Dear Linda,i am the last prophet 527.The green eyed russian

This was a message from that long ago forum....

"Do you remember the Reverend who wrote the book " Flying Saucers and the Bible"? He gave Linda an interrpretation of her special dream about the whale and the period of extended silence and the pieces bobbing to the surface. She had contacted him, remember? asking what it all meant and this is LONG before you wrote to her with your plan for this book. She had told him ( and I think you?) about this dream and how this enormous whale had taken all manner of ships down with it when it sounded and then later she saw bits and pieces bobbing to the surface. She told the Reverend that she had then clearly gotten the message "Now Build your boat."

And she has been doing that ever since. Just reminding you gently of that situation so you will understand where I am coming from. Not all of the pieces that bob on the surface of this sea around you now are even meant for your book, but will help in the construction of Lindas "boat". Its all part of the same thing . And all exceptionally important. A fine ship indeed someday.

But perhaps you have forgotten the story of that dream? Somehow I doubt that the Reverend has. twigsnappertwigsnapper
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And NO Mr. Twigsnapper... thanks to Lady of Light.... I have not forgotten what you said here and what happened with the Reverend.

And a couple of messages down.... this was my response to the posters on the Forum

" Linda Brown on Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:55 pm Skyfish and FM .... so you guys have different thresholds for " jumping to conclusions." So what?

I hate the english language sometimes. Notice how negative the phrase " jumping to conclusions" is.

As opposed to maybe " getting the concept based on some compelling evidence."

" Getting the concept" seems to entail an understanding that there is something under discussion here and is simply being fronted for all to consider. Some will get it, some will not.

When you FM said ... " I find no basis for the assumptions you make." Thats a VERY VALID observation. It casts as much light on the situation from your side as it does from the other. There should be nothing negative about that statment. We should all be able to say .... " I don't get it ... you haven't made your case to me." WONDERFUL AND VALUABLE STAND. LIKE BEING A DRAGGING ANCHOR FOR A FINE SHIP THAT PERHAPS IS HEADING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. SO IMPORTANT!!!!!

And so Skyfish ... trust me ... when you get to that point you need to marshal your forces, look over the material which you have " gotten" and try to figure why it is easy for you to consume and absorb yet is impossible for others to see. Make sure that your own " filter" isn't too tweaked toward the " easy". After that, just accept that some are going to understand your " jump" and some are not. Its just as simple as that.

And sometimes you just have to sigh and accept the fact that you might be alone with your conclusion for a very long time!

And speaking of things long ago ..Mr. Twigsnapper. Thankyou for mentioning Reverend Barry ( Dowling sp? Downing? have to look his last name up.) Talk about taking years to reach different conclusions . When I first had that dream of that ENORMOUS whale taking under destroyers and rowboats and sailboats .... I first thought maybe that was a symbol in my mind for this whole " classification" deal ... and so his blessing at the end of the letter he sent to me puzzled me for a long time. In a sort of Star Wars salute he wrote quite plainly " MAY THE WHALE BE WITH YOU". Now of course I realize what he meant much more than I did then.

And the other odd thing that I noticed was that he was writing that book in Philadelphia during 1966. And I wonder .... is that why Dad had that discussion with Tula about " Flying Saucers and the Bible" that summer? Was he thinking about that line of " consideration?" Was he already aware of Reverend Barrys work at the time? I had never heard of it until ... about ... 1990 or so . When I had that VERY odd dream. Those of you who have "odd" dreams will know that they are to be paid attention to when you see it in color AND you can smell and taste things. I could smell the ocean, taste the salt. Anyway. I found the Reverends phone number and was bold enough to call him .... telling him about the dream. Maybe he will remember his response to me ..... "I have been waiting for your call"
How VERY odd is that? LindaLinda Brown

Reverend.... I think that I am meant to call you again. Thank you so much for the encouragement that you gave me then. I have never forgotten it. I wish you the best this holiday season. Perhaps someday we can sit down face to face? Linda
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" Getting the concept" seems to entail an understanding that there is something under discussion here and is simply being fronted for all to consider. Some will get it, some will not."

Gee.... sometimes I really wonder where I get the wisdom to write stuff like the above! Honestly. Linda
Recently Rose ( from the Cosmic Token) mentioned that she had been looking through some of the HUTs older files ( or was it the earlier archives that Paul Schatzkin has left for us? I will look again and post it here.) Anyway....she had pointed out that she believed that she was the one who started putting <g> down instead of a "smiley" face.... and upon perusing it again realized that the "<g> had shown up being used by others and much EARLIER than she had remembered.... which was a puzzlement and led her to wonder if in fact someone was in the archives " messing about" and changing things... but leaving that <g> as sort of a crumb on the trail so that someone would eventually know.

I will find Roses comment ( wherever it was posted... forgive me folks... right now my mind is a blank on that one... I know that I saw it. It was prompted strangely I think by the Exterminator making a comment about <g>s elsewhere.

