Cat intentionally set on fire

Truth Vibrations

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BALTIMORE - The Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter (BARCS) is taking care of a young female cat who is suffering from burns to most of her body.

The cat, named "Mittens," was brought to BARCS, along with her newborn kittens after police responded to a call in the 3300 block of Saint Ambrose Street.

Witnesses told police that a juvenile placed Mittens in a milk crate on the back porch, doused the crate and the cat with lighter fluid and then struck a match and threw it in the crate.

Once on fire, Mittens broke free from the mild crate and hysterically ran around the yard, running in circles until the flames were out.

Mittens then returned back into the home and was hiding under a table, still smelling of singed skin, until police arrived.

Executive Director of BARCS, Jennifer Brause said that "Mittens is a wonderful cat, who despite her injuries is still caring for her kittens and is very affectionate to the staff."

Mittens has suffered from very severe third and fourth degree burns.

She will survive, however, she will need long term treatment.

BARCS says it will be months before Mittens is totally healed and her fur may never grow back.