The moment Large Hadron Collider breaks energy record

Watch the moment from the control room when three times more energy than before circulated around the tunnel.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or Cern, said beams of protons circulated at 3.5 trillion electron volts in both directions around the 27-kilometre (17-mile) tunnel housing the collider: that is three times more energy than it has ever achieved before

watch video link: Video: The moment Large Hadron Collider breaks energy record - Telegraph
nov 2009

The Large Hadron Collider, the ''Big Bang'' machine with which scientists hope to re-create conditions at the dawn of the universe has smashed the world record for accelerating subatomic particles.

Two beams of protons, one of the building blocks of atoms, were spun round the LHC early on Monday at an energy of 1.18 teraelectronvolts (TeV).

The electron volt is a unit of energy used in particle physics. One TeV is equivalent to a million million electron volts.

The previous world record for particle acceleration was 0.98 TeV held by the Tevatron Collider in the US since 2001.

Scientists re-started the LHC 10 days ago after its much publicised initial launch in September 2008 was followed by a disappointing shut-down. A serious fault which damaged a number of superconducting magnets resulted in months of repairs.

The giant machine is housed underground in a circular tunnel spanning 27 kilometres between the French and Swiss borders near Geneva.

It was built to re-create conditions moments after the Big Bang that created the universe around 14 billion years ago.

A key aim is to find evidence of the Higgs boson - a hypothetical particle that could explain why solid objects have mass, one of the biggest unresolved riddles in physics.

:coffee: read full article --Large Hadron Collider sets new record for accelerating subatomic particles - Telegraph
The Large Hadron Collider and Unified Field Theory

Light and matter have long been seen as separate: spirit vs. flesh, earthy vs. divine. However, according to Wilczek, physics has blurred the line between light and matter, showing that reality is far from permanent, but rather ever-changing. The 2004 Nobel Prize winner in physics takes a closer look at the very nature of reality, and how our perceptions of reality have changed over time


Light and matter have long been seen as separate: spirit vs. flesh, earthy vs. divine. However, according to Nobel Prize winner Frank Wilczek, physics has blurred the line between light and matter, showing that reality is far from permanent, but rather ever-changing. In this video, filmed at a meeting of the Commonwealth Club of California, he takes a closer look at the nature of reality, and how our perceptions of reality have changed over time.

Frank Wilczek has received many prizes for his work in physics, including the Nobel Prize of 2004 for work he did as a graduate student at Princeton University, when he was only 21 years old. After getting his Ph.D. from Princeton, he spent time on the faculty there and at the Institute for Advanced Study, as well as at UCSB's Institute for Theoretical Physics, now the KITP. Wilczek is currently the Herman Feshbach professor of physics at MIT.

He is known for the discovery of asymptotic freedom, the development of quantum chromodynamics, the invention of axions, and the exploration of new kinds of quantum statistics (anyons). Much in demand for public lectures to a wide range of audiences, Frank has been anthologized in the Norton Anthology of Light Verse and twice in Best American Science Writing (2003, 2005). His television appearances include "ghostbusting" for Penn and Teller (2005). Longing for the Harmonies, a beautiful exposition of modern physics Frank wrote with his wife Betsy Devine, was named a NY Times Notable Book of the Year and has recently been re-issued in paperback. Frank is also the author of Fantastic Realities, a "playful yet profound" (to quote one reviewer) collection of his short pieces on wide-ranging topics. Early reviews have called Frank's latest book, The Lightness of Being, "a lively, playful, and inventive tour de force" as well as "a colorful and masterful treatment of recent developments in fundamental physics." A central theme of this book is that the ancient contrast between celestial Light and earthy Matter has been transcended. In modern physics, all the stuff out there is unified into a "Being" more like the traditional idea of light than the traditional idea of matter.

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Google Tech Talks
October 17, 2008

:coffee: ABSTRACT

The LHC is the biggest (27 kilometers around) scientific instrument ever built and it is now ramping up to start taking data. It smashes together protons at enormous energy in order to create new forms of matter. Physicists hope to find the Higgs Boson which is the missing link in our current theory. Hopefully unanticipated discoveries will be made. I will explain why physicists need this expensive tool in order to understand nature at the smallest distance scales.

Speaker: Edward Farhi
Edward Farhi was trained as a theoretical particle physicist but has also worked on astrophysics, general relativity, and the foundations of quantum mechanics. His present interest is the theory of quantum computation.

As a graduate student, Farhi invented the jet variable "Thrust," which is used to describe how particles in high energy accelerator collisions come out in collimated streams. He then worked with Leonard Susskind on grand unified theories with electro-weak dynamical symmetry breaking. He and Larry Abbott proposed an (almost viable) model in which quarks, leptons, and massive gauge bosons are composite. With Robert Jaffe, he worked out many of the properties of a possibly stable super dense form of matter called "Strange Matter" and with Charles Alcock and Angela Olinto he studied the properties of "Strange Stars." His interest then shifted to general relativity and he and Alan Guth studied the classical and quantum prospects of making a new inflationary universe in the laboratory today. He, Guth and others also studied obstacles to constructing a time machine.

More recently, Farhi has been studying how to use quantum mechanics to gain algorithmic speedup in solving problems that are difficult for conventional computers. He and Sam Gutmann proposed the idea of designing algorithms based on quantum walks, which has been used to demonstrate the power of quantum computation over classical. They, along with Jeffrey Goldstone and Michael Sipser, introduced the idea of quantum computation by adiabatic evolution, which has generated much interest in the quantum computing community. This group was tied for first in showing that there is a problem that cannot be sped up by a quantum computer. In 2007, Farhi, Goldstone and Gutmann showed that a quantum computer can determine who wins a game faster than a classical computer.

Edward Farhi continues to work on quantum computing but keeps a close eye on particle physics and recent developments in cosmology.

Edward (Eddie) Farhi went to the Bronx High School of Science and Brandeis University before getting his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1978. He was then on the staff at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and at CERN in Geneva Switzerland before coming to MIT, where he joined the faculty in 1982. Farhi has given lectures on his own research at many of the major physics research centers in the world. At MIT, he has taught undergraduate courses in quantum mechanics and special relativity. At the graduate level he has taught quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, particle physics and general relativity. Farhi won three teaching awards at MIT and in 2000, 2001, and 2002 he lectured the big freshman physics course, "8.01." In July 2005, he was appointed the Director of MIT's Center for Theoretical Physics.

Professor Farhi's publications are available online from the SPIRES HEP Literature Database (particle physics) and e-Print archive (quantum computing).

A look at the machine that was built to re-create the Big Bang. Intriguing clip from BBC show Horizon - Six Billion Dollar Experiment.

The God Particle​

September 2007
It's one of the great unanswered questions of science. What gives matter its mass? By generating conditions present moments after the big bang, scientists hope to locate the elusive 'God Particle'. "This is going to take us to the next layer of understanding", enthuses Prof Geoff Taylor. The Hadron Collider at CERN, due to be switched on next year, will shoot beams of energy around a 27 km loop, smashing them into each other at the speed of light. It's all in the hope of detecting the Higgs Boson, or 'God' particle, thought to give matter its mass. CERN scientists will also create mini black holes and search for dark matter. As Taylor states: "We are on the verge of discovering how our universe evolved from the first few fractions of a second."

Produced by SBS/Dateline
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

although this video is almost three years old -- its good to reflect back or
...get caught up with what has gone on


March 30, 2010|By Amina Khan
The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva succeeded early Tuesday in colliding subatomic particles at three times the highest energy levels previously recorded.

Scientists gathered in a room at Caltech and in similar groups around the globe witnessed the achievement at 3:58 PDT.

"There were cheers in all the control rooms," said Caltech physicist Harvey Newman. "As soon as we get the data, we're analyzing it. ... It's been a long time coming."

:coffee: read full article here: Large Hadron Collider smashes protons, record - Los Angeles Times
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Cern scientists celebrate Large Hadron Collider success

Scientists at the world's largest particle accelerator have successfully collided beams of protons at the highest energy levels ever seen.

There was cheering in the control room at Cern, the European nuclear research centre in Switzerland, as one of the biggest and most complicated scientific experiments got fully underway.

Scientists at the world's largest particle accelerator have successfully collided beams of protons at the highest energy levels ever seen.

There was cheering in the control room at Cern, the European nuclear research centre in Switzerland, as one of the biggest and most complicated scientific experiments got fully underway.

:coffee: read full article here: BBC World Service - News - Cern scientists celebrate Large Hadron Collider success