New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Alien intervention throughout human history? Scientists stumble on possible proof.

Is it possible that human history may have been influenced by extraterrestrials?
This area of subject matter rests on the border of UFOs, Aliens and the origins of man
. The idea that aliens may have been genetically playing here on Earth has endless ramifications for many firmly grounded type people. References to this type of subject matter range from ancient texts or scribes of stone from various cultures, to passing the information forward from generation to generation or from those who claim to have been given a vision or two.
Heres one to push you further down the rabbit hole. What if those nasty microchips existed in the days of the Pharaohs. Well,.... hold on to your megabits because this one is right out of the twilight zone and may flip your lid.
Now scientist believe they have found technical evidence to support the idea that key individuals could have been influenced by alien technology. What they found in the skeletal remains of the French ruler Napoleon Bonaparte was nothing less then astonishing.
A micro chip. ..........That's right ....a micro chip.
If there is any truth to this story it would certainly open up a few minds to the possibility that we are not and were not alone in those days. It certainly makes one think about the rest of the story. You know what we mean?.......does anyone currently in power have one of these chips inside them? Wow,....the ramifications.
The other end of a story such as this might imply that the chip could have come from the future. A suggestion like that posed a few decades ago would not have received much attention but now with all those black opps projects who's to say that we are not already there.
Check the rest of this story out and leave your comments.

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Now that doesn't surprise me one little iota. No wonder the little guy was so determined.

I wouldn't be surprised if our current "leaders" are chipped as well. They've gotta keep tabs on their puppets, now don't they.
Only the leader that step out of line, the other are controlled by sex, drugs, money and scandals. If that fails fear by way of threats and visits by none existent people....and that's only if they still need you.

In Napoleon's time, the microchip would have to put in there by someone with advance technology and I very much doubt we had it at the time.
Yes, I believe this may be why he was so seemingly nuts. It makes sense when you think about it. But, what if he was a 'test subject'? Maybe something went wrong with the implant?

It's not so far fetched when you take a look at all the information out there. The bigger picture.
The nutty and crazy comments seem fitting. Maybe his being under control WAS a test chip, and it was malfunctioning or something and he just ended up going crazy with the sheer determination of conquering and he didn't know when to stop because his programming got stuck on that line. It 'zapped' him into crazy. lol. the guy was a total wackjob! lol!

Either way, I believe it. Because even if it's a hoax, it makes for a nice cover story for the real controllers of Napoleon, doesn't it?
Alien implant found in napoleons skull!

Powerful proof that ETs influenced Earth's history, using wars:

This area of subject matter rests on the border of UFOs, Aliens and the origins of man. The idea that aliens may have been genetically playing here on Earth has endless ramifications for many firmly grounded type people. References to this type of subject matter range from ancient texts or scribes of stone from various cultures, to passing the information forward from generation to generation or from those who claim to have been given a vision or two.
and here:
Re: Alien implant found in napoleons skull!

Just reading the lead about an " alien implant in Napoleons skull" begs the question of course.... How do they know WHAT it is.... if it is Alien? How would you even be able to identify an " alien implant" unless you have a whole slew of examples?

And that brings up another question about all of the research which is supposedly being done with folks who claim to have had " implants" inserted ( possibly into their brain through their nose) and again I ask.... how do you know WHAT that thing is.... even after you have identified the object as being " alien" to the body. A sliver of glass sometimes finds its way into a persons body. That qualifies as being " alien".... so what kind of terminology is being used here.

There are many of us on this particular Forum who have admitted to having Visions of different types... so this is the place to talk about the possibility that those " visions" are actually being " generated" by something or someone else.

This is a great topic. Linda Brown
New UFO Hunter, I merged this new thread of yours with an existing one from a few years ago. You must've forgotten that you posted it. :)

It's always good to bring these things back up and give different takes on them as our views change on things and new information may surface.
White Rabbit ( love your name) you said

"In Napoleon's time, the microchip would have to put in there by someone with advance technology and I very much doubt we had it at the time."

We have it now.... thats the point. And if someone has actually found some sort of microchip in his brain SOMEONE FROM NOW put it there. Stop just a few moments and consider what that actually means for our " History"

And if someone from NOW had been able to interact with Napoleon.... what else have they done? How far back have they been able to go.... what has that meant for the development of humanity.

And why.... is this the age.... that we are beginning to see what has happened?

In my own experience I asked a special person about a triangle that he had drawn in the sand. I recongnized it as being a ship because my Dad had drawn that same figure to me when I was a kid and we used to talk about what made it "move".... I said to "Morgan"....." WHERE IS IT?" and he just smiled at me and then very seriously responded " It hasn't been built yet."

Linda Brown
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