Truth feeder
Amazing video also shows city officials hurriedly leaving after South Tower collapse
Steve Watson
Wednesday, Oct 27th, 2010
An intriguing video has appeared on You Tube that appears to show a FDNY film crew being interviewed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks by the the director of the FBI’s New York office, who has suspicions that the World Trade Center towers took a “secondary hit” before collapsing.
The video appears to be part of NIST’s recent FOIA releases and therefore has not been seen before now.
On first viewing it appears to be nothing special, just the horribly familiar scenes of dust and rubble from the aftermath of the attacks. However, it contains a stunning exchange between officials and firefighters.
The action appears to be taking place immediately after the collapse of the South tower and before the collapse of the North tower.
The film crew exits a building and make their way along the dust and debris littered streets.
At around 2 mins 50, a man in a suit approaches the crew and announces himself as “FBI, Barry Mawn.”
Mawn (pictured below with Rudy Giuliani) was at that time the director of the FBI’s New York office.
Mawn then asks the FDNY crew a question in the form of a statement – “That tower got a secondary hit?”
The audio is difficult to hear but one of the firefighters then says he “saw it blow right out the side of the building” to which Mawn asks “that was the plane right?”.
The firefighter then states “I don’t know if it was a plane or an explosion.”
As they continue their description of events the noise of a jet overhead interrupts them as people begin to panic. Someone, presumably another FBI agent shouts “is that ours?” to which Mawn replies “yeah that should be ours”.
At this point a large gathering of suited individuals walks into view and a woman in the group yells “go to city hall.”
Mawn then asks “where is the mayor?”, from which it can be deduced that this group is affiliated with Rudy Giuliani and they are hurriedly leaving the scene.
The woman leading the mayor’s group then curses at reporters telling them to “get the f*** out of here”.
One commenter has speculated that the reporters are with Pat Dawson, the first NBC News correspondent to report from the scene of the attacks at the World Trade Center.
Watch the video:
We have previously covered the fact that Giuliani and his group were warned that the South tower was about to collapse, before it happened. This video of them leaving the scene just after the collapse of the South tower dovetails directly with that information – another huge finding to emerge from the NIST video releases.
The video is a fascinating piece of evidence to be added to the hundreds of other accounts and descriptions of secondary explosions in and around the WTC on 9/11. This clearly indicates that the FBI believed that a secondary attack, aside from the use of air planes was under way.
Indeed, this backs up previous evidence that the FBI’s initial working premise was that trucks packed with explosives aided the collapse of the twin towers. This fact was reported by USA today journalist Jack Kelly:
The details were also covered by MSNBC’s Rick Sanchez, who also reported that officials strongly believed a van packed with explosives parked underneath the towers had contributed to their collapse.
Barry Mawn has other intriguing connections to the events of 9/11. He was a close friend and associate of John O’ Neil, the former deputy director for the FBI who quit his job out of frustration that his investigations into Al Qaeda terrorist plots were being blocked. O’Neil became head of security for the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001. His body was discovered in the rubble after the attacks after he had helped people escape the towers before they collapsed.
Mawn was also the individual who explained to the media how police and the FBI found the passport of one of the alleged hijackers, Satam Al Suqami, in the rubble during a “grid search” of the area close to the World Trade Center.
Mawn was later involved in the investigation of the Anthrax attacks, which he initially believed originated from US military sources. Mawn resigned from the FBI in March 2002 following the break down of this investigation.
The information reveled in this short piece of footage once again goes to show that there is still masses of evidence regarding the 9/11 attack that we are yet to discover. It should encourage 9/11 researchers to continue to dig deeper and demand a new independent investigation.
Related Reading:*
CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse
New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions
Video: 9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor at Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and regular contributor to Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.