New UFO Hunter

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Ten years before an alien craft crashed onto rancher Mack Brazel's property near Roswell, New Mexico, a flying saucer lost control and crashed onto the countryside of Nazi Germany. This incredible story—covered-up by both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. for more than 70 years—is allegedly the actual basis for the Nazi's intense research into wingless, disc aircraft; Hitler's and Himmler's near obsession with exotic technology and flying saucers; and the incredible experiments by S.S. physicists that culminated with flying saucers and the 'Bell'—a bizarre multi-dimensional motor that neutralized gravity and ripped a gash into the very fabric of the time-space continuum creating incredible and horrific effects.


Similar saucer alleged to have crashed in USSR, 1950s

The Third Reich's saucer

In 1937, as Nazi Germany was rising from the ashes of the old German Republic and becoming the world's first real superpower, an incredible thing happened: aliens crashed their distressed craft into the German countryside

The German army was there to pick up the pieces. No record exists, however, indicating whether any bodies were also retrieved.

When word of the crashed disc made ir's way back to the German High Command and the report landed on the Führer's desk, he immediately ordered elements of the Luftwaffe and Germany's top aeronautical experts to sift through the remains. Ostensibly, the damaged saucer was moved into a warehouse facility under 24-hour guard near the Rhine. Some parts were also flown to a facility near the Austrian border.

Allegedly, members of the teams that worked on the advanced alien technology were from the Luftwaffe, the Speer Ministry of Arms headed by Albert Speer, and the formal research council, the "Reichsforschungrat," composed of university professors and industrial engineers

Horton brothers of flying wing fame were consulted

The teams were assembled to reverse engineer what was salvaged and among the experts called upon were the Horton brothers—who later designed and tested revolutionary flying wing aircraft and the world's first stealth jet fighter-bomber. Some of their resulting technology may have been gleaned from intense study of the alien craft, although that cannot be proven.[/IMG
]Genius Viktor Schauberger invented the imploder vortex motor.

Later, the expertise of Viktor Schauberger was tapped. He was the inventor of the revolutionary imploder motor that created an imploding vortex.

Nazi experiment with anti-gravity device, the Glocke

That motor may have been the basis for later S.S. experiments in Poland with the notorious Glocke (Bell) device that reportedly created inter-dimensional rifts in space-time.


Renato Vesco's books on the Nazi flying saucer research programs

Italian researcher Renato Vesco, in his classic and well-researched book,

asserts that the Nazis were working on many advanced propulsion systems and rudimentary anti-gravity devices to power their disc-shaped, or lenticular, aircraft.


German schematic of an advanced disc version

Alien craft spurred German's engineering efforts

Although vastly influenced by the capture of an actual disc, research into circular aircraft had been going on as far back as the experiments in Italy before 1920 with crude jets attached to aerodynamic discs. [Hitler's Flying Saucers]

The ET craft served to advance propulsion, electronics and provided clues to workable designs, but the scientists were at a loss regarding the metallurgy as the craft was composed of materials unknown to them and impossible to duplicate in the lab.

Some of Germany's most advanced theoretical engineers and physicists were personally tasked by Hitler to get the technology working and make it available for the war effort. In that regards, geniuses like Ballenzo, Habermohl, Miethe and Schriever were recruited.


Artist's interpretation of first Nazi disc built by Schriever

Documents captured by the Allies after the war ended indicate that Schriever was the first to have some success with the disc technology. His own research, augmented by what had by then been deduced from the retrieved saucer, enabled him to build a working craft powered by specially designed jet engines. The craft, however, was unstable. The first two versions ended in disasterous crashes killing the test pilots s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1330279414&sr=1-12


Tides of war turn, Nazis expand saucer projects

As the years advanced and the Allies began counter-attacking Germany, some Nazi officials began pressuring Schauberger to adapt a verson of his Repulsine imploder to serve as the motive force for a different type of disc craft using the vortex propulsion motor.

schauberger implosion motor.jpg

Viktor Schauberger's incredible implosion motor.

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