has the term "conspiricy theory" lost it's meaning? why do people use the term so loosely?


New member
i've got some news for some people: an obscure historical fact IS NOT a conspiricy theory... for example- if i were to say something like, "In the 1950s, the CIA launched a mind-control research program called MK-Ultra that included testing the effects of LSD and it's possible uses in the field of mind-control, and alteration of brain-wave function on individuals wo did not know that they were involved in the project." then gave you a credible source- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA. : THAT IS NOT A CONSPIRICY THEORY. A conspiricy theory includes weaving a number of different facts, such as this together, in order to support a theory that suggests that the official version of a particular event is not accurate, and that there was and actual conspiricy involved. why are people so quick to label someone as a "conspiricy theory whack-job", just because that person happens to be aware of an obscure piece of historical information that person calling them a whackjob isn't?granted, the "historical fact" in question may not be true, as is true with ANY fact, but that still does not qualify it as a conspiricy theory.
It is the same Rovian tactic used with the term "Liberal". They want to distract people from the facts by making emotional side issues out of everything. Slander is the Conservative way.
AT LAST SOMEBODY ABOARDS THE ISSUE !! I fully agree ! Cheaters fear being discovered....so when people start getting close to the truth by working things out logically for themselves, they are immediately accused by the cheaters of believing in conspiracy theories. It is their attempt to ridicule the ones who are getting uncomfortably close to the truth.Let's remind ourselves of the legal definition of "conspiracy" -- it is when TWO or MORE people plan something to their own benefit to the exclusion and to the detriment of others.
Granted some theory's have factual basis. The 9/11 conspiracy theory is a crock and can be scientifically proven that its a lie. This one has grown legs because of a left wing agenda. No facts, just an agenda.
Number One: there is no such thing as a 'conspiracy theorist' There are people out there who can't get their shit together enough to realize that they're screwing themselves over on a day-to-day basis so they turn to an establishment that is vague in it's endeavors and motives but well known so that they have an outlet on which to blame their self generated crap...Of course the government has nothing in the way benefiting the American people in application or policy, but it's because any corporation or marketing scam knows that in order to keep it's customers it neeeds to twist, alter or even go so far as to entirely re-write the truth about it's competitors. Or it needs to scare it customers into believing that their way is the only safe and/or logical way, which is coincidentally how the pharmeceutical business stays alive, using basic scare tactics and falsified scenarios to convince impressionable individuals that they're working on creating synthetic cures for disorders that don't exist outside their heads if they didn't buy in to every advertisment they saw that sported a man in a white coat.Now a conspiracy to keep the American people believing that the government is not the corrupt and shady agency it really is, that's feasible. But there is an idiot somewhere who believes that pointing out the obvious agenda of the government that could be spotted by anyone who wasn't entirley stupified and blind sided by the patriotic stand together crap that they're fed by the paid media and magnifying it beyond realistic proportions to include why they had a runny nose this morning is moronic.If you want to be a truth monger seek knowledge and don't wait for it to come to you... and don't synthesize data or alter yer perception so you can effectively avoid your lack of priority.There is more scientific and factual validity in phrenology then there could ever be in this 'Conspiracy Theorism' bullshit.