Bush in B.C.: Canada Hosts a War Criminal


"Human rights groups, civil rights campaigners and concerned citizens united in their condemnation of the visit of former US President George W. Bush to Canada this week for a speaking engagement in Surrey, B.C.

Bush's visit rekindled debates among Canadians about their government's willingness to host an unconvicted war criminal who is guilty of authorizing torture in contravention of numerous international treaties and the laws of his own country.

Find out more about the efforts to bring Bush to justice in this week's Global Research TV Backgrounder."

As long as George Bush is protected by the Illuminati he will not be tried for his crimes. He was just doing as he was told, as a good NWO puppet! These people are attacking a branch on the NWOs tree, when they really need to be attacking the root of the tree, and he is NOT the root of the problem!!!
Exactly, frog, they're looking in the wrong spot. They see only the surface, and that's not going to get them very far. What we need to do is pull out a couple of bricks in the rocky foundation and watch them crumble. Just one brick in the middle isn't gonna do anything. Well, maybe it'll wake some people up, but i doubt it.

Hack away at the roots to solve the problem. You're right there. Absolutely. The only problem is, WHO are the roots? We assume we know, but I don't think those we think are at the root of the problem are actually the root. They may be near enough to the root to damage the evil tree, but will it wipe it out?
I don't think the roots are on this planet...they may not even be in out universe!

Granted, but we should at least be looking at the nearest we have to the actual root which IS here on this planet. The problem lies with not knowing who to strike down. However, if we go after whoever is BELIEVED to be the root, again and again as we find that we didn't actually get the root, we will weaken them and eventually they will all fall like dominos. But, Bush Jr himself is an inbred idiot. I mean, hell, "the french don't even have a word for entrepreneur", etc, etc. The puppet can't even spell his own name I betcha. I'm surprised he can dress himself. He's not the right person to be targeting for sure. It won't get anyone anywhere.