British ‘Friends of India’ invite mass-murderer Modi


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Readers may know British main parties, both the ruling Conservative and opposition Labour Party have ‘Friends of Israel’ lobby among them. Both parties are also lead and controlled by the powerful and rich Jewish minority in Britain. However, not many readers or Brits are aware of the existence of a ‘Friends of India‘ lobby groups in both those parties.

MP Barry Gardiner, chairman of the Labour ‘Friends of India’ has invited Gujrat Chief Minister and leader of anti-Muslim Hindutva BJP, Narendra Modi, to visit UK. MP Sailesh Lakhman Vara, chairman of the Conservatives ‘Friend of India’ has also announced his plan to extend a similar invitation to Modi.

On August 14, 2013, Munaf Zeena, chairperson of the Council of Indian Muslims (UK) condemned the invitation in an open letter to William Hague, the Israel-defender Foreign Secretary, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, Andrew Feldman (Jewish), Chairman Conservative Party and Ed Milliband (Jewish), Chairman Labour Party.

“We, the British Indian Muslims, are writing this open letter to you, sirs and Madam, in utter disgust at the invitation by Labour and Conservative MPs to one of the most controversial and polarising Indian politician, the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, to visit UK.

This move will encourage extremism in India, will set a dangerous precedent in British politics and will go down in history as yet another shameful blunder by British politicians— and by the British Government if a visa is issued to Modi — to please and encourage a fascist as was committed by Prime Minister Chamberlain who tried to appease Hitler in 1939.

Let us ask a blunt question if the attitude of Labour party, Conservative party and of the British Government had been the same if a Muslim MP had acted in such an unashamed fashion and lobbied and supported a figure with the record of allowing and supporting the massacre of minorities in his country? And through this open letter this is an open question to every conscientious British politician to give a serious thought to,” wrote Zeena. Read the open letter in full here.

Zeena’s mention of Neville Chamberlain reminded me former US Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal’s (died 1949) Diary. He recorded in the Diary, “British prime minister Neville Chamberlain told US ambassador in London, Joeph P. Kennedy that British Jewish groups forced London to declare war on Nazi Germany.”

In the aftermath of the Hindu massacre of Muslim minority in Gujrat in 2002, which left over 2000 Muslim men, women and children dead – the United States and European Uninion declared Modi persona non grata. In 2005, Washington rejected Modi’s visa application amid continuing concerns over the subversion of justice in Gujrat state. Maya Kodnani, Modi’s former State Minister, is serving 28-year sentence in jail for her role in the 2002 Muslim massacre.

Late last year, the British high commissioner to India, Sir James David Bevan (with Jewish family roots), made diplomatic overtures towards the Gujrat chief minister. The move came after various Indian polls show that Modi will be nominated as BJP lead Hindutva Opposition Front’s candidate as India’s next prime minister during the 2014 general election.

Let us not forget that though it was the Congress government in New Delhi which established diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity in 1992 – it was during the BJP-led government (1999-2004) when India-Israel co-operation hit the peak. Gen. Ariel Sharon was the first Israeli prime minister to visit Israel. Modi has also visited Israel. Several BJP leaders have attended the American Jewish Congress meetings in Washington DC. In 2003, Brajesh Mishra in his address suggested a “trilateral alliance” between India, Israel and United States to fight Islamic terrorism, while contending that “such an alliance would have the political will and moral (?) authority to take bold decisions in extreme cases of terrorist provacations”.

British ?Friends of India? invite mass-murderer Modi | Rehmat's World