David Wilcock: "Green Light -- Wouldn't It Be Nice?"

What's he claiming that going to happen now, every time I read any of his articles, he claims all kinds of things are going to happen but they never do.
Although I like David Wilcock's information, I can't help but get a cult leader like feeling from him and his followers. Not to mention the information that is providing I'm finding it being provided before him by somebody else. I'm still wondering what this guys agenda is?
Although I like David Wilcock's information, I can't help but get a cult leader like feeling from him and his followers. Not to mention the information that is providing I'm finding it being provided before him by somebody else. I'm still wondering what this guys agenda is?

Yes, I get that same feeling. Absolutely cult-like. I like the info, but not when I get it from a source that is claiming it to be their own. He reminds me of Sylvia Brown. I swear she gets her information from the Discovery Channel. I'd see programs on there talking about this and that, and then i'd catch her, saying the exact same things as if it was information that only she was given from higher powers using her psychic abilities.

I can't stand either one of these 2, David Wilcock and Sylvia Browne. Although, the information itself is fine, it's how they present it that i have a major problem with. And SHE actually DOES have her own cult, oops, "church". How sick is that?

What's he claiming that going to happen now, every time I read any of his articles, he claims all kinds of things are going to happen but they never do.

I don't read his stuff either. I just can't anymore.

Besides, Drake, has been pointed out to be a fraud, hasn't he? A disinfo agent?