Dear Linda,i am the last prophet 527.The green eyed russian


So you have always wanted to bring something back? Do you think that possible?

Captain Dave on another Forum thread suggested that regarding my " Rain on the window" papers and the experience of finding them and reading Dads note ( written in 1944) where he wrote.... " Daughter, these words are as true as the rain on the window above your head.) Now Daves suggestion is that perhaps if I put myself in that situation again.... that perhaps if I concentrate and somehow am allowed to do it.... I could " go back " to the moment that Dad wrote those words. Do you think that might be possible?

I have never experienced what you have....the reason that I asked you about the " Green Eyed Russian Dude..." is that I have experienced him on THIS side... in this dimension.... but I know that he is capable of going elsewhere. If he can do it.... could I? I have never tried. All the information that comes to me.... comes to me without my asking it.... sort of like I have a bunch of scouts that somehow go out, round up stuff and then dump that information at my feet. I have never actively tried to " set something up"
The green eyed dude cautions me to be careful here. But I wanted your impression.... Dave would not have mentioned it I think if somewhere and somehow he felt that it was a possibility.

And if you could bring something solid back... what would it be?

For myself... I choose a token! It says right on it.... Good for one fare! <g>

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions. Linda
Mikado said " You have just proven how daft you are."

Is that really all you have to say to me? You are such a sweet man. Kisses on your nose too!

You had better hang on Mikado. You ain't seen NOTHING yet.

Are you brave enough to try to keep up?

When you " read" something or someone the

1. peruse, scan, note, study.

When Rose said that you had asked Ernestine to get a " read" on me.... I believe thats what she was meaning....

now however you want to interpret that is your own business but I would be slow charging us with all of the things that are in your mind Mikado. You can make yourself look bad doing that. And heavens.... we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

And could you at least try to be cordial. Calling people " Daft" is decidedly unfriendly. Linda
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So you have always wanted to bring something back? Do you think that possible?

Captain Dave on another Forum thread suggested that regarding my " Rain on the window" papers and the experience of finding them and reading Dads note ( written in 1944) where he wrote.... " Daughter, these words are as true as the rain on the window above your head.) Now Daves suggestion is that perhaps if I put myself in that situation again.... that perhaps if I concentrate and somehow am allowed to do it.... I could " go back " to the moment that Dad wrote those words. Do you think that might be possible?<g>

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions. Linda

Linda, I KNOW it is possible. My sister HAS done such. She went back into our Mother's past in a few locations during different times. I don't know how she does it, but I recall her saying that she will get a cold tingling sensation at the top of her head and then she is able to go anywhere/anytime she just needs to focus where/when she wants to be and it happens. So YES, yes you can. :) I wish I could get her on here to talk about this stuff with us. I'll try again and see if she'll join in on the conversation.
Oh Yes PLEASE ask her for me. I really need help on this.

My thought patterns are suddenly divided between the Cosmic Token website and here so some things I may refer to have been discussed there.... and vice versa... I have my own special " Parallel Universe going on here folks but I think that this is the way it was meant to be.

I just wrote this on the " Token"
In response to something " Fruitbat had said. His message is there too...

• View topic - Messages from Linda

by fruitbat » Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:56 am

Whilst you are talking about vacuum, may I ask if anyone has the answer to this question that popped into my mind the other day and will not leave?

I am sure we have all played at some point with a hypodermic syringe (without needle) where one puts ones finger over the end and tries to draw out the plunger. It is of course difficult until one removes the finger and allows the air to rush in.

My silly question is: How would that work in outer space, or any other hard vacuum? Would it actually be any harder to withdraw the plunger whether one covered the aperture or not?

Fruitbat!Profundity sometimes wears a mustache..

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by Linda Brown » Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:13 pm

THAT is a great question. What happens when you go outside an environment that has ruled situations and into a place that is new and may not even regard the same " rules of conduct".

We have some scientists out there. Surely that can be answered without actually BEING there to do it..... or would our assumptions be wrong? Computer programs should be answer that question.... but they only know what they have been programed. What if this goes beyond their knowledge base?

