Former Head of World Bank's "Confession"

100th Monkey

New member
I thought with was very intestting. The whole speech is here:

There is a shorter clip at the bottom.

"The former president of the world bank, james wolfensohn, makes stunning confessions as he address graduate students at stanford university. He reveals the inside hand of world domination from past, to the present and into the future. The speech was made january 11th, 2010. The next 19 minutes may open your mind to a very deliberate world!

He tells the grad students what's coming, "a tectonic shift" in wealth from the west to the east. But he doesn't tell the students that it is his institution, the world bank, that's directing and channeling these changes.

Wolfensohn's own investment firm is in china, poised to profit from this "imminent shift" in global wealth."

It seems rather odd that this is a confession, I'm sure wherever it is, he's controlled, and he's doing exactly what they plan for him to be doing. Otherwise he wouldn't be walking around anymore.
It seems rather odd that this is a confession, I'm sure wherever it is, he's controlled, and he's doing exactly what they plan for him to be doing. Otherwise he wouldn't be walking around anymore.

You're right. Why would they allow this to happen? Unless of course, they're pulling the strings and are having their little patsy say what they want him to say. Usually when these things happen, the guy who comes forward (or TRIES to come forward) is immediately silenced. So, why not this time? It's gotta make you wonder.
Maybe it's possible that he woke up? It be nice if more people in high places would do this.
Why the confession, isn't this interesting how the mainstream media managed just "managed" mind you to ignore this litle tidbbit of informattion. Can't remember hearing anything about this one that's for sure. Should've at least gotten a mention.
Maybe it's possible that he woke up? It be nice if more people in high places would do this.

Although not impossible, not likely with the way they rid themselves of these problematic people who come forward.

Why the confession, isn't this interesting how the mainstream media managed just "managed" mind you to ignore this litle tidbbit of informattion. Can't remember hearing anything about this one that's for sure. Should've at least gotten a mention.

The mainstream media NEVER covers things like this. That would cave in the whole system. You can't show the brainwashed hypnotized masses real information like this. They can't risk a wake-up of people. The only time they EVER release truths is within fictional formats, so that no one believes it.

I agree that things like this SHOULD be in the limelight, but sadly, the biggest things that are talked about are the new gadgets and the celebrity gossip. Such BS.
Yes, and the local media are no better, to me they lost alot of their credibility when they went overboard with the NBA stuff, wonder what was really happening, that they didn't want us to know about?
Why the confession, isn't this interesting how the mainstream media managed just "managed" mind you to ignore this litle tidbbit of informattion. Can't remember hearing anything about this one that's for sure. Should've at least gotten a mention.

In a just world this would all over every news channel a world wide. I totally agree with you on this one.
Yes, and the local media are no better, to me they lost alot of their credibility when they went overboard with the NBA stuff, wonder what was really happening, that they didn't want us to know about?

No, the local media sucks. They are controlled by the same forces that control the larger media. Everything is scripted and requires approval before it can air, so things like this are prevented from making it to air all the time. I can guarantee the NBA stuff was a distraction from some other REAL event that is going on. What that is however, who knows.
i sincerely believe you, whenever there's something going on they always have an event or sandal or such to cover up the real news, so they drone on ad nauseum.
Yes they always come up with some silly story, usually it's about a celebrity for their distraction or smokescreen to get away from the real story.