America’s famous pervert Mayors


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Recently, two Jewish sex maniac US politicians, former congressmen, San Diego Mayor Robert Earl “Bob” Filner, 71, and the front-runner in New York mayoral race, Anthony Weiner, 49, made headlines. Both were caught in cheating on their wives again.

Bob Filner, an Islamophobe, is chrged with sexually harassment. On Friday, he defied calls to resign over a hail of sexual harassment allegations but apologized to his seven victims including US Navy Rear-Admiral Veronica “Ronne” Froman, Dean Joyce Gattass (San Diego State University) and Filner’s former communication director Irene McCormack Jackson. Filner announced that instead he was taking two week leave to attend “intensive sexual therapy”.

“My failure to respect women and the intimidating conduct I engage in at times is inexcusable,” he said.

“I saw him place his hands where they did not belong on numerous women,” claimed McCormack.

Bob Filner is also being investigated at City Hall over a trip to Paris he made in June to address annual conference of Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian terrorist organization. Other speakers included retired US Gen. George Casey and former NY Mayor Ruddy Giuliani. Their trip expenses were fully paid by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a group tied to MEK.

Anthony Weiner, who resigned from Congress in a “sexting” scandal in June 2011, has been forced to admit that he was engaged in fresh explicit on-line exchanges with a 22-year-old woman under the pseudonym “Carlos Danger”, has refused to quit the race.

Weiner’s wife, US-born Dr. Huma Abedin, 37, who was Hillary Clinton’s “body woman” and traveling Chief of Staff, said in a recent news conference: “It took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get me to a place where I could forgive Anthony. But I made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage – for me, my son and our family. I love him, I have forgiven him, I believe in him.”

The current Mayor of New York, billionaire Jew Hizzoner Michael Bloomberg is at the end of his third and final term (12 years). He is divorced and lives with his girlfriend Diana Taylor.

Eliot Spitzer, former Jewish governor of New York state, running for Gotham’s comptroller, has repeatedly cheated on his wife with high-priced hookers thinks Anthony Weiner is a bad husband – and has asked him to quit the race. His wife Silda Wall has announced to divorce him after the election.

The other Jewish Mayors are; Rahm Emanuel (Chicago), son of an Israeli terrorist Jew and former White House Chief of Staff – and Eric Garcetti (Los Angeles). Garcetti as City Councilman had officiated over the marriage of two lesbian women. He praised Obama for supporting same sex marriage.

“Today, our president moved us closer to fulfilling the promise of equality and fairness upon which our nation was founded. When you put the politics aside, it’s simple: when two people love each other and want to get married, it’s nobody’s business but their own,” said Garcetti.

Let’s not forget good-old Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn), who was caught tweeting and deleting messages to a bikini model Victoria Brink during the State of the Union address in February 2013. Turns out victoria was daughter a woman Cohen had sexual relationship in the past.

America?s famous pervert Mayors | Rehmat's World