Recently a conversation came up regarding " astralling". Gemini on the Unhypnotize Forum had said that he had always wanted to touch something that he experienced while on one of his " adventures.." and even " bring something back". I recently questioned him about that. WHY Couldn't a person " bring something back? Where is the rule about this not being possible.

And then Captain Dave flew over with the suggestion that perhaps I could somehow put myself BACK to 1944 .... to that exact moment Dad was writing that note to me.... and I have thought that the " Rain on the Windows" statement that he made MIGHT have been because he was in a Quonset Hut THEN at the time in 1944.... and perhaps it was raining above his head THEN....

I had never considered turning my attention into a more active situation. I always thought that my prime objective was to hone the kind of " antennae" that I obviously ( to me) am. But maybe there is more now expected of me?

Why would " The Green Eyed Russian Dude.".. (as Gemini called him).... be back in my life?

Why is he so intent now on teaching me things that ( trust me) I would never learn on my own.

Why is Gemini back? And Captain Dave? and of course Lady of Light whose last message to me is an affirmation that indeed THINGS CAN BE BROUGHT BACK.

So where does this path lead us folks? Strange that Mikado would be on the wrong side of me during this adventure because he always messaged back... when I would hesitate.... " Just load the wagon... don't worry about the mule being blind" or something like that.

I am sure if I post this on Lady of Lights Forum ( which I am going to do) that he will correct my statement there.....<g> Thats sort of what he has been doing all along... trying to diminish my progress here... but its gone way past that possibility now. Blind or not Mikado.... the wagon is getting loaded. Maybe its just a push cart..... maybe I have been the blind " magic mule" all along???? Thats just a personal and emotional response to all of this you understand.

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Here is a message from the old Forum....
Welcome to the Parallel Universe • View topic - Secrets unveiled

by Mikado14 on Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:16 am

Mark Culpepper wrote:
Look at the sort of things that Mr. Twigsnapper says regarding the papers account. Basically, "don't believe everything you read"

So! Help me out here!

Mikado, what do you think?

Several things but I believe the answer has already been told. No, in reality I have only one idea that plagues my mind, and I do mean plague. Let me just say, that if I read our Mr. Twigsnapper correctly or only half way correct, you will only be seeing oblique questions and answers for I will not go out there alone.

There are other avenues of public records to be viewed. I hope to be checking on some after the holidays. In other words, as my old Dutch Grandfather used to say, "Quit worrying about the mule going blind, load the wagon."



So thats where the original quote came from. Don't worry about the mule going blind.... Just load the wagon.

He repeated that over and over and over through the years.
Now... this is almost scarey... a message from Mikado on the ttbrown Forum YEARS ago

Welcome to the Parallel Universe • View topic - Lines of Communication - Mikado

"by Mikado14 on Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:01 am not expect me to return. I choose my destiny, except for that damn hand in back of me.

About 20 years ago, there was an auction in a town near where I grew up. This was for a hardware store that was going out of business after 100+ years of business. The items where overwhelming with many of them unidentifiable. A friend purchased one of these items and showed it to me and asked if I knew what it was. I took a good look and then chuckled, I told them it was a buggy whip holder, they were surprised I knew. A totally useless item, generally speaking, for these more modern times.

I will take a lesson from Mr. Barrett.

FM.....hold the tiller tight.

Radomir.....Don't use the Dewey decimal system. you, I miss him too but he is there and waiting. Load the wagon and don't worry about the mule going blind.

and lastly, not make the mistake of underestimating as you have, you don't know me. To know Mikado would be as if you looked upon one facet of a diamond and proclaim to know the entire diamond with all it's facet's. Oh, and the weight is greater than I mentioned, the efficiency is greater and the displacement is greater as well.

Violin's are so much better when played, but they must be in tune, who is doing the tuning?

To whom it may concern: When did Logan stop running in Logan's Run?



Strange that he would ask that question about Logan THEN.
FM... hold the tiller tight.... was a reference to his partner Fred.
Taking a lesson from Mr. Barrett? The same person he says now does not exist? you, I miss him too but he is there and waiting. Load the wagon and don't worry about the mule going blind. Miss him he says? This is the same person he says now doesn't exist?

