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Germany’s most famous living writer, Gunter Wilhelm Grass, who pulled the rug under the Zionist regime in April by calling it threat to world peace instead of a nuclear Iran in a poem. In the poem, Grass called on German Chancellor Angela Markel to stop the sale of German nuclear war-head submarines to Israel as it could be used against Iran.

In his new volume of 87 poems, entitled ‘Eintagsfliegen (A Hero in Our Time)‘, Grass has praised Israeli whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu for blowing lid over Israel’s secret nuclear weapon program in 1986. Grass called Mordechai Vanunu, who is considered a “traitor” by the Zionist regime - a “role model” and “hero of our time”. The poem urges moral Israelis to “recognize him as righteous, who remained loyal to his country all those years”.

“I am very happy to be in the league of Gunter Grass,” Mordechai told AFP.

Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor mocked Grass’s poem as “surely no Schiller” adding that at least Grass had found in Vanunu one Israeli worthy of praise.

Mordechai Vanunu who took refuge in London after selling Israel’s secret to British daily The Sunday Times – was lured by an American female Mossad ‘sexpot’ to Rome where he was kidnapped by Mossad agents and smuggled to Israel where he spent 18 years in jail. British author Peter Hounam in his 1999 book, ‘The Woman from Mossad: The Story of Mordechai Vanunu and the Israeli Nuclear Program’ also tells how the United States, France, Belgium and South Africa contributed to Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program.

Israel began the construction of its Dimona nuclear weapons facility in 1958. In July 2012, Grant Smith reported that Netanyahu was part of nuclear smuggling ring while studying and working in the United States in the 1960s. The other culprit was Zalman Shapiro, the Zionist Jew who helped Israeli agents to steal 741 pounds of highly enriched uranium suitable for weapons production from NUMEC while he was the president of the NUMEC.

In November 2004, Vanunu in an interview with Russian-Israeli writer, Israel Shamir, said Israel poses the real threat to its neighbors and not Iran. “When it comes to having them as a deterrent, the problem is not Iran, Iraq or North Korea, it’s Israeli aggression. Iraq did not have any nuclear weapons, I’m sure that neither does Iran. If Israel was not so aggressive with its nuclear arms, none of the other countries would even need to get them“. Vanunu also rejected the western claim that Israel is the only democracy in the region.

In 1987 Vanunu was granted the ‘Right Livelihood Award’, better known as the ‘Alternative Peace Prize’. The real Nobel Peace Prize, Vanunu reminds bitterly, was given to Shimon Peres, the man responsible for his kidnapping and the driving force behind Israeli nuclear ambitions. Read Vanunu’s interview here.

German Nobelist takes shot at Israel once again | Rehmat's World