Does Hypnosis Really Work?

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Let's face it, most of us have seen the ads in the back of comic books "Learn How To Hypnotize!" Most of us have seen movies in which hypnosis is portrayed as a way to get others to do our bidding. It's far-fetched ideas like this that have slowed the acceptance of hypnosis by the general public.

Few people are aware of the overwhelming scientific evidence for hypnosis as a way of reducing or eliminating pain, accelerating healing, achieving goals or breaking habits.

The simple fact of the matter is that hypnotizing people is a lot easier than most people think. In fact, you are most likely in a hypnotic state several times each day! Any time you're daydreaming or engrossed in a book or movie, any time your thoughts wander, you may be in a state very similar to hypnosis. It's a natural state which can feel somewhat like falling asleep or relaxing and drifting off on some train of thought..
Things To Know First

Before I show you one way of hypnotizing let me warn you about a couple of things.


Don't ask a person to do anything in hypnosis that might be harmful. A good rule of thumb is not to ask them to do anything in a trance that you wouldn't ask otherwise. People do not have super-human qualities in hypnosis.

Some people will tell you they didn't "feel" hypnotized. Since hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, it feels normal to most people. Oftentimes people expect a profoundly odd feeling to occur in trance.

About the only thing that can keep a person from attaining hypnosis is fear. If someone is afraid of you or of hypnosis it will not be easy.

Here are some signs of hypnosis.


Fluttering of the eyelids

Increased redness or wetness of the eyes (upon opening them)

General relaxation and loosening of the muscles

"Flattening" of the facial muscles (they look very relaxed)

Waxy skin tonus (the person will begin to look more like a mannequin - this is very subtle)

Feelings of warmth or coolness or tingling sensations

It may take a slight effort for them to swallow

Changes in breathing rate and depth

Fingers, arms or legs twitching slightly

You may expect to find some or all of these with your subject.
Things To Explain First

These are good to explain to your subject before hypnotizing them. It will make it much easier.


Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state, it happens to you many times each day, it will probably feel very natural

Expect to feel relaxed, not necessarily "hypnotized"

You can't get stuck in trance any more than you could get stuck sleeping

In a trance your moral character and value system remain in place (you won't do anything against your morals)

In a trance you will most likely hear everything and be aware of things going on around you in the environment

Many people remember what goes on inside trance

The Progressive Relaxation Induction

One of the simplest ways to hypnotize someone is the "progressive relaxation" technique.


Have the person you're working with sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Talk slowly in a soothing voice (it doesn't have to be monotone).

Say "Take a deep breath and as you let it out, close your eyes and begin to feel yourself relaxing." (If their eyes are already closed, leave the eye closing out)

Have your subject put their awareness on different parts of their body and relax them. You can use language such as "Now become aware of your arms... now relax your arms... let them grow more and more comfortable... let the muscles become loose and limp and even more relaxed". Repeat this type of instruction for all areas of the body.

Sprinkle your language with plenty of positive reinforcements such as - "That's right, good, you're doing just fine."

Repeat if necessary: Depending on the person, you may have to repeat the whole procedure a few times. For most people 10 or 15 minutes is enough.

When you're ready to emerge them just say "I'm going to count to five, when I reach five or before, your eyes will open and you'll feel relaxed and refreshed". Count up to five slowly with your voice getting a little less soothing and a little more "awake" with each number. When you reach four, if their eyes aren't open say "On the next number your eyes will open and you'll feel relaxed and refreshed. Five, eyes open, feeling relaxed and refreshed."

Believe it or not, it can be this simple!
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