So when did Logan stop running? I have never seen Logans run.... I guess I will have to watch it.
When you " read" something or someone the

1. peruse, scan, note, study.

When Rose said that you had asked Ernestine to get a " read" on me.... I believe thats what she was meaning....

now however you want to interpret that is your own business but I would be slow charging us with all of the things that are in your mind Mikado. You can make yourself look bad doing that. And heavens.... we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

And could you at least try to be cordial. Calling people " Daft" is decidedly unfriendly. Linda

I had always thought that Rose knew what the term "read" meant when discussing psychic abilities, apparently I was wrong and I overestimated her knowledge base. For someone who I believed was well versed in those topics I am a bit startled to hear but then, she could come over here and correct the situation by either admitting that is what she meant or not. Do I believe she will do that? The jury is out. However, it doesn't change the meaning, especially since that is what the topic of discussion was, Ernestine who is psychic.

As I said, you are dancing, you are doing...

...picture this dear reader's...a little girl who has been proven wrong...many times....twisting her little patent leathered foot and spewing forth excuses and demanding to be correct.

You know damn right well what was meant by "read".

To those reading this tripe...notice how Linda decidedly ignored the "Black Magic" stuff. The record didn't lie...only her own attempt, feeble I might add, to alter the record.

Keep dancing...better than admitting the truth.

How quickly you respond Mikado. Did a little red light flash on your panel? Linda

Actually, you are the one who responds so quickly. You know this is when I check the forum so you wait to pounce but the cat is merely toothless and has been declawed but she has a very loud cry that is annoying.

FM... hold the tiller tight.... was a reference to his partner Fred.
Taking a lesson from Mr. Barrett? The same person he says now does not exist? you, I miss him too but he is there and waiting. Load the wagon and don't worry about the mule going blind. Miss him he says? This is the same person he says now doesn't exist?

So when did Logan stop running? I have never seen Logans run.... I guess I will have to watch it.

Yes Linda, look at the date. It was before the truth was known. When everyone believed that Morgan/Logan/Barrett/etc existed as described.

Since then, the truth is known. The person used as the template for Morgan exists but he has never done the things you claim. people...will accept the truth when presented with it and will alter their belief structure. Such is the case with Morgan and twigsnapper.

...and now you have heard the truth...again...for the umpteenth time.

There are those that still believe in these stories of Morgan et al and twigsnapper...and then there are those that have confronted the man and have seen the truth. Those onomatopoeias you do when introducing him and denies being that character are not convincing to those that were there.

I suppose that "Jack Reacher" is another one of those movies based upon Morgan just like you claimed to Pladuim in regard to the film "From Paris with Love".

Get real.

Ah yes.... the world according to Mikado. Its a nasty, sad world.


The truth can wreck belief structures and to bury one's head in the sand is your principle.

My world is a loving world. It is bright and there is hope for without hope there are no dreams. Everything you see around you started as a dream in a person's mind even if in the creators' mind.

Enjoy your world for it is malleable upon your whim.

"My world is a loving world. It is bright and there is hope for without hope there are no dreams. Everything you see around you started as a dream in a person's mind even if in the creators' mind.

Mikado.... do your words then reflect "Your world?" Show me where they do!

YES... everything I see around me is mallable. But its not powered by WHIM but INTENT.

What is your INTENT Mikado.... to have the same world that you have mentioned above?

Then let your words reflect that.

Lets get back to the subject at hand here.... Do you have anything to add regarding Astralling?... Geminis statements or the Green Eyed Russian? Linda
I like sand Mikado. I still have jars and jars that Dad and I collected from all over the world. But Bury my head in it? Show me exactly how I have done that? Linda
"There are those that still believe in these stories of Morgan et al and twigsnapper...and then there are those that have confronted the man and have seen the truth. Those onomatopoeias you do when introducing him and denies being that character are not convincing to those that were there.

Who did you " confront" Mikado? You say you have SEEN the truth. WHAT have you actually seen? Thats not an idle question Mikado. Consider it carefully. Linda