Now Gemini... if this " Friend" be you.....can you help us more here or is this the only information that came to you and is this the only way that you know of to transport it. It may be that this is the ONLY piece of information that you have and it is up to us now to ask the more appropriate questions.

I do think that you are right in the coding of the name and the message of the code Lady of Light. I also believe that Gemini may not have much more than this and he is telling us what he " got" in exactly the way that it was given to him.... which tempts me to ask... who then is Pat M??????

Things don't always translate well into English.... but some of us can sense the message being flashed.

So Pat M????? Linda

I began using the <g> in the ttbrown forum. I first noticed Paul Schatzkin doing it and began to use it myself and I prefer it to those non-sensical "smiley faces". The origins preceed the smiley faces as does "lol", "ROFL", "LMAO" and others.

And that transpired long before Rose came on.

As to Pat M, isn't it obvious?

If Colorado wants to step up and join the conversation that is up for that person to decide. Do not assume that it would be beneficial to you Mikado. Linda
Something else. You don't realize how all the little "isms" that twigsnapper used, you do as well. Suppose you will say that is where you got them all.


Saying same things.....stories.
My new ISM.
I have a mental image of Geoff and son sat up all night looking for spelings /phrases/punctuations etc etc etc etc.
But then again.....
Paranoia will always annoya.

Mikado=sergeant due diligence the tird( whoops..dropped an H)
obbit....done it again
If Colorado wants to step up and join the conversation that is up for that person to decide. Do not assume that it would be beneficial to you Mikado. Linda

I could care less if they do or not, it is an open forum. As to being beneficial, you are the one who mentioned it.

But let us look at what was posted, you said:

Linda said:
No, do tell us what you think is so obvious Mikado. I am all ears. <g> Linda

So I respond with:

Mikado said:

And then you come back with the above. Even when I answer your questions, you feel the need to turn it around as if I instigated something.

So, who does it appear is attempting to argue? But on second thought and since you brought it up, perhaps it could be beneficial...yes, perhaps it could be.

Yes.... they really worked hard at trying to point out all of the little things that were supposed to prove that I had written all of those similar messages. Now Mikado is admitting that it was HE who first used the <g> sign. GEE.... <g> .... thats interesting because in Roses search of the Forum she said that she was sure that extra <g>s were showing up there.... almost as if someone had hacked the system and was leaving them as markers. Now Mikado says that it was HIM all along. Exactly just what does THAT mean?

Even Exterminator noticed it from Zorgons crew... of course I am not sure that she has the ability to put too much together... even if its right in front of her face. She still is waiting for me to prove that I am Townsend Browns daughter... and the research that she did didn't help her. There has to be a problem there somewhere. Linda
Mikado.... you know what Colorado means to you. Its the only entity that has known from Day ONE exactly who you were and what you represented . That entity can speak for itself. But don't assume its your ally... it knows you too well I think. Linda
Saying same things.....stories.
My new ISM.
I have a mental image of Geoff and son sat up all night looking for spelings /phrases/punctuations etc etc etc etc.
But then again.....
Paranoia will always annoya.

Mikado=sergeant due diligence the tird( whoops..dropped an H)
obbit....done it again

I looked it up myself.

What does plonker mean? plonker Definition. Meaning of plonker.

I suppose your mental imagery is a bit off and your image is nothing more than a Bob.

Yes.... they really worked hard at trying to point out all of the little things that were supposed to prove that I had written all of those similar messages. Now Mikado is admitting that it was HE who first used the <g> sign. GEE.... <g> .... thats interesting because in Roses search of the Forum she said that she was sure that extra <g>s were showing up there.... almost as if someone had hacked the system and was leaving them as markers. Now Mikado says that it was HIM all along. Exactly just what does THAT mean?

Even Exterminator noticed it from Zorgons crew... of course I am not sure that she has the ability to put too much together... even if its right in front of her face. She still is waiting for me to prove that I am Townsend Browns daughter... and the research that she did didn't help her. There has to be a problem there somewhere. Linda

I never said that it was me.

Cripes how you twist the truth.

I said that I used it on the ttbrown forum and that I got it from Paul. Nothing more nothing less.

I was explaining my use of it and that it would be in various posts made by me. Ergo... no one added them.

Boy, do you embellish.

Talk, talk, talk.

Big hat. No cows.

The " secretary" in Texas is fine thankyou for asking about her Mikado.

At least she has cows. Linda
Mikado.... you know what Colorado means to you. Its the only entity that has known from Day ONE exactly who you were and what you represented . That entity can speak for itself. But don't assume its your ally... it knows you too well I think. Linda

Colorado means nothing more to me than anyone else. She is who she is. ( of course, you will take this as a slam of a comment so please do, I expect nothing less from you )

And don't be too sure what it is she thinks that I represent. Remember the old story of the elephant and three blind men. As to an ally, again, there are no allies, only sycophants of which I have none and want none.

The only allies I respect are those that search for truth.
