here.

Your Admin will be able to tell you for sure. I wouldn't start panicking just yet. Relax, I'm sure everything will work out ok.

I have talked to him about it Lady of Light and his impression was that he had paid for a couple of years....

Of course mistakes can happen. If thats what happened we will just have to deal with it and go on.

I am not worried. If someone grabbed it.....we will just have to let it go.

I have already posted up to Chapter 29 of the Good-Bye Man rewrite on the " Resolute" and thats what I am concentrating on right now.

In any case, thank you so much for your concern.

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Just trying to ease the panic in case you hadn't heard from him. :)

Witchcraft involved or not, it's funny how things all happen around the same time. :) Story of my life. :) :)
Mystical connections. I am sensing a strange feeling of calm... as if everything is going the way that it was designed to go. I should be upset.... if not for me , perhaps for all of the others who volunteered so many wonderful observations ..... but I am not..... it may be that the Cosmic Token was meant to only go so far in this effort and then like a rocket booster, once she got to a certain altitude, she was meant to fall away. The sensation I woke up with this morning was that I was strangely free from some of those responsibilities... almost like being suddenly weightless.....

I only have one focus right now and that is to finish the rewrite and get it properly published in hardback. Strangely, I don't seem to be concerned about anything else. Perhaps this is helping me with my focus./ With Logan stepping in now to help me... perhaps it is better for him too for my " public visibility to be reduced a good bit and with the Cosmic Token now a hole where it used to be.....perhaps that buys me a certain freedom.

He said once that the cost would be nothing less than everything.

As a matter of security I have sent certain copies of the Rewrite to different individuals for safe keeping. Of course they still don't have the latest rewrites with the input from "Morgan" that I am hoping for.... that might develop on Dads site in the future or it may be kept confidential until the book is published. At this moment thats not my call.
Latest word is that the Cosmic Token is restored and should be back up soon. Deep Breath but this experience taught me alot about where my energies need to be focused... and the idea of duplicate postings both on the Resolute ( for scientific discussions primarily) and the Cosmic Token ( for the more personal discussions) needs to be followed.

I am pleased that we haven't lost the family history of the Token.... she was an important part of all of this....but it was important to realize that it is now time for the RESOLUTE to begin to ready for some important discussions and I have to be there too....

Its been an interesting wake up call.....

Facebook is the most miserable place online. I deleted my account because of the continuous energy sapping, followed by relentless attacks -- even while not online myself! Oddly enough, it stopped once my account was entirely closed. Simply "unfriending" the offenders wasn't enough. Not by a long shot.

It would be highly advisable for them to seek refuge here. You have certain things going for you that they don't. Of course they would be as open to DoS, DDoS or general hacking attacks as anyone, but they would be more subject to advanced persistent threats (shills, subterfuge, etc.) on a dedicated site, simply because they aren't as developed to see "who is who". As you say, you're working in the lion's den there. There are those with strong reasons to keep things on their terms. A dedicated nest would be an ideal incubator for wiles of all descriptions to be employed. Now is the time for the light, not for creating pockets of darkness.
I had a vivid impression yesterday of the Resolute sailing into a storm. But I felt like it would come through just fine.

Not to worry CAT... she was built for storms and ice..... and we are sailing South! <g>

Besides.... perhaps now we are equipped with the latest in Stealth Technology! <g>

Some will never see us!

I hope you realize that Antactica is south. It's not warm and green like it was when I lived there millenia ago.

Thank you for giving such a tool to everyone, we,re Runes master..we build tools from the edge of the wold for all WiCcans,witches and pagans..we give them to peoples who ask...where we just move,,Very north,, we have borealys sky,, so we can create for all...we're happy to chat to you all...ttys

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