New UFO Hunter

Real UFO News Freak
Billions of Chips Ready to Implant.
The inventors testimony before he died

Many watched the press conference at the National Press Club 'Disclosure' event in May 2001 where
Dr. Steven Greer introduced some of the over 550 witnesses to important UFO events and insider
information. Many are government employees and many inside secret projects.

Some asked that their testimony not be released until after their deaths. Mr. Pawelec is one of those.

Sadly he has passed away and his testimony has been authorised to be shown.

I am sorry to end 2010 with such alarming information but as time runs out to secure the truths for our
children's future this is the way it must be.

I want to say briefly that I am aware that like many who have had to focus tightly upon a passion,
others get hurt, sometimes because the spot light is removed from them or they feel slighted or side
stepped. On my own journey I know that regrettably I have unintentionally hurt others in my own
search for answers and so has Steven Greer. He has his detractors but I want once again to place on
the record that I deeply admire what he has achieved and at great danger and personal loss.

I urge us all to look beyond whether we like the messengers or not and to take advantage of the hard
earned information that has been discovered. Brave souls already perished in this search like Steven
Greer's close colleague Shari Adiamak and U.S. Congressman Steven Schiff. Steven Greer and
myself also, each discovered serious cancer's around the same period when we were establishing the
Disclosure project and also making in-roads in the Pentagon and elsewhere. Shari and Steven Schiff
died and Steven Greer and I survived. I have no doubts that the cancers were deliberately inflicted by
those who became gravely concerned for where Disclosure was going - today this is one part of where
it is going.

Brave whistleblowers will crack this secrecy wide apart and is one reason why the US government is
so bent out of shape with Adrian Assange at Wikileaks who incidentally promises he too has UFO
documents soon to be published. None of this is anti-American. The effort to secure truths
surrounding the UFO subject is because true Americans want the country to be the best example of
new technology, the leader in honesty and transparency and the fresh air our kids deserve in the
future, free of the hatred heaped upon us from other parts of the world who have witnessed
something else.

Mr. Pawelec was close enough to very high level insiders at the cutting edge of technologies being
prepared it appeared for mass implanting of humans. This is a scary interview but a very important
one and I personally thank Steven Greer for having the decency and trust to keep this safe until this
moment and for his great courage to go where many fear to tread. He truly deserves our support.
There is more to come......


Billions of Chips Ready to Implant.
The inventors testimony before he died
Posted December 30, 2010

William Pawelec - Computer Specialist and inventor of
the implant chip approved release after his death.
World Puja Network Show - December 24, 2010

Conversations with Dr. Steven Greer - Show air times (US time zones):

11 am Pacific / 2 pm Eastern and 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern

Dr. Steven Greer with Dr. Ted Loder (can be heard in archive)

Release of New Witness Testimony - William Pawelec


web sites:;

Listen to the free broadcast show (for 24 hours only) at::

Listen to the archived shows at: