Benjamin Fulford Was Japanese earthquake and other catastrophes made by HAARP?


Truth feeder

the 1783 Paris peace Treaty DID NOT
give America title to the land, it recognized our use of it, it
DID NOT grant individuals any freedom, it only recognized the
States as independent powers, with the inhabitants being subject
to the States in which they lived.
yet.. but looks like they want the whole world
Wipe clean everything we were told since birth, Try to find the truth before its to late.. Our whole life is based on a lie since 1783

we are owned by england the rothschilds and the three sister cities.
DC City of London and the vatican. We are not free Check it out..

Who is doing it? Watch and research

Japan has been threatened to hand over Government of Japan and if they Didnt they would shake the place up... Other Government Forces need to JAM the Billion watt genorators that are Creating this Power for this DEATH WEAPON,.. Stop it at all cost.. Haarp needs to be Destroyed
Fulford says earthquake from cabal weapon - New Madrid next

From his PUBLIC site - reader discretion advised:

Special bulletin: Earthquake attack on Japan originated in New Mexico and Nevada, U.S. New Madrid fault line next target

The horrific earthquake weapon attack on Japan, resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources.

The next target will be the New Madrid fault line in the South-Western United States, according to threats originating from the Nazi George Bush Senior faction of the U.S. government.

The United States is supposed to be an ally of Japan, we demand that you immediately send men with tanks and guns to take these bases and arrest these genocidal rogues. You know who they are and you know where they are, you must act or your own people will be next.
Strange 'Blue Lights seen during the April 7th earthquake that hit Miyagi prefecture!

But based on Ben Fulford this is actually the main reason behind the 'Strange Blue Lights'

Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate now threatening Japan with Reagan era "star wars" space based weapons

"As the United States Corporate government heads for bankruptcy, the oligarchs running it are now threatening to attack Japan with space-based "star wars" weaponry put into orbit during the Reagan era.

The threats came in the form of e-mails entitled "HAARP will not be silent." This came after the HAARP facility in Alaska went offline. The blue lights seen during the April 7th earthquake that hit Miyagi prefecture may be a sign the weapons are already being used. Other warnings indicate April 11 or 411 may be a likely day of attack.

The allies of the White Dragon are hereby requested to destroy or decomission this space-based weaponry before more innocent people are killed by the criminal cabal still running the United States. The threats are escalating because of the increasingly dire financial situation facing the bankrupt-in-all-but-name US corporate government. These massive corporate debts are not owed by the American people and will be written off once the genocidal Nazi faction of the US military industrial complex steps aside and stops carrying out mass murder. The American people must be freed.

Attacking and threatening Japan is counter-productive because the Japanese people and government are not in a position to stop the US corporate bankruptcy no matter how much they wish they could."