soviet union

  1. R

    New Jewish settlements in Russian ‘Jewish state’

    IIan Goren has reported (Ha’aretz, August 24, 2013) that Putin government in a recent brief (No. 1361) has “agreed to implement a plan of voluntary settlement in the Jewish Autonomous Region, in Birobidzhan. The initiative is designed to help the local mineral industry”. On March 28, 1928, the...
  2. Truth Vibrations

    Mysterious Pentagram on Google Maps Explained

    Yeah sure it is...
  3. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford July 22 2013 - Long Hot Summer A Prelude To More Action In The Fall

    To understand what is going on now, look back at the fall of the Soviet Union. While in retrospect it seems like it happened overnight, at the time it seemed to take forever. First there were strikes at a Polish shipyard and other troubles that went on for months before suddenly the Polish...
  4. 100th Monkey

    Benjamin Fulford, July 22 2013

    Long hot summer a prelude to more action in the fall To understand what is going on now, look back at the fall of the Soviet Union. While in retrospect it seems like it happened overnight, at the time it seemed to take forever. First there were strikes at a Polish shipyard and other troubles...
  5. R

    Putin smiles to Jews. Will they smile back?

    Not until Vladimir Putin, the Russian Czar, agrees with Netanyahu to isolate Syria from Iran and Hizbullah. No, this post has nothing to do with Israeli attentions in the Middle East. It’s about Putin’s latest gesture of love toward the Russian and world jewry – while making an indirect...
  6. R

    Lobby: ‘First North Korea – Then Iran’

    There are nine countries (US, UK, France, China, Russia, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea) which are recognized as nuclear powers. Pakistan and North Korea are the only two nuclear powers which refuse to accept Israel as a legitimate state. As result, both of them have been the target of...
  7. R

    Jewish groups apologize for Israeli attack on USS Liberty!

    Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met Barack Obama and members of his national security team on January 23, 2013 offering abject apologies for the Israeli covert attack on USS Liberty. According to Karl Reich, BNN senior producer, the Jewish groups included ADL, AIPAC and...
  8. R

    Dr. King Jr: Jews, Zionism and Israel

    January 21, 2013 is going to be remembered for three historical events. Barack Obama’s taking oath on Rev. Martin Luther King’s copy of the Bible, federal celebration of King’s birthday – and a new Jewish prayer in honor of Dr. King. The prayer was distributed nationwide to synagogues...
  9. R

    Henry Kissinger: ‘No Israel in 10 years’

    On September 17, 2012, Cindy Adams in her column at the New York Post, quoted Henry Kissinger predicting that if the current isolation of the Zionist entity continues – the Zionist entity will be gone within next 10 years. “Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated – and I quote the statement...
  10. R

    Why Netanyahu is affraid to attack Iran alone?

    The answer comes from a committed Zioconservative historian Michael Leeden. Leeden is a founding member of the hawkish Jewish Institution for National Security affairs (JINSA) and former senior staffer at the AIPAC’s think tank, American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Currently, he is associated...
  11. Truth Vibrations

    Tesla Technology and the New Super Weapons

    Imagine the implications of a weapon that could knock out tanks, ships, and planes as fast as the speed of light. The same technology, with modifications, could disorient and even tranquilize military personnel, rendering them virtually helpless in the battle zone. For more than 50 years, the...
  12. Denise

    Bold Plans to Mine Asteroids - US firm 'to mine asteroids'

    What do movie producers possibly have to gain from helping space agencies mine asteroids... possibly a bluebeam cover Heralding a new frontier of space exploitation, Planetary Resources announced plans to send a swarm of robot miners into space to prospect resource-rich chunks of rock not far...
  13. White Rabbit

    Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed

    A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Ministry on the planned re-opening of talks with Japan over the disputed Kuril Islands during the next fortnight states that Russian diplomats were “stunned” after being told by their Japanese counterparts that upwards...
  14. Denise

    Earth Contact with the Ashtar Command

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Earth Contact with the Ashtar Command President Obama will not be the one deciding about another war. Who will decide? The US Congress. When all of the courageous men and women who left Iraq and Afghanistan can be entranced to accept yet another destructive death camp...
  15. R

    Syrian rebels ask Israel for help

    Israeli TV Channel 10 aired Thursday night a request received by Israeli radical Jew prime minister Benji Netanyahu from a senior member of the US-Qatar funded Wahabi rebel group ‘Syrian National Council (SNC)’ – seeking Jewish military help to topple President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in...
  16. R

    World’s northernmost mosque

    Nurd Kamal mosque in Norlisk (Russia) is the farthest North custom-build mosque in the world. It’s a Turkish-style structure with a minaret and central dome. The mosque opened for prayers in 1998. It was build by Mukhtad Bekmeyev, a Tatar Muslim among the 50,000-strong Muslim community in...
  17. R

    Lobby: ‘Turks need to understand ‘Shoah’

    Turkey was first Muslim country to recognize the Zionist entity in 1948. Keeping its tradition, now Turkish TV station TRT has announced to lead Muslim nations in propagating Zionists’ narrative of ‘Six Million Died’ (Shoah). TRT will be showing French director Claude Lanzmann’s ten-hour-long...
  18. R

    Jew singer represents Turkey at 2012 Eurovision Song Contest

    As a slap to the Zionist entity - Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) has selected a promising young Jewish songwriter and singer, Can Bonomo (born 1987), to represent his country at the 57th Eurovision Song Contest 2012. The contest is being held on May 22-26 in Baku, Azerbaijan...
  19. New UFO Hunter

    A Motive For The USA to Shoot Down Russian Phobos Satellite (Mars Mission) hide

    Soviet Probe Take Photo of UFO Before Satellite Is Destroyed, March 25, 1989 In March 25, 1989 – Purportedly the above-top-secret infrared photo taken from the Soviet Phobos II probe, showing an object approaching the Martian moonlet. Estimates say the UFO was approximately 15.5 miles long...
  20. Truth Vibrations

    We Should Scour the Moon for Ancient Traces of Aliens, Say Scientists

    "Hundreds of thousands of pictures of the moon will be examined for telltale signs that aliens once visited our cosmic neighbourhood if plans put forward by scientists go ahead. Passing extraterrestrials might have left messages, scientific instruments, heaps of rubbish or evidence of mining on...