[Shocking Truth:] A comparison of the 2012 Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall collapse and the 1995 Sampoong Department Store collapse

Truth Vibrations

New member
Here is a comparison I did of the 2012 Elliot Lake Ontario, Canada Algo Centre Mall collapse and the Seoul, South Korea 1995 Sampoong Department Store collapse.

This is a quote from the second to disaster television show that is appropriate for any desaster:
"Disasters don't just happen they are chain of critical events, unravel the clues and countdown those final seconds to disaster"

The Sampoong department store building; in only 10 years South Korea went from a Third World country to a booming financial society with buildings popping up all over the place.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; was a booming town in the 1980 because of uranium.

The Sampoong department store building; a women named Yoo Ji Hwan is buried alive and wants to be schoolteacher.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; a women named Lucie Aylwin is buried alive works for a college.

The Sampoong department store building; was built in the late 80s with reinforced concrete.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; was built in the early 80s with reinforced concrete.

The Sampoong department store building; in Seoul is in one of the biggest businesses areas and it was built on landfill site.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; is the only business area and Elliot Lake and was consider for a nuclear power site.

The Sampoong department store building; roof was cracked and the manager knows there's a lot of damage.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; roof has ongoing roof repairs that were never done right over its life and the managers and owners knew it for at least two years before the collapse.

The Sampoong department store building; the city of Seoul has a bunch of rigorous inspections for all the buildings.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; Canada has a bunch of rigorous inspections for all the buildings or at least it's supposed to.

The Sampoong department store building; just passed regular safety inspections.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; just passed is last safety inspection in may of 2012.

The Sampoong department store building; manager has seen structure cracks on columns and cement floors that show evidence of structural damage.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; manager and owner has also seen structure cracks on columns and cement floors as well as rust on columns and "I" beams. Complaints to the managers about structure cracks and damage have been filed over the years with little work done.

The Sampoong department store building; on the day of the collapse because of the cracks an owner of a restaurant close as he is afraid of damage to the restaurant and puts under construction sign up.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; a guy closed restaurant because of cement falling into his restaurant.

The Sampoong department store building; manager told the restaurant owner not to tell anybody because he didn't want the other owners of stores owners to panic and close up their stores.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; its unknown at this time.

The Sampoong department store building; customers and employees heard noises, rumblings and booms just before the building collapsed.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; its unknown if customers and employees heard noises at this time.

The Sampoong department store building; opened on July 7, 1990.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; opened on August 7, 1980.

The Sampoong department store building; collapse happened on June 29, 1995 at 5:57 PM KST (Korea Standard Time) a Thursday.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; collapse happened on June 23, 2012.at 2:20 PM EST (Eastern Standard time) a Saturday.

The Sampoong department store building; the manager concerned of the buildings structural stability tells the owner and engineer that helped design the department store that the cracks are getting wider. The engineer recommends closing the store and carrying out repairs, the owner refuses to close the building because he wants the shoppers to continue to shop. The owners is more concerned with profits than the employees and customers safety.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the manager concerned of the buildings structural stability notified owner, the owners being more concerned with the cost of repairs than the employees and customers safety and lets shoppers to continue to shop.

The Sampoong department store building; employees are worried that there is something wrong with the building, word about the safety of the building is spreading to other employees and customers and they are becoming very concerned.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; employees are worried that there is something wrong with the building they begin taking pictures and even beg for repairs to be done, word about the safety of the building is spreading to other employees and customers and they are becoming very concerned. People start betting on when they think the building will collapse.

The Sampoong department store building; at 5:40 PM a loud boom is heard in the ceiling begins to crumble.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; it is unknown at this time if sounds were heard before the collapse.

The Sampoong department store building; the collapse started near the escalators and restaurant area at column 5E.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the collapse happened near the escalators and restaurant area.

The Sampoong department store building; at 5:47 PM even louder booms were heard from the top floor just as the superstore collapsed, except the 2 north and south sides.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; at 2:20 PM a single 40 by 80 foot slab of cement collapsed pull the next floor down to the basement.

The Sampoong department store building; 1500 employees and customers were trapped or missing.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; 12 employees and customers were suspected trapped or missing.

The Sampoong department store building; television news crews in South Korea broadcast the horror live to the nation.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; television news crews broadcast the horror live to the world.

The Sampoong department store building; the area is in chaos as people search for friends and family members.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the town is in chaos as people search for friends and family members.

The Sampoong department store building; the scale of the rescue operation is massive.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the scale of the rescue operation for this isolated town is massive.

The Sampoong department store building; 1000's of rescuers, workers and volunteers desperately try to save the people from the wreckage.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; a rescue team was trying to help with improper equipment, 100's of volunteers and towns people desperately want to help, but red tape prevents them.

The Sampoong department store building; by nightfall the rescuers had 30 heavy equipment cranes ready and working(already digging) to help rescue the people. (the collapse happened around 5:47 PM)
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; 2 days later the rescuer team were still trying to form a rescue plan. (the collapse happened around 2:20 PM 2 days prior) they wait as their leaders talk about what to do next on new conferences and meetings.

The Sampoong department store building; by early the next morning 100's of bodies were pulled from debris
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; it took 5 days to pull 2 bodies from debris.

The Sampoong department store building; the rescuer team heard victims banging, tapping and calling out for help.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the rescuer team heard victims banging, tapping and calling out for help.

The Sampoong department store building; by early morning 200 people are pulled out alive.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; by early morning the rescuer team were still trying to form a rescue plan.

The Sampoong department store building; many willingly risk their lives to free people from the wreckage.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; many are ready to willingly risk their lives to free people from the wreckage, but are not permitted as talks continue.

The Sampoong department store building; by the end of the second day officials declare the danger is just too great to continue and they abandoned the rescue operation.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the next day officials declare the danger is just too great to continue and the abandoned the rescue operation.

The Sampoong department store building; more then 500 relatives and friends take to the streets in protest about the decision to abandoned the rescue operation and plead with officials to resume as this is a death sentence for anybody trapped in the wreckage alive.(they are still hearing noising in the wreckage)
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; 1000's of people from the town take to the streets in protest about the decision to abandoned the rescue operation and plead with officials to resume the rescue as this is a death sentence for anybody trapped in the wreckage alive.(they are still hearing noising in the wreckage)

The Sampoong department store building; as time goes by the debris is compressing and crushing the victims underneath.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; as time goes by the debris is compressing and crushing the victims underneath.

The Sampoong department store building; after three days the rescue operation turns into a recovery operation because officials believe no one can survive without food of this long.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; after three days the rescue operation turns into a recovery operation, no more sounds are coming from the debris.

The Sampoong department store building; after 285 hours or almost 12 days a survivor named Yoo Ji Hwan is pulled from the wreckage she survived by drinking rainwater to everyone amazement.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; no victims under the rubble would be rescued.

The Sampoong department store building; the people start protesting because they are angry and demand to know why a six-year-old department store building collapsed and who is to blame.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the people start protesting because they are angry and demand to know why a department store building collapsed and who is to blame.

The Sampoong department store building; the investigation team suspect that it was a gas related disaster, the investigation reveals that a high-pressure blowout has happened in the building but the gas was shut off in time to avoid a disaster.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the investigation is still on going at the time of the article, however it is currently being blamed on the roof being in disrepair, improper repair work be done, and the owner not following the repair recommendations of repair crews, mainly adding a membrane on the roof as stated the the original blueprints.

The Sampoong department store building; it was then thought it could be a terrorist bomb but, building but they quickly eliminated that as a possibility due to the way the debris has fallen.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; this was never considered.

The Sampoong department store building; third option are considering was some kind of structural failure and they began testing for failures.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; structural failure is the only option being considered and they began testing for failures.

The Sampoong department store building; the strength the concrete was ruled out as a possible cause.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; the strength the concrete is unknown at this time.

The Sampoong department store building; the individual floor columns was reduced from 80 cm to 60 cm and instead of 16 steel bars as the blueprints call for, there was only eight used which reduces the that buildings strength by half. It was also found that the bars in the concrete slabs were not not 5cm from the top of the floor as the blueprints specified but 10cm. The management also added a floor to the original plans. When construction company refusing to add the floor the contractors were fired and another construction company was hired to complete the building. The new floor was to be a roller-skate rink but they change that again to be restaurants and because people in Korea traditionally sit on floor they had floor heater installed. They needed to thicken the concrete floor which put more stress and weight on the columns.Years before the collapse three large air-conditioners were moved because neighbors on the east side complained they were too noisy. They dragged them across the roof with rollers causing cracks and damaged roof over time as opposed to using the more expensive crane and lifting them in to place. Which is believed to have put the building over the edge. Vibrations from the air-conditioners being switched on off caused the columns to eventually crack to the breaking point.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; is still being investigated, however when the owner was told by a repair crew he need a membrane on the roof, he didn't like the multimillion dollar price tag, he promptly fired them and hired another repair crew to do the repairs with 100's of cans of sealer purchased at a local building store with only a $50,000 price tag. Rusted "I" beams and columns, Cars, big trucks, plows, snow, salt on the mall roof eventually brought the roof to the breaking point.

The Sampoong department store building; is become obvious that this points to is a systematic disregard for building regulations by the owner, the engineer, the manager and the CEO. They can all be arrested in Korea on a suspicion of negligence for this.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; it is becoming obvious that this points to is a systematic disregard for building safety by the owner, inspectors and managers. (imo)

The Sampoong department store building; the manager switched off the air conditioning on the day of the collapse he obviously knew the air conditioning was causing some problems with the structure.

The Sampoong department store building; 377 hours or about 16 days after the collapse there was still one person pulled out alive(Park Seung Hyun). She survived by drinking rain and fire hose water that was sprayed on the rubble. People were shocked.

The Sampoong department store building; 937 people are seriously injured and 508 dead.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; 20 people are seriously injured and 2 dead.

The Sampoong department store building; they blame the collapse on human ignorance, negligence and greed.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; we are still waiting to find out, but I suspect the same. (imo)

On December 27, 1995 the owner Lee Joon was jailed for 10 1/2 years for being found guilty of criminal negligence. His son(Lee Han-Sang) the CEO and president was jailed for seven years for corruption and accidental homicide. After further investigation wide spread corruption was found in the city of Sampoong and 21 others who were found guilty and also jailed including 12 city officials such as Lee Chung-Woo and Hwang Chol-Min who were in charge of overseeing the construction of the building, were also found to have been bribed into concealing the illegal changes and poor construction.
A settlement was reached in 3,293 cases totaling 375.8 billion (close to $350 million USD). The Chaebol Lee family was stripped of all of their possessions and assets to cover the costs The Sampoong department store building; collapse.

The Sampoong department store building; In the aftermath there was a new wave of rigorous building inspections were created cross-country.
The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building; Canada still waits for the investigation to be complete and charges to laid and sentences to be handed out.

Quote from Yoo Ji Hwan "If there's one thing I take away from this, it's that if you build a building, build it for your family or those you love, with that mindset this disaster would never of happened"

...and I would like to add to that is, if you own a building maintain and repair it for your family or those you love.

Another odd piece of information I noticed while researching this:

"Zellers: Of the 220 Zellers stores, 189 were purchased by Target in their Canadian expansion. They declined to take over the lease of the Elliot Lake store location." could Zellers have needed insurance money?

If you find I am missing any information or I am in error please post the correction. I will be adding to this thread as more information come available in the The Elliot Lake Algo Centre Mall building collapse. All the information in the thread has been collected from the internet from the below sources. The Wikipedia articles are always changing so information gather from there may not correspond to this post anymore.


Algo Centre Mall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sampoong Department Store collapse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Video -- Mall Collapse -- National Geographic

and various news articles around the internet.
Creepy, and eerie similarities. I'm thinking from the above that there's probably corruption going on not just in the sampoong thing, but in Elliot Lake as well from teh sound of it. Good comparison, I look forward to hearing the outcome from Elliot Lake Mall.