Breast feeding in public, do or don't?


New member
Breast feeding in public a do or don't? Personally, I say it is a do. My wife breast fed all three of our children and they are healthier for it. But to tell a mother she can not breast feed in public is to chain her to the home. Yes you could pump and bottle feed. But I do not think you should be forced in to that. What sparked my post today was an article in the Dayton Daily Newspaper about a mother who was asked to stop breastfeeding at Fairfield Commons mall. It talks about how a large group of mothers staged a sit in. I think these women are courageous and did a wonderful thing. I think the security guard should be made to write an apology letter. I like the part of the article where it points out that teens and young people can walk around half naked in itty bitty cloths but a breast feeding mother, who is caring for her child in the best way, the way nature and or God intended, is scolded. Shame on you Fairfield commons. Here is the address to the mall for anyone who is going to write a letter of support to them for the breastfeeding mother: 2727 Fairfield Commons, Beavercreek, OH 45431.
You can't really attack the guard, if he doesn't say something he might get fired for not enforcing the law for public indecency. I personally don't mind as long as they can be discrete about it.
I don't see a problem with it. There are a multitude of ways to be discreet about breastfeeding and as long as women aren't whipping out there tatas in full view it's not a big deal.
I don't see a problem with it, then again I nursed my child. I agree with FreakyFran, though. As long as it's discreet and there isn't so much exposure, then I don't see why anyone should have a problem with it.
You can't really attack the guard, if he doesn't say something he might get fired for not enforcing the law for public indecency. I personally don't mind as long as they can be discrete about it.

This is where you are wrong Mr. X. Breastfeeding in public is not against the law-in fact in almost all states there are laws actively supporting and protecting breastfeeding. Search for 'breast feeding in public state laws' on Google, and read the first link for more information. The law states that breast feeding does NOT come under the laws for public indecency-the mother is protected.

It is important that people understand that breastfeeding is not public anarchy. On the contrary, it is legally permitted any place that the child is legally allowed to be. That means that the guard was doing it off his own back, and yes, he was wrong.
I don't mind people breastfeeding in public, what I do mind is that a lot of breastfeeding mothers are not at all discreet. I can't tell you the number of times I have walked past a breastfeeding mother and she's got her breasts out for the world to see. I'm just saying throw a blanket over you and your baby to have a modicum of privacy.
Breasts are for feeding. If it's easier for a mom to feed her baby while letting them all hang out, fine.

You don't tell formula feeding mothers there are only certain acceptable ways to feed their babies in public, why would you for breastfeeding? If you have a sexual hangup, avert your eyes.
I breast fed My daughter when She was hungry. Only place I had to "hide" to do it was when We visited Washington DC. No One had issues with My feeding My baby.
Personally, I think it's natural and shouldn't matter WHERE you are to breastfeed and it shouldn't bother people.

It only bothers people because the TV has got them trained generation after generation to look at is as pornography instead of a beautiful natural thing.
Sadly, breast feeding in public is illegal in Washington DC. In California it is specifically legal, in that They have a law on the books stating that it is so.
Sadly, breast feeding in public is illegal in Washington DC. In California it is specifically legal, in that They have a law on the books stating that it is so.

THAT in itself is an atrocity in my eyes. It's sad what this world has turned into. We're taking it back, and when we get it, it WILL be a better place!
Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things in the world do, baby should have access to their food whatever they're hungry and no law should prevent them from eating.
Breast Feeding really?? lol Me I dont mind.. I think that if a mom feels the nee to breastfeed her child in public then let her.. Personally as a mother myself I would go in a restrooom or do it privacy.. I wouldnt want people to oogle my boobies lol
Well if we saw breasts, and breast-feeding all the time it wouldn't matter to us to be like seeing somebody's hands. It's just were not used to it I suppose.
Something is out of kilter when a man can sit in public and scarf down a huge mound of fast food with no one batting an eye, but a woman can't use her mammary glands to nourish her baby without causing a ruckus.
