Bangladesh under LGBT storm


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In June 2012, Bangladeshi Nobel Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus along with Nobel Prize winners, Archbishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa), Professor Jody Williams (USA) and Dr Shirin Ebadi (Iran) condemned Ugandan government’s anti-gay law.

Currently, both Uganda and Russia are under western media-knife over LGBT rights. Interestingly, this pro-LGBT crusade is led by powerful Jewish groups.

On Monday, leaders of several religious group having ties with the ruling Awami League Party of prime minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed, called for nation-wide mass protests against Mohammad Yunus’s support for the LGBT communities.

The Zionist-controlled western mainstream media is blaming the so-called “Islamists” for running an anti-Yunus campaign. The charge is stupid and anti-Semite, as both Hasina and Yunus are committed secularists, who despise Islamic Shari’ah.

Yunus was sacked as the managing director of the Grameen Bank by Hasina government on legal grounds. Yunus had challenged his dismissal in both High Court and Supreme Court – but lost his case at both places.

Yunus, like fellow secularist Muslim from Iran, Shirin Ebadi, is darling of the anti-Islam West. Both are being used as a political tools to demean Islam and western colonists’ created Muslim nation-states.

I must admit that Yunus or Ebadi or Hasina, is not my cup of tea. I will let readers judge Yunus based on an Op-Ed written by a Bangali academic Badruddin Umar on April 25, 2011.

“Women in Bangladesh are subjected to various kinds of exploitations and repressions all over the country, particularly in the rural areas. The poor women in the countryside are still the most oppressed among the people and are regularly victimised by the rural exploiters and oppressors including the mullahs who often deliver fatwas against them. Dr. Yunus of Grameen Bank fame was never found to protest, in any form, against such atrocities,” says Umar.

“The imperialists, through their massive image-building propaganda have tried to elevate Yunus to the position of a demigod, a redeemer of the poor and the downtrodden. They have tried to portray his activities as a panacea of poverty and a means of empowerment of women. The main objective in building up the image of Yunus in this manner is twofold. First to use him for opening investment opportunities for exploiting surplus from the poor of the country and secondly, and more importantly to use him for political purposes. This became quite obvious when he was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 2006, on the eve of military takeover of the Bangladesh government in which the US and the Europeans had a hand. Subsequently, Yunus attempted to usurp political power taking advantage of the then existing situation by trying to organise his own political party. His attempt failed miserably because of his complete personal inability to understand the political process and to take appropriate stops for building a party. Consequently, he soon proved himself to be a political flop. But the imperialists have not given up the hope of using him as their pawn in the political game which they may need to play in times of crisis. It is for this reason that the Norwegian government, after accusing him of financial dishonesty quickly retracted their position in order to save his image by exonerating him from charges which they themselves made against him,” adds Umar.

“The consternation in the imperialist circles after the removal of Yunus from the position of Managing Director of the Bank and the lining up of the NGOs and the gentlemen of the Bangladesh civil society behind him has completely exposed the true character of Yunus. It has also exposed the faces of persons and institutions in this country who act in the interest of imperialism as their flunkeys. It has clearly demonstrated that Yunus, the much advertised ‘banker to the poor’ does not really represent the interest of the poor and the downtrodden in this country, but that of their national and international exploiters and oppressors. Whether may be the conspiracy of the imperialists, it will be difficult for them to use Dr. Yunus, with his “shining” anti-people and anti-poor image, as their political instrument on any future occasion of political crisis,” says Umar.

Bangladesh under LGBT storm | Rehmat's World