Benjamin Fulford, July 22 2013

100th Monkey

New member
Long hot summer a prelude to more action in the fall

To understand what is going on now, look back at the fall of the Soviet Union. While in retrospect it seems like it happened overnight, at the time it seemed to take forever. First there were strikes at a Polish shipyard and other troubles that went on for months before suddenly the Polish Communist government fell. Then there was similar strife in Germany for what seemed like forever until, overnight, the Berlin wall fell. So it went in spurts and stops until the Soviet Union itself collapsed. The situation in the West is now similar; governments have fallen in Italy, Spain, Greece, Australia, Japan and elsewhere but the big Kahuna, the corporate government of the United States, is still standing. However, under the surface tension is building and something fundamental is about to give way, possibly in the autumn